
{2} The Young Man

…As soon as I walked on the bus all eyes went on me. The bus driver suddenly said

"hello your seat is going to be on the back with that young man. If he doesn't let you sit there come to me, ok."

"Yes sir." I said with a little stumble to my breath. I wanted to disappear. So I quickly walked to the back of the bus to sit with that "young man." I could only make out his body because he was looking at his phone. He had dirty blond curly hair and a toned body. As I walked up to him I asked

"May I sit here" I tried to be as kind as possible. He suddenly looked up, his eyes met mine. My face turned bright red. I hate eye contact, but with his beep blue mysterious eyes it was like I was sucked in. The young man suddenly said

"sure" in a deep sleepy voice. I sat down with hesitation. I was being curious so I said

"so I'm new and my name is Lora, what is your name?…..if you feel comfortable telling me?" He just looked at me and suddenly took a deep breath. The bus came to a stop. He just made eye contact with me than said

"Are you going to get up?" I shook my head and quickly walked off the bus…