Book Five of the Hayle Coven Destinies
There is no greater peace, no more amazing, soul-filling and pure joy experience than soaring on drach wings through the quiet of the veil. If I live a thousand lifetimes, I'm certain of that.
Muscles bunched and tightened, smoothed out and elongated as I swept my way against the soft current of the veil. In human form, I had no idea the depth and complexity of airflow in the vast darkness of the membrane between worlds, nor did I see so clearly just how connected the Universe truly was. But embracing my drach heritage changed all that.
What was once dim, though visible to my enhanced eyesight, now appeared crisp with firm lines and absolute clarity. Not so much seeing in the darkness as becoming part of it. The thin yet powerful barriers shimmered with the same rainbow magic as I possessed, pure, distilled energy of all magicks combined. It made me wonder what the veil in the Dark Universe looked like, if it was a mirror to ours.