


Lorelei's POV

It's been a week since that girl came here. And so far she's been proving and showing us how easy for her everthing about here. And I know I should be pissed at her but I can't seem to be actually mad at her. Whatever , maybe I'm feeling like this because I just don't really care about her.

Anyways , I'm on my way to the Second Headmistress office. Headmistress Lavian. She's the second Headmistress and also one of the ten founders of the Academy. If HM Bethany is the root and the brain of the academy as an goddess Athena's blessed , HM lavian is like the trunk and the defense of the academy as the goddess Hera's blessed. Also, HM Lavian role is more on giving us tasks and mission so I'm thinking that she called me for that reason.

I guess the alphas are going on a mission again.

I knocked before entering her office and the door automatically open.

I bowed upon seeing her and she made me sit .

"I know that you had an idea why I called you here." Her aura tells me that the mission isn't something for me to take lightly .

"Yes, so what's the mission for us now Headmistress Lavian? " I asked.

She handed me the folder for the mission and my aura darkened and my jaw tightened.

"As you can see some a*shole is kidnapping numerous young blessed . And the local knights reported that the children were taken on the west in a small secluded village called Orobas." She explained.

The west huh. Dianne's not going to be happy about this . As the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of the west, I know she won't stay still when she heard about this.

"The west local knights cannot catch the culprits as they were given the task to protect the west citizens so the Dukedome asked our help catching the culprits. "

"Why didn't they asked Dianne about this?" I asked though I knew the answer already.

"You know her, among all of you she's the most prideful yet overprotective about her people. So I'm pretty sure that if she's the one who heard it first she will not hesitate but to attack them hastily that may result for more danger."

She's right, Dianne tend to do things on her own. And that's not good . We're a team for a reason.

"Okay, we will proceed to do this mission today immediately. How many alphas can I take with me?" I asked well I can't take all of them as there might be other mission to come or a danger could happen in the academy so there's always has to be someone left in here.

"You can bring four of them but I want you to include the new member." She said that in a tone that no one can oppose.

And eventhough I badly wanna oppose that I still respect her so I choose not to. It's not that the girl can't help in the mission but I feel like she'll just be a distraction, but an order is a order. I'll deal with her arrogance myself.

I excused myself and quickly go to our headquarters. Fortunately all of them were here so I immediately told them about the mission.

And as I expected Dianne was now full of rage.

"How dare they do this in our land! Those f*cktards, I'll annihilate them all!" She said her eyes burning with anger and we all turned outside when a thunder suddenly roared.

"Calm down Dianne. You're rage are bringing storm to the academy." I ordered, authority evident in my voice.

Hayami's POV

The thunder outside dissapear when Dianne calmed down or should I say tried to calm down.

Her eyes is still burning in anger and her hands are tightly shut.

Well if me whose not even from her land is already enraged by the outrageous crime, what more of her anger if she's the daughter of the ruler of that land.

Apparently the holy realm is divided in to six regions. The west where Dianne's family rule. The east where Lana and Alon's family rule. The North where Lei's family rule, the South which is ruled by the family of the Carnie family apparently the duke and duchess there don't have an heir according to Magna so they don't know much about the dukedome there.

While the ruler of the Central Region where the academy is located is unknown. And that's the peculiar part . How can the central region still function if they don't have a ruler? But its none of my concern. Though there's another peculiar thing, the sixth region also known as the forgotten region. They said that monsters reside there that is why it is not safe to live there anymore but thats more weird can't they just kill all the monsters? But then again its not my problem.

"Five of us will be going to finish this mission, me as the first one and we all know that Dianne will be joining." Lei .

"Good, I want to be the one to behead the mastermind of this sh*tty thing ." Dianne gritted her teeth.

"We don't kill unless it's necessary Dianne. " Josh intervene.

"Yes! I know that Josh and this is necessary! They are kidnapping innocent kids! And we don't even know what are they even doing with those kids! They deserve to die for tainting our regions name!" Dianne spat.

"Calm down Dianne, do you want me to go there as a ghost and bring all of their heads to you? So you won't be angry anymore?" Stella said innocently .

She's really unique and terrifying.

"Thank you Stella, but we'll handle this." Dianne calm down.

"So , Magna will also come as his sixth sense is convenient. " Lei added.

Magna then faked a tear.

"You're using me and your saying it right on my face, I'm hurt ." He dramatically said.

Deya didn't stop her self on hitting Magna's head.

"Tsk now you know , that's your only purpose our transporter." Deya mocked.

Making most of us laughed and they begin bickering again. Sigh, I should get used to it.

"Josh will be coming to as we also need his sixth sense and....the last to come is you." Lei said as he point at me.

Huh. He doesn't have to be that obvious that he doesn't want me. It's clear that the headmistress is the one who wants me to come. I guess they want to test my abilities more huh. Don't worry, you'll satisfy your curiosity of me soon.

"Okay." I simply replied and he clenched his jaw.

What's wrong with this guy? Why is he always pissed at me? Is he thinking that I won't be a help at all?

"Don't worry, You'll never regret that the headmistress choose me to be in this mission." I seriously replied and walk away.

I guess I need to be ready. My first mission. How exciting.