
Chapter 1: Karma~

Dark thundering clouds begin to circulate a temple that was located in the middle of some mountains. This is the home of Erzaer and Kunchi. Kunchi is in his room reading a book when he feels something strange going on outside. He passes Erzaer's room and knocks at her door, but there was no answer. He then goes to the front door as he hears it getting very windy. The wind shaking the door as if someone was trying to open it. Kunchi runs to open the front door, as he opens the door Erzaer's long hair smacks Kunchi in the face. He brushes off Erzaer's hair out of his face and looks up to the sky.

"Erzaer, do you know what is going on?"

Erzaer replies in a calm manner.


Kunchi gets confused as to why she was so calm.

"What! What is it!?"

Erzaer turns around to face Kunchi. Immediately he notices something different about her, Kunchi begins to panic.

"Erz! Your eyes! They're glowing purple! How... How... are you doing that!?

"I saw into mother's memories again...This time it felt different from all the other times... It was for a short brief of time, not week or months like before. None of what I saw made sense... You weren't there..."

Kunchi straightens out his face from the confusion.

"I guess this is the perfect time to tell you..."

Erzaer interrupts Kunchi,

"There's no need to explain, I know everything that happened between you and mom..."

Out from the clouds, purple lightning drops down on Kunchi. Erzaer's eyes slowly began to fade into their normal white color. Erzaer was so shocked when she noticed what she did, she fainted right after seeing ash marks where Kunchi was standing.

The night passes onto the morning sun, Erzaer wakes up. She looks over to where Kunchi was last standing, but there were only black ash marks on the ground and walls. She gets up on her knees and begins to make a hole on the dirt ground with her bare hands. Hours later, she finishes up the hole, after she gathers any remains of Kunchi's ashes and buries him. She gets up and leaves her home village as the pain of staying there was too much for her to handle.

"Mom... You've finally shown me that guy was not Kunchi but an imposter! These new abilities are actually my own and not yours, I couldn't control what was happening! I felt so peaceful in my mind when I was using my own abilities."

Erzaer leaves the village to walk South, where she encountered a small village outside of the temple, called Magyl. The people of Magyl see Erzaer coming from the direction of the darkest cloud they've ever seen as she stepped foot in the village. She notices that everyone is looking at her.

A short elder women in a large brown robe steps up to Erzaer offering her food and asking if she was okay.

"Why hello there, welcome to Magyl! Would you like to join me for dinner?

Erzaer gradually accepts as her stomach moaned with hunger. The elder women tells Erzaer to follow her to her home. When they get to the elder women's home, Erzaer notices that the table had already been set for two people.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you were expecting company. I will just go."

The elder women not saying a word she turns around and raises her index finger and suddenly lowers it,

"I knew you were coming today..."

Erzaer shrugs her eyebrows, confused.

"Do you know me?"

The elder women replied right away.

"No, of course not. I can hear whispers... They told me you were coming

Erzaer looked at the elder women as if she was crazy,

"What? Are you an OPHuman?"

The elder women freaks out and quiets Erzaer down.

"SSSSHHHHHH! SSSSHHHHH!! We mustn't speak of the OP. They'll burn us... SSSSHHHH SSSSHHH!"

"What's wrong with the OP? And what do you mean, who will burn us?"

The elder women grabs Erzaer by the arm, she takes her into a closet. The elder women pulls the floor tile up, underneath is a hidden stairway that leads to an underground cave. The elder women lights up a few candles while Erzaer looked around, as the women lit up the cave, Erzaer could see so many different types of writings that she couldn't read.

"Come here, I will show you."

The elder women takes off her robe. Erzaer bit down on her teeth from anger, as she see's the elder women's body all burnt, missing her feminine parts, and her skin badly deformed.

Erzaer busted out with anger she couldn't hold it in,

"Who!... Who was it!?"

The elder women begins to cry out loud,

"It was my own fault, I talked too much, I listened to the whispers! Today I couldn't bear the pain as they got louder and louder! They weren't whispers anymore at that point, it was like a screaming child facing their nightmare. I tried, I really did... I couldn't ignore the screams, so please don't let him burn me anymore!"

Erzaer couldn't comprehend,

"I don't understand... You hear whispers? Are you an OPHuman, is that your ability? And who is the one burning you?

The elder women looks up at Erzaer,

"I use to be an OPHuman. Lord Ziko stripped me of that title and told me to never use my useless abilities again or he will burn me... Though I've never had the whispers, scream at me like they did... They sounded scared... They told me you would be coming today... And... Tomorrow you will cause havoc, but they told me not to be scared of you, but to trust you."

Erzaer cheers the elder women with her anger,

"Let's go tell this "Lord" Ziko He doesn't have the right to do such a thing!"

The elder women looks at Erzaer with prized-eyes. Erzaer could see that she had given the elder women, hope.

"Can you prove to me you are telling the truth, what is my full name?"

"I'm sorry! Your name is Erzaer ...."

Some rocks fall as the elder woman says her last name.

Erzaer looks at her strangely,

"You know my name... Hahaha!"

"Yes. Sorry for introducing myself so late but my name is Vynisa Alcateria. Now let us go eat, I hear your stomach growling."

Erzaer gets embarrassed and rubs her tummy as Vynisa turns to go up the stairs. They arrive at the table, Erzaer shows her manners by not touching a thing until she was told she could. Erzaer sits down on the opposite side of Vynisa. Erzaer's eyes were sparkling with her tongue hanging as if she were a starving dog, as she saw what Vynisa had cooked.

"Erzaer. Please sit. Let us have dinner, I made your favorite!"

"Oh... Oh, yeah!... I can see that alright! Did the whispers tell you that too!?"

"Yes! They told me a little bit about you... I hope you don't mind."

Erzaer began to worry as she thought Vynisa knew what happened at the temple. She laughed awkwardly,

"Hahaha! Really? I hope it wasn't anything bad. Hahaha!"

"Aw shucks, never. Only that you're a great OPHuman."

They finish up eating and pass out until morning. Morning came, there was a knock at the door. Erzaer hears the knock, Vynisa was still asleep. She gets up to open the door, it was two bald identical men with sheath katanas on their waist. One of them greeted Erzaer in a nice tone and the other gave her an intimidating look. The man with the intimidating look spoke up in a grumpy voice,

" We're from a village Northeast of here. We heard an explosion and we are trying to figure out who was responsible."

Erzaer rapidly shuts the door,

"No! I'm going to bed, leave me alone!."

The two men leave her log. A few minutes later when Erzaer was starting to get comfortable and fall back asleep she hears another knock at the door.

" Ugggggghhhhh!"

She closed her eyes hoping the knocking will stop, but it continued. Erzaer gets up and opens the door with a grumpy look.

" Hello ? Would you like to help me, hunt food for this afternoon? Oh! I'm sorry my name is Lefay. So would you?"

Erzaer realizes her tone of voice was different from any other person, Lefay's words were a bit separated. She gets interested and she agrees to help Lefay hunt.

"Sure thing kid, let me go put some other clothes on.

Erzaer gets ready fast and comes back outside.

"Soooooo.... Where are your parents?"

Lefay looks at her weird, slightly tilting her head.

"I never had... I'm a test subject."

Now Erzaer is the one looking at Lefay confused and begins to ask questions.

"What do you mean by Test subject? How did you end up here? Do you have abilities too?"

Lefay suddenly runs off.

"Wait! I'm sorry! Please! Please! I'll help you! I'm sorry!"

Erzaer starts to chase Lefay down a forest that was close to Vynisa's log. Going downhill Erzaer loses sight of Lefay, she approaches a bridge, at the bridge, there were the two identical men who knocked earlier.

"So... You've come out now, I told you this would work Nye.."

Childish enough he sticks out his tongue at Nye.

"Yeah, yeah, shut it Verr. Well anyways... Look here missy, I'm just here to find out what happened to the temple on that mountain. Everyone in the village pointed fingers and said you were the only one they saw coming from that direction. So tell me what happened?"

Nye said aggressively.

Erzaer begins to feel tense and threated but doesn't show it.

"What does it matter to you?"

Nye starts to walk up to her.

" There was still a member of our group in that temple, and now, we can't find him... My Lord sent us here to find who did it, and we suspect it was you..."

Erzaer reacts as soon as Nye said "Lord".

"Oooooh! So your part of this Lord Ziko? Well than. I murdered that imposter who made me think he was Kunchi! You know I was starting to regret what I have done but now that you've confirmed who he really is I'm so happy!"

Without fear or hesitation, Erzaer's right eye turns pure black and it looked as if her shadow on the floor had gotten darker. The shadow underneath her began to wiggle as if it were alive. Erzaer takes a deep breath and relaxes her arms, she then opens her palm, her shadow begins to manifests a great-sword called 'Leah.'

Nye backs away quickly into a battle stance as she draws her sword.

"HAHAHAHA! Verr, I told you! This is going to be fun, get ready Verr don't let me down she looks tough!"

Verr surprised in the weapon she drew, he almost shits himself.

"H...h..h..ow, [Swallows his saliva down] How'd you get that sword? There's only one of its kind..."

Nye pulls out two katanas and rushes out to Erzaer striking swords. One after another the strikes continue, each one of them would dodge or block their strikes perfectly. With each strike that Nye's katanas took from Leah blocking it, the katanas slowly turn into solid ice and began to crack, eventually break.

"Heh, nice sword... Verr, hurry up! Quit standing there and help me here my katanas are to their limit!"

Verr snaps out of it and joins in. As Nye is still colliding swords with Erzaer.

"Alright if we are doing this Nye, we are doing what I say!"

"Fine, fine!... Get on with it! What do you need me to do?"

Verr yells out,

"Formation VxN!"

Nye strikes hard enough to blow back Erzaer a few inches, breaking both of his katanas. At that moment Nye leaps back with Verr and they slowly began to move around Erzaer so she would be between them.

"We will show you a fraction of Lord Ziko's power."

Different types of patterns began to appear on Nye and Verr's body. The patterns were bright and full of color. Standing in between is Erzaer, she slowly backs up, gripping on to Leah more tightly, and raising her awareness, while Nye and Verr look at her closely they yell,

" We are the savior of these people and you are dangerous to them."

Nye once again rushing at her. His broken katana had reshaped itself with the same patterns as Nye's body. Strike after strike shockwaves began to emerge, blowing anything nearby. This time Nye's katanas were no longer breaking or getting affected at all by the ice. Erzaer begins to struggle and thinks in her head,

"What!? How is he hitting harder and harder with each strike? If he keeps doing this I won't hold up. Gaaaaahhh!"

Each time Nye would strike, Erzaer would blink her left eye causing air pressure to hit Nye. But it still wasn't hurting Nye, or at least it didn't seem like it. Erzaer notices Verr in the background just waiting as if he were praying. She thinks to herself,

"Maybe he's making him this way? I'll try to attack him."

She strikes as hard as she could and is able to knock back Nye for a split second. During that second Erzaer is able to pull back a little bit and her weapon begins to change as she calls its name,


Her shadow takes the form of a bow. Erzaer pulls back with no arrows she aims towards Nye, shooting him at lightning speed, with air that Erzaer compresses only when Varunastria is out; The air takes the form of a dragon before piercing through someone.

Nye gets hit and dragged off to the distance by the dragon. It leaves a huge opening for Verr, unprotected by Nye. Once more she pulls back on her bow, aiming for Verr this time, she shoots two directly at him. Piercing his body but it was not able to take him down.

Erzaer jumps up to a tree trying to find Nye. There was no sign of him, so she focuses her aim back at Verr, this time she holds the bow longer than a second having her attack charge. As she is about to let go, Nye comes out in a blink of an eye and is able to hit her, smashing her to the ground and making her miss Verr by a few inches; A huge explosion from Erzaer's attack was able to be seen uphill towards the village.

"Whoooa that was a huge dragon! That attack is dangerous! Look you blew up that village you were just in! HAHAHA!"

Nye said as he laughed hysterically.

` "Quit fooling around Nye end her! She almost killed me there! I could've sworn I saw multiple dragons coming at me! KILL HER NOW!"

Getting up from the ground, Erzaer floated up. Her right eye was no longer black but glowing violet with four orbs of different colors circulating Erzaer, she is furious.

"What did you just say I did!? What did you make do!? AND WHY ARE YOU FUCKING LAUGHING! AREN'T YOU A SO CALLED SAVIOR OF THE PEOPLE!"

Erzaer's voice begins to change as if two different voices were talking at the same time, and her brown hair will start to fade into a reddish color.

So suddenly, Erzaer gets in front of Nye, he grabs him by the throat and begins to tighten her grip. Nye starts struggle unable to get out of her grab as he starts to throw punches and kicks at Erzaer. Each time he would they would be blocked off by the colored orbs circulating her. Erzaer continued to tighten her grip. Nye choking, struggling to breath calls out for Verr.

"V...er..Ve... rrrr.."

Verr starts to prey once again, as Erzaer see's that she reacts quickly.

"Oh... Not this time... I'm not letting you!"

Erzaer releases one of the orbs, the red one. When the red orb comes in contact with Verr, the orb explodes causing the exploded area to become distorted afterward. Nye's patterns began to disappear. Erzaer still continued choking Nye.

"You guys have this power for what? A man who thinks power can take everything is nothing but a weakling! Well, let me tell you Nye, everything you've taken with your power it ends here. You lost your friend..."

Nye interrupts Erzaer,

"Aa....nd yo.... lo...st tha.... vil...age! ha..ha...ha...ha!"

Nye starts to laugh as he is being choked.

Erzaer slams Nye's head to the ground in anger and blinks her left eye multiple times, causing pressure to fall on Nye's body. Each time digging the remains of Nye to the ground more and more.

Erzaer walks over to the distorted area and she stares at the bits of pieces of Verr's body that were scattered floating in the distortion.

"I killed the villagers who had nothing to do with this... I must receive punishment..."

Erzaer calls out 'Leah,' she proceeds to touch her hand, giving herself frostbite and slowly turning her hand into ice. As the ice slowly ran up to her wrist, she smashes her hand against a tree to stop the ice from spreading, causing her hand to break into pieces.