


After thinking so hard on how can I go to the holy realm, my spirit guardians suddenly appears.

Xie a flower pixie, from Aphrodite and Wil a shape shifter from Artemis. At first I actually thought that Wil was my familiar because when he showed himself to me, he was transformed into a Wolf.

I asked them about why did they show themselves to me when I didn't even summon them. They said that I can't come to holy realm yet . And it saddens me but they immediately told me that its because I haven't completely control my blessings yet . And they were summoned to help me train before I can finally go there .

To be honest, I was devastated. No matter how powerful I am now it's still not enough to help me save my parents but I know they're safe and they'll wait for me to save them. Dad,Mom I will finish the training quickly, to go to the realm and save you.

~~~ After 2 years ~~~~

I'm now seventeen and it's been two years after Xie and Wil trained me. I didn't think that it will take that long but still its finally finish. In front of me was a portal made by Xie to go to the Holy realm. I don't know what's waiting for me there. But what I know is I won't let anyone get in the way of my plans.


They all felt it . Someone strong is coming. From the feels of it's mana they can tell that this person is dangerous.

Bethany immediately open her eyes. "She's here." She mutters after waking up from a dream.


"Come in." Bethany's authority can be seen just by her voice.

But the person who entered her office, radiates more authority just by his aura and appearance.

"Good Morning, Headmaster Bethany. " his cold voice can probably send shivers to anyone who could hear it.

"Hmm. You too Lei , I called you here because I will be giving you alphas a mission." Bethany stated while sipping her morning tea.

"What kind of mission is it?" He asked.

"Well... I want to you to find someone for me."Bethany uttered.

"Who and why?" He simply asked.

"She's someone strong and dangerous, I don't have any other description for her except she's..... stronger than you." Bethany trailed.

This made Lei's lip to move upward. Someone stronger than me? He smirk at his thoughts.

Impossible , no one can be stronger than him the guy who got the title as the God's favorite for being the only person to be blessed by to gods. The goddess Persephone and God Hades.

He was the strongest. That's why it pique his curiosity at this person that Bethany wanted him to find.

"Do I have to take all alpha members with me?" He asked totally failed to hide his excitement and rage.

"Well it's up to you , but I'm warning you it won't be easy. Good luck."

After that Lei left with the desire of quickly finding that person to prove that he is the strongest.

Hayami's POV

It's been a week since I got here in the holy realm. Xie and Wil are in their human form to help me.

Since I can't just actually enroll myself in the Unirite Academy like I initially planned because Wil said they might not accept me.

I scoffed at that. Them not accepting me? I highly doubt that. But still I trusted what Wil said . He said that one of this days someone will take me there and I just have to wait.

I'm really not a patient person but as I'm new here I can't just be reckless and reveal myself immediately to them.

As I was walking back to the cabin in the middle of a forest where I'm currently staying I felt that someone's following me.

And my hunch were right when a dagger suddenly flew towards me. I immediately did a back flip to kick it towards a tree. But after I got up someone immediately attacked me with a sword. I immediately summoned my moonsword. And swing it towards this hooded person. This person dodge it and quickly change their tactic and attacked me once again.

Our swords clashed with each other. I swing it and they dodge, they thrust forward and I dodge. It's a never ending sword fight until I get bored.

'AWAY' I chanted in my head as I use my blessing to use a big force to pushed this person away from me.

It created a loud thud when, the person bumps into a big tree. I use my speed and held this person neck.

This person's hood fall of and revealed a ginger haired girl with a piercing ash eyes.

As I get distracted at her face she took that opportunity to kick me but I immediately catched her feet and swung her.

"F*ck it's you! And you're f*cking strong."

I raise my brow at her when she suddenly uttered that her voice filled with amusement and her eyes sparkle as she look at me.

What the heck is wrong with this girl?

"Hahaha gosh sorry you might be thinking how weird I am right now. My name is Deyanira but my friends call me Deya . And I don't actually regret attacking you as it was part of our mission and all but I totally didn't expect you to be this strong!" She quickly said that I can't even keep up.

What the? Mission? To attack me? What the hell.

"As much as much as I wanted to fight again with you, you have to come with me." Then she suddenly become serious.

Okay this girl is weird. But what again? I should come with her?! What's with this person really!

"Why?" I actually wanted to ask why should I when I don't even know her but I'm too lazy to talk.

"Well as I said earlier it's because of a mission."she replied .

"Where?" What I wanted to ask was where would you take me? But I'm still lazy so.

"Oh you're willing to come? Well that's easier , I'll be taking you to the Unirite Academy." She explained.

That quickly pique my attention. Is this the person that Wil said to take me there?

Well I don't feel any unusual feeling to her besides I can protect myself anyway so I'll just go with this girl.

"Wow you'll actually come with me?! Well thank you, you made my life easier . Anyways its kinda far from here so we'll have to wait for my friend to come here as his sixth sense was spatial magic. I already contacted him through mind link so don't worry he'll be here any second." She said then suddenly sits on a stone.

I actually wanna tell her that my cabin is near here and we can just wait there but I chose not to as I don't fully know her yet, not that I will be ever interested.

"So what's your name? I'm really curious." She suddenly asked.

"Hayami." I answered thinking that she'll stop but I guess I was wrong.

"Woah that's a good name it means rare beauty isn't it?! I mean, wait staring at you right now you do have a rare beautiful face! If I didn't see your moonsword earlier I could have mistaken you as an Aphrodite's blessed but it's impossible because you're an Artemis blessed right?!"

Gosh she's so noisy and talkative! I was about to say why is it impossible for me to be blessed by two gods when in fact that's the truth but because I'm too lazy so I just let her think what she wanted to think of me.

"So what's that ability that you use to me push me earlier?! I really wanted to know!! Though is is a blessing or you're sixth sense? I didn't feel you using your mana so it must be your sixth sense as its a nature born skill that don't need our mana." She loudly trailed again.

Ugh! This girl are too talkative.

"Yes it's my sixth sense." I said coldly so she would stop talking to me.

"I knew it! So how do you call it?!" She excitedly asked.

Should I tell her? Nah, she wouldn't believe me. I mean who would even believe that my natural born skill, my sixth sense is...copy magic.

I can copy other people's sixth sense as much as I like . Too overpowered right? But I'm not lying this great skill was given to me but I don't actually like it . Having a powerful skill means more danger for me that's why I should keep it as a secret. Besides since I only live with my mom and dad as the only blessed their Sixth sense is all I could copy since I know all the principles and steps on how they use it.

But I guess living here would mean, I could finally add others sixth sense to my collection.

"Chanting, that's my sixth sense. I could chant something inside my head or by my mouth and it'll happen. Except for killing and resurrecting someone and there's many more exception." I simply said.

And her eyes widened and then it spakled with amazement. Yeah I know, mom's sixth sense are amazing.

"Wow that's a very great sixth sense! I'm jealous!" She chirped.

"Well it's great but I can only use it twice a day." I said for the first time, what I said is the truth. Although mom can use it infinitely, I can only do it twice as there's still limitations on what I could copy besides that's a very powerful skill.