
HAZE: My Origin Story

Everyone’s heard of The Flash, Supergirl, The Legends of Tomorrow, and The Green Arrow. Well my story has a connection to all three. I know, I know, you don’t want to hear another story about a regular girl whose parents were killed and now she fights crime to find the person that killed them. Well my story is nothing like that, or at least I think so. Now there is nothing else to do but to get right to the point I guess. So here it is.. Hi, my name is Aniya Mathews and I am one of the most powerful women alive. When I was just 5 years old my mother was shot and died in front of me. Ever since then I haven’t been exactly the same. To everyone around me I am just an average teenage girl, goes to school, straight A’s, that kinda thing, but in private with the help of Team Flash, as well as some of friends and teachers, I work side by side with The Flash as I help him protect Central City from anyone who mean to cause it harm. I am…Haze!

Athaiah_Wallace · Adolescente
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2 Chs


Ugg I hate getting up early in the morning. I turn my head to look at my beeping phone sitting on its charging stand. 8:00 AM. I'm so nervous that I feel like I barely got any sleep last night. I sit up and turn my body around to get out of bed. I walk toward my closet and look at the outfit I set out last night for my meeting with Cecile Horton this morning. As soon as she said that she was looking for an intern I put in my application. The position is for a paid intern so I will be getting money out of this. Ever since she started out as a DA for CCPD I followed her work. Her family history when it comes to law is amazing and it would be amazing to work under her. I took out black pants with a black blazer and a dark blue dress shirt. My shoes are comfortable closed toed wedges and I laid out all of my jewlery yesterday night.

"Hey! You better start getting ready or else you are going to be late!"

"Yeah, I know!" I shout back.

Dennis Mathews, my brother and roommate. With no parents in the picture, he had to sign everything so that I could get a work permit and be able to even interview for this job. He may be annoying but I know that he has my back no matter what. I grab all of my stuff that I laid out for today and I head into the bathroom. After I get washed up and changed I walk out of my bathroom and my room into the living room/ kitchen area.

"So, how do I look?"

"Like a newbie."


"Don't hey me! You asked and I simply answered."

Dennis walks over to the stove in the kitchen and starts separating eggs onto two separate plates. He then takes them both and begins to walk over to me.

"Here, you could use the protein."


We sit down on the couch together and begin eating.

Dennis takes my plate and puts them in the sink letting me know that he will do them later. I nod my head and begin to walk out the door. Dennis is dropping me off at the office on his way to work. He grabs his coast and bag and we both walk out the door.

After driving for about 10 minutes we made it to the building.

"Well this is it."

"Yeah, it is."

I stare at the building for a bit. I know the exact floor and door number I am supposed to go to. Being here now makes me more nervous than I was before. What if I bomb this interview? I have no other options.

"Hey, you got this okay? So, don't doubt yourself." My brother interjects.

I give him a tight hug and open the car door. I close it behind me and then turn around to wave my brother off. He pulls off and starts heading down the semi busy road. Well, here goes nothing.