
{3} Ms. V

…Once I got off the bus and saw the young mans face, I could tell that his eyes weren't just blue. One eye was blue and the other was green. I'v always wanted eyes like that. He was really tall, and his body was toned. He had fluffy dirty blond hair. And once I looked up at him, his eyes met mine again. As I said I don't like eye contact, so of corse I turned bright red. As flustered as I was I still found the nerve to say

"ok bye. Thanks for letting me sit with you." I waddled away with my face boiling hot. When I walked in, the principal was standing there, with excitement in her voice she said "Hello! You must be Lora! Am I right?"

"Y-yeah?" I was still a little flustered when she asked. But I still answered. "Ok, so you are going to get your scheduled really soon, we still have to print it. So I will tell you your first period, and by the time your done with first period we will have your schedule printed off!" She said. She talked really fast, but I also talk really fast so in a way we were kind of alike.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Ms. Vickie, most people call me Ms. V!" By the time she was done speaking my face had went back to normal.

"Oop! Almost forgot to tell you your first period! It's math! Your teachers name is Mrs. Sasha." She said with excitement. She put her hand to her face, almost like she was trying to make sure no one could read her lips.

"Don't worry, it's easy." Ms. V whispered. The weight faded from my chest. I'm not very good at math, but hearing that the principal said it was easy, put me at ease.

"Oh thank god!" I said with a sound of relief. Ms. V just giggled.

"Glad I could help you, Ms. Lora!" She said with a smirk.

"Now run along, you're going to be late!"

"Yes ma'am!" I said. Then quickly walked to my locker…