

Although I am the only heir of Premium Corpo Enterprise, my current interest was focused on teaching. Instead of going to business school, I joined the academic field and became a college professor. I am Professor Hunter Corpo, 26, one of the most eligible bachelors in District Seven. My story began during my third year being a professor when I crossed paths with such an interesting senior college student in the accountancy department. She is Haze, 19, and the president of the College Supreme Council. (Hazel x Hunter timeline.)

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Favored President

"Professor Hunter looks so hot every day! I'm lucky to see him today! I wish I could join his class!"

"Maybe, we should shift our course so we can also get his subjects?"

"His perfume smells expensive! AHHH... I always wish that the professor will fall for me. Hihihi..."

"In your dreams! He is single because he has standards! Please, stop daydreaming!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Corpo!"

"Hi, sir! Good afternoon!"

The moment, Hunter stepped out of the classroom, several college students started to chatter, giggle, and whisper in the hallway.

The spring air and the afternoon breeze integrated with his perfume, scattering his signature scent around the place.

Some of the students did not even bother being discreet about their admiration in hopes of getting his attention.

Hunter brushed his bangs with his fingers and offered a formal smile to the students on the side. He waved his hand before he continued his way. With his tall height and well-built physique, the man was surely a magnet of public attraction. Wherever he goes, every being who had an eye follows to get a glimpse of his silhouette. Even his fellow professors were also charmed by him.

The hallway was bustling as the school was on lunch break. Although there were other hallways available to access the school cafeteria, the students seemed to deliberately passed the faculty office in hope of seeing the professor.

When Hunter entered the faculty office, there was only one professor inside.

"Professor Corpo, good afternoon! Here is the folder containing the portfolio of the Supreme Student Council officers in the college department. Their president came by early to drop the file while you are still doing your lecture."

"Ohh, good afternoon too. Thanks!" Hunter took the folder and momentarily stared at the other professor. "Your face is extremely red. Are you okay, professor Sicel?"

As if on cue, Sicel's eyes widened and she averted her gaze while pressing her hands on her face. Only the heavens knew how extensively she had practiced the lines that she just said to him to avoid stuttering! In the end, she still could not control her face from blushing!

"AH! No... no... I'm f-fine! It's because of the hot weather. I j-just came here from my lecture too, professor."

"I see. Indeed, the weather is great today." Hunter finally looked away and glanced at the folder. He nodded his head a few times and went to his desk.

As Hunter sat on his chair, he casually flipped the folder open and started scanning the files. After flipping a few pages, he reached the profiles of the officers and could not help but stop his movements. He then checked again the first page with a confused look on his face.

He was indeed baffled by the first profile as it contained a female picture of a student wearing a high school uniform. And it was the president's profile!

Isn't this supposed to be the college officers?

"Professor Sicel, may I ask you something?" Hunter suddenly called the blushing companion. There was a glint of irritation that flickered in his eyes.

"Y-Yes? You m-may..." the awkward sound of his companion was evident but Hunter did not pay much attention to her odd reaction.

"Well... It's about this portfolio. This president of the SSC... She submitted an old picture. Is this allowed? I think it's very unprofessional. They are already in college. And she is the president. Is she clueless about her position? She should know better, right?"

Hunter stood from his seat and approached Sicel's table. He then showed the profile page to her.

"Ahh... W-Well... maybe you did not notice since it is the first time being the facilitator of the SCC but, this student... she had been actually the SSC president for six years in a row. From junior high, senior high, then first-year college to this year. That picture was probably taken during her junior high."

Hearing this, Hunter was extremely astonished. Such a thing was something he had never heard when he was still studying. An officer re-elected six years in a row in the same position means the students must have liked her!

"Actually, the SSC office does not need a facilitator for the past years," Sicel added with a small smile on her face. There seemed a different admiration in her tone.

"Yes, I remember that the SSC did not have a facilitator when I came here," Hunter agreed and took away the folder.

"Their officers are very independent, professor Hunter. It's just that this year, their president and most of the officers are already graduating. Last year, we also suggested for a new set of officers to run during the election but no students were willing to compete for the position."

"R-Really? I don't recall..."

"Yeah. It's quite incredible, right? They said that position is for Haze until she finished her college year. That is the voice of the students across all departments! I must say, that the president of SSC is very accommodating and easy to approach. Though, we need a faculty member to familiarize their duty for the next coming years. That's why the dean appointed you to ve their facilitator. Training new officers next academic year would be completely under your obligation, professor."

"Ohh... right! About her picture... I think, no one really minded it before. However, as their facilitator now, you can also ask them to update their profiles during your first meeting. You're meeting the SSC officers later, right?" Sicel finished with a small sigh.

Still slight dazed, Hunter managed to murmur his response. "Right. I'll talk with the SSC officers later. Cool! That's very interesting. President Haze huh... How come I've never seen her up until now?"

"Haha... She is almost buried in the SSC office and most of our students are trying to get your attention, professor. Anyway, those officers, they rarely get out. Even if there are school activities. But, you can see their social media page... They are very active in helping the entire students here."

"O-Okay... I got it," Hunter finally chuckled. "To think that I have said that they should know better... I guess they really know more about the students here. It's me who sounded very unprofessional."

"Haze has been a great leader and role model for her fellow students. She had a few subjects with me last year. Once you meet her professor, you'll be surprised by her character," Sicel commented before she switched her attention to her phone.