
He's not a murderer

Sean and Ryan have been best friends since kindergarten. They went to school together, and now they're in high school. Sean is starting to think something is wrong with Ryan. A lot of things happen when Sean leaves, things Ryan never wants him to know. But will he ever know? Not under Ryan's watch.

Talisman_Tea · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Stalker Much!

WARNING! - Kidnapping and little profanity also a short chapter T-T

-The day before- Jill- I was coming back from gym when I saw Ryan and Sean hold hands, walking together. 'Was he cheating on me?' 'Why would he do that to me?' 'This is all Sean's fault!' I wiped my tears as I walked back into the school to change. Once I finished changing I took my bookbag and walked out the school. I text my best friend Ashley.

^Hey Ryan, guess who I found cheating on me!^


^Ryan! But, you stay after school right? Just tell everyone that they're sleeping together!^

^Allright! Got it see you!^

I snicker and walk to my apartment. While walking to my apartment I see a man walk up to me. "Hello beautiful, how are you?" He asked me. I could tell he was drunk so I shooed him away. Next thing I know I was grabbed from behind. "Help! Help!" I muffled. I knew then and there that I was going to die. I bit his hand and took off running, but I was struck from behind and blacked out. -Later- I woke up in a room and was blindfolded, I saw shadows standing in front of me. "Hello little lady, you sure do put up a fight." One man said calmly to me. "She bit my fucking finger!" The other aggressively said to the other. Frightened, I launch back in my chair. "Hello? Who are you?" I ask the two men infront of me. They both looked at me and one nodded his head. One took off my blindfold and I stared at them, they weren't wearing masks. 'Am I going to die? They aren't wearing masks I can see them! When I leave i'm going to tell the police!'

"We aren't letting you go for a while so you might as well sit back and relax." One of them said, breaking the silence. Then I started to cry. "Please, Please let me go! I promised not to tell! Just please let me go!" I cried out to them, but was striked in the face by a metal blade. It hurt like hell, I could tell I need to give it a rest before they kill me. "Sooner or later your gonna have to tell us where to find it." One complained to me. ''Find what? Money? Jewels?" I asked, "What do you want from me!"

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