
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
186 Chs

Alara's Plan

"What!? No fucking way! Why would Maessha even return to that madwoman's side!?"

Yulia failed to comprehend the youngest Eldeth's actions. Was it a sense of duty as the dark elves' princess? To keep watch on Zorrla due to her oath with Ellamir? Perhaps a combination of both.

Pouring Dragon's kiss whiskey into her glass, Yulia was surprised at the hand that grabbed the bottle after she filled her glass.

"She is a foolish girl, always thinking she is beholden to her royal ties. I told Maessha time and time again to let mother rot in the underdark!"

With the atmosphere tense in the living room, Ellamir alone looked torn between worry and anger. No glass for her, Ellamir chugged the Dragon's Kiss straight from the bottle.

"Love, that's enough." Antani said as they sat on the wooden sofa next to one another.

An intervention from her lover, Antani gently pried the bottle away from Ellamir, Antani's hand gripping hers with a touch ever so calming. Ellamir's fury and distress temporarily soothed, the dark elf clenched tight her hand.

Stefano wracked his head. There must be something he can contribute, anything that would help! A bright idea flashed, leading him to say his thoughts out loud.

"Oh, I know, how about we all go ahead and visit Zorrla! That way, we don't have to wait for her to get the drop in on us! What do you think!?"

Of course, the mermaid immediately had something to say. Her day just won't be complete unless she was able to tease or make fun of the cleric.

"Are you dumb? We're all trying to avoid the woman and you suggest meeting with her!?"

"Ouch, it was just a suggestion, stop hitting me with your wheelchair!"

The Giantess brooding in the corner hushed all of them, "Quiet, everyone!"

The ring they both received from Augustia glowed. Its light ushering in the assurance that Maessha was indeed alright.

From Maessha's end, the dark elf shifted alone uncomfortably at the manor's living room. Saheilla's manor was indeed mor spacious than her sister's house, but what Ellamir's lacked, it made for in being a home.

"Alara, can you hear me?"

Through artificer magic, the dwarven forged ring carried the longing Elf's voice. Maessha's tender timbre bent Alara's lips into a smile.

"I can. Are you safe?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Mother needs me to be in top shape for our battle."

"I'm still not convinced, do you want me to come get you? Leave your mother, she is a Queen, she can handle herself."

How Alara yearned for Maessha's safety leaked through her tone, bordering on the melancholic. This won't do, Maessha needed not her lover be sad. Perhaps a simple tease and recollection of the wonderful night they shared will cheer up Alara?

"You don't understand, I'm watching mother for the sake of those around her, not for herself." Delighted to hear Alara's voice, Maessha bit her lip. "Miss me already? Or are you just making excuses because you want to fuck me again like last night? That thick, blue cock of yours had me gushing."

"Maessha...I...now's not the time to speak about that."

Of course, the cleric was rendered speechless, while Gloria and Naya were left aghast. Only Yulia had the audacity to laugh at their obscenity. They truly are Ellamir and Antani's sisters.

Maessha knit her brow, it wasn't like Alara to be this reserved, Maessha wondered, "I thought you would be more boastful about your performance last evening, I was cumming all night."

A hand unable to suppress her laughter, Yulia bellowed, "Hah! 'Cumming all night!', looks like your sister is as lively as you, Ellamir!"

"There is laughter..." Her obsidian cheeks now flushed crimson, Maessha stood in surprise, in horror. "...who was that!?"

"That's Yulia...everyone's here, Maessha."

"What! And you didn't tell me before I spilled what we did last night!? I'm ending this now, CALL FOR ME LATER ONCE YOU ARE ALONE!"

Ellamir rushed close to Alara's ring. She unsure of what to make of this information about this blue brute making love with her sister all night, the only thing Ellamir needed to be sure of was her little sister's location.

"Maessha wait!"

"Sister?" Great, just when Maessha thought she couldn't be more embarassed.

"Yes, let us shelve how you two are going at it like rabbits under my roof. what's important is that you are safe, allow me to keep it that way. Tell me where you are, I beg of you."

For a moment, Maessha debated whether she would tell her sister. Ellamir going into where is now would spell utter disaster. A rehash of their once cataclysmic, skirmish to the death has a high possibility of happening once more.

And yet Maessha's concern for her sister won in the end, to give Ellamir the peace of mind she sought.

"I am at a Diamond adventurer's house, she goes by the name of Saheilla."

Saheilla!? So, her mother reunites with the slave she once abandoned. Ellamir was pleased as long as the Mad Queen has a place to stay other than their home.

"If you need us to come get you, just call in anytime and we will rush to your aide." Ellamir's assurance was made possible by their Comm ring.

"Have no worry, Sister. I shall."

But just as how the artificer's artifact brought Ellamir peace of mind, this newfound Zen was shattered by the voice that joined in on the call.

"Is that you, Daughter dearest!?" Zorrla crept up from behind her daughter, quickly seizing Maessha's arm to speak into the ring. "I've missed you so much, tell me, when can little Ellani meet her grandmother? I have a gift I'm aching to give a gift to our royal blood line's progeny!"

"Mother..." Ellamir's vindictiveness seeped from her utterance, a justified bitterness. "...try and get close to Ellani and you will wish you would've never set foot in Elaria! I swear to Lolth that even Maessha will never be able to save you from my fury! Just in case your crazy mind cannot comprehend, let me make it simple, If you ever pull my daughter into one of your schemes, I WILL MURDER YOU!"

"THEN IT'S A DANCE! YOU AND ME, MY DEAREST DAUGHTER, LET'S GO!" Zorrla did indeed take Ellamir's threat as an invitation.

The influence of the drider Armor was too strong that Maessha had to armor up just so she could yank her arm away from Zorrla.

"I was not done speaking to your sister. Give that magic ring to me, now!"

Maessha's shadow armor remained, she is highly confident that her mother will not act up with the Tournament fast approaching but her insanity rendered Zorrla unpredictable. The Darkness Maessha clad herself with will no doubt crumble at the malevolence of Zorrla's own armor. Yet she bravely chose to keep

"No, mother. I believe sister has made it clear that she does not want to converse with you."

"Why you little...!" Malefic shadow vortexed around Zorrla. Ultimately stopping moments before she completed her transformation. Her once seething with anger morphed into a wicked smile in the bilnk of an eye. "Have it your way, Maessha. But know this, the monent you lose the tournament, I'm sure you'll know what's going to happen to you!"

Maessha was aware, dreadfully but will participate in the tournament resolute.

In spite of the fate that awaits upon losing.

A fate that Ellamir suffered.

A topic ill suited for a dinner shared among friends but they all needed to know the extent of Zorrla's wretchedness. Why Ellamir was so agitated.

"I was made an outcast. Shamed at every opportunity, every dark elf shunned me. All because of my very own mother!" Ellamir's fist hit the dinner table. "The only thing that kept me going was my drive for vengeance!"

"Uh huh, vengeance towards whom?" Antani teased, sitting next to her dramatic lover.

It wasn't to make light of Ellamir's harrowing experience, but the mood. Ellamir now has friends, and a lover to look out for her. Antani wanted to remind Ellamir that she need not fester those emotions anymore. For their daughter's sake in Gloria's arms, mortified at how livid her gentle mother is becoming.

Ellamir wry laughed, "No one in particular."

"After hearing that, we definitely need to rescue Maessha from Zorrla." Yulia suggested, biting off a piece of bread before taking a spoonful of soup.

Alara stood, ready to adress everyone that gathered. Conviction to keep Maessha safe burning in her frigid eyes, Alara declared...

"Leave it to me. I have a plan."