
He's not just big, he's...... (Young Justice Fanfic)

I do NOT own any character except my OC. Additional Tags: Non-Harem -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Waking up in an unfamiliar place, watch as our main character proves that anyone can be a hero, whether if your small or.... BIG. Though of course, it wouldn't be without it's ups and downs; after all, everyone has to start somewhere.

Why_Duece · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Waking Up in Purple......

Speach: " "

Thoughts: ' '

Keep in mind people that this is my first story, so please put in the comments what you all think I should work on. Thanks for Reading.


Time: Unknown

Date: Unknown

Place: Space

Waking up gasping for air, I looked around in confusion. 'Where am I?' For as far as my eye can see, all I saw was this..... Purple/Bluish Smoke with sparks of lightning? Which was entirely weird, considering I know I went to sleep-

'Wait a moment.... what?' Widening my eyes, I thought to myself in confusion. 'Why can't I remember anything? It's like all my memories are gone, even my name..... Mom? Dad?' It's feels like when I even think of those words, my mind reels back in confusion. Internally freaking out, I try to think even more, 'Did I even have parents? What if I was an Orphan? Heck, what if I didn't even have a name?'

This causes me to freak even more, 'Is my name Eric? What about Sam? No, no, too basic. Ezekiel then? No, that feels like it's too much..... Bob?' I Shake my head at the fact that I can joke even in a situation like this- In a situation like this? Looking around one more time, I blink twice at the fact that I seemingly forgot that I was in this weird place.

Trying to move, I.... floated? Through the smoke. Which was weird in it's own self, it was like I was floating through cotton candy. Continuing to float through it, I got kinda confused, because I know for a fact I was floating through this thing for like 10 minutes, where's the end-

Like the thing was reading my mind, it separated in front of me which made me twitch my eyebrows. You're telling me that all I had to was think about leaving and it would legit open for me? Seriously? Sighing, I walked out of it and froze like I was in space. (Strangely, the weird cloud disappeared) Because, that's admittedly where I was, I WAS IN FUCKING SPACE. Excuse the language.

Taking a deep breath- wait, how can I breath? Space doesn't have any air in it so.... Thoughts for later at a later time I guess. Looking around at, I noticed that I seem to be by a weird looking planet. No, it calling it a planet would be an insult to it, it was a GIANT planet. Looking closer (which weirdly enough activated some sort of supervision), I saw that there was something raining down on the planet. Like a crystal of some sorts.

Looking even closer shows that it also didn't even have a surface. It was just gas and liquids. Getting closer at the planet to the point where I was in it's atmosphere showed that (apparently), it was a stupid thing to do. 'Ah shit, here we go....' I thought to myself while the big planet seemingly had suddenly started to suck me in once I got into it's atmosphere. Apparently, it's gravity is supper dense. Who would've thunk it?

Trying to pull back, I stalled in air while trying to fight it's gravity. (Flight: Check.) Which the planet then decided to fuck me over and through a fucking tornado at me... WHILE IN THE AIR. So ignoring the fact that I now have a flying tornado being thrown at me because the Gods decided to fuck me over, I continued to fight to get out the planets gravity before the tornado hit me.

Sadly, I wasn't fast and the tornado hit me dead center. Good news, it threw me back out the planet. Bad news is that I now have weird crystals on my body. Internally grumbling, I looked around and noticed that including the planet that I just almost sunk through, there was admittedly 7 other planets. How I missed that with supervision? I'll never know.

Looking closer, I noticed a planet that looked strangely like Earth. Flying towards it, I noticed that I'll never actually get to it at the speed I was moving at and started to move quicker and quicker, until soon, I was moving at light speed.


Time: 6:00 PM Central

Date: October 13th, 2000.

Place: Texas

Admittedly speaking, Hal was tired. He'd spent over an entire MONTH at what was effectively space police boot camp. He'd gotten the ring on August 9th and "officially" became the protector of section 2814 on October 12th, taking a full day to get back to Earth.

Imagine the shock he had when he came back to Earth and there was basically an army waiting to destroy him. Apparently, one of NASA HQ was based in Texas which just so happened to be the place he flew above.

Man, Texas were good. Anyways, after getting over the trouble of avoiding them, after he realized they were tracking him, he soon set out to California. Halfway out of flying out of Texas, Hal's ring notified him in his mind. [WARNING, FOREIGN OBJECT INCOMING. I REPEAT, FOREIGN OBJECT INCOMING]

This made Hal Stop Immediately. What? "Ring where is this foreign object coming from?"


Hearing this, Hal couldn't help but okay Sigh, 'First day back and I already gotta deal with something....' Shaking his head, he took out to space with a sonic boom.