
He's not a murderer

Sean and Ryan have been best friends since kindergarten. They went to school together, and now they're in high school. Sean is starting to think something is wrong with Ryan. A lot of things happen when Sean leaves, things Ryan never wants him to know. But will he ever know? Not under Ryan's watch.

Talisman_Tea · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

School Sucks!

-At lunch bucuz i lazy-

Ryan- With my tray I look around to find a place to sit. Of course I sit in the corner of the cafeteria, where not a person likes to go. As soon as I sit down I see Josh, Sean, and another girl come towards me. I groan in despair as I put my head down on the table. "Hey Ry!" The girl yelled, waving her arm. That girl was Jill, my girlfriend. We've been dating for about 3 months now, and honestly I really want to break up with her. I met her at a shoe store one day and happened to be in contact ever since. "Hi Jill" I say, then I see Sean coming over as well. Sean and I have been friends since kindergarten. Sometimes I crush on him a little, but I never thought I would date him or even kiss him. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. I lifted my head off the table and put it on his shoulder. I looked at the other end of the table and saw my girlfriend with her arm folded. She was always jealous, anything I do wrong, every boy or girl I talk to, she has a problem with it. "Get off his shoulder Ryan and come lay on mine!" She said as she open her arms. I just ignored what she said and tried to pretend that I was sleeping. "Let him stay he, needs it anyway" I heard Sean say. Then I heard my girlfriend huff, I cracked a smile a little. -22 minutes later- Later I felt small taps on my head. I opened my eyes and saw Jill and Sean standing beside me. I got up, rubbing my eyes while we walked out of the cafeteria. I said goodbye to Jill and Sean as I walked to my class. I sat down right before the bell rang. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes, drifting away as some students entered the classroom. It was almost time to go, students were packing up and I was still sleeping. Then a shadow came over me. "Mr. Smith wake up!" Jeremy, my Social Studies teacher yelled at me. I lifted my head my head any yawned. I grabbed my bookbag and headed out the class. Getting towards the door I bump into Sean. "Leaving already Sweetheart?" He says to me as a joke, I think, as he holds my hand. 'I blushed a little, was he flirting with me?!' I nodded my head as we walk out the school doors. So where you headed?" He asks me, "Home what about you?" "Might come over to your house in a little." He says to me. I nodded my head in agreement. We both said goodbye and went inside our apartments.

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