
Volume 1. Chapter 9 - Patronage of the Lord of Hell

A typical day for hell. The red sky, a little fuss and the hubbub of demons. Someone was selling, someone was buying, and the rest just wandered idly between the houses. Although it was hell, it still looked so much like an ordinary city… Until a fiery whip descended on him.

[Entity received]

[Entity received]

[Entity received]

He burned everything, sparing no one. Flying on the wings of fire, wielding two fiery whips, he trampled a path of burnt corpses, leaving behind only bones and ashes.

It's even a pity for them a little, but…

[Karma increased]

Why… Is this considered a good thing?

Ha ha ha! Fuck how I'm fucking sick of this system! It's just fucked up!

But okay, let's go to the baron.


Part of the city was completely burned down, and then there should be the baron himself. Maybe I should have waited and started with him, but still, this time I'd rather do everything a little more carefully, besides, you need to get used to the force.

And now, as I was approaching the estate, Gro, a tall, jock demon, blocked my path.

- Hey, skip the pliz.

- Where are you going?

- I... to the baron, don't you see a fire in the city, some freak started spreading fire! We need to call the fire department faster, or…

- Shut up! He roared, after which a dangerous aura began to flow from him, "Servants! To me! Let's attack!

Well, that's bad luck, some demons turn out to be a little smart.

But I'm not stupid either, so I just turned around and ran back.

- ... Stop!!!

All the servants who were in and around the manor came running to him, among them I saw many low-level demons, as well as a couple of sexy demonesses from whom I took essence. Of course, it would be a pity to kill them, but if they attack themselves…

- Ike!

- Kya!

- Save me…

[Stone Throwing – 2ur → 3ur]

Where can I get stones in a dilapidated city? The answer is everywhere.

Hiding behind the debris, I easily shot off weak demons, aiming at their neck, lower back or head. For a long time, I have already learned to understand where their weaknesses are.

For example, succubi, no matter how strange it may be, have their erogenous zones and uterus, and incubi probably also, of course I haven't studied yet, but I'm sure.

[Entity received]

[Entity received]

[Entity received]

And so, when I had already dealt with all the demons, the interim boss came.

- Bastard! – he said through his teeth, - I'll KILL you!

Heh, he's really fast!

He covered the distance of several streets in a couple of seconds, and attacked the surviving house where I was... or rather, he thought so, the house had been empty for a long time, and I was already running to the baron.

Idiot, I'm much faster! Also.

Distribute the characteristics, all in dexterity!

Dexterity -200 + 22 → 222.

I'm only getting faster, and thanks to the newly made wings, I could also fly!

- Ay beliv, ay ken fly!

* BOOM! *

I crashed into the walls.

Yeah… I still need to learn how to control them. But okay, now smash it!!!

I activated hellfire, but now it looked a little different, I was able to give it a more elegant shape – a whip. In each hand, a fiery whip that melted stones and cut through the air.


How pleasant it is!

Have you ever worked for a disgusting boss? And so, would you like to give him a savory bream, or better yet, how should he be beaten? And what about his expensive car, or his fuckin' rich house, which he likes to show off so much. I've always wanted to ruin everything, you know, steal a car, drive around it, get a bunch of fines, and then smash it and dump it. Well, honestly… I tried it once, but it ended up with a huge fine and community service.


It doesn't matter! I'm busy destroying right now!


And here he is, he finally got there, but, of course, I did not stand on ceremony with him, one brick in the head, and that's it.

- AHHH!!!

Well, almost… How is this bastard still alive?

- GRAAA!!!

- Oh, fuck!

He suddenly threw a huge block at me, and then another one. I didn't even have time to dodge the first one, and then the second one flew in…

After all, he ran towards me, pulling out a huge sword from his belt, which easily cut through half of the estate, but…

- You daub! Are you really hungry for smearing like that? Can I give you a snickers bar?

- AAAARRGG!!! – he attacked again.

- Lol, what kind of cockeyed bastard is that?!

As soon as I exasperated him, he swung his sword again, creating a small ravine on the ground, but I easily dodged, after which I sent him straight into the rubble with a blow.


Two fire whips appeared in my hands, after which the pitching bombardment began. The fire melted the stones into lava, which fell on his skin, burning it, and getting to the muscles, and in the end leaving only bones. And only the scream came from the raging hellfire.

- Ugh... - all that was left of him was a half-burned corpse, and I already wanted to finish him off, but…

- Mmm… How unpleasant.

Damn… I recognize it Mmm out of a thousand!

"Ehhh," the fat man breathed, "Well, what the fuck, I'll ask?"

- Isn't it okevdino?

- Ehh... - standing on the ruins of his mansion, he sighed and surveyed the destruction, - Do you think the strongest? His voice turned serious abruptly, which made even me tense up.

What is he up to?

"...You don't know anything about hell, you fucking sinner, and you're already acting like you want to.

- Well, sort of.

- Ahahah… You know what happens if you kill a demon, right?

- ... No.

"Ahah... idiot, you knew that demons can't die in hell, only the lord of hell can do that.

- What do you mean?

- Demons are reborn after death, and in a year, two or ten years, they will return, all those whom you killed, and they will have only one goal – you.

Oh, shit.

- Besides, the other barons of the first circle will not let you go, this will already be an attack on the integrity of the zones for sinners, you will be persecuted everywhere.

- …

Oh, shit!

- So what… Wait, the first round?

"Heh," he grinned, baring his yellow teeth., - Didn't you know, ignoramus? There are 9 circles in hell! And I'm just a baron! I'm nothing compared to the others! Do you understand what you're getting into now? Just give up and accept the punishment like a sinner.

- Heh, - I grinned, - You can fuck, but you know! I absolutely don't give a fuck!

"HA... HA HA HA HA!!! Then… I'm going to have to stop you here.

- You? No, seriously? Do you even understand yourself? Have you seen yourself? Do you think you can do anything to me?

- Ahah... as you said, I don't give a fuck... the BARRIER! – he threw up his hands, - Disappear!

* BOOM! *

There was a huge noise and I looked up to see the sky cracking. The cracks grew, and pieces of something invisible literally fell to the ground.

This is clearly not good.

- What the fuck did you do?!

"Mmm... wait and see, but I can say one thing... I'm definitely not going to kill you," he smiled, after which I understood the meaning of his words.



- KRUUU!!!



Thousands... no, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts were surging towards the city from all sides. The city was swept away in seconds, and then they surrounded the estate. The only thing that saved me was the tall pillars I was sitting on and the absence of flying monsters.

"Ha, ha, ha! You got it, you dirty sinner! You're going to die! You will die and go to Tartarus itself!

That bitch, I'll kill you!

"Haha," he threw the unfinished Gro into the mouths of hungry animals, "But I won't let you get stronger," after which he jumped himself, and I was left alone.


Loud sounds of hungry animals.

- Ryayaya!

- Quack!

- Moo!

- Whoooo

- I tried to sing along to the rhythm, but what else should I do?

They are literally everywhere, and their strength and size cannot even be compared with those that I have encountered in the wasteland.

Ten of them could easily kill me. I tried to leave stones in them, but it's useless, and the hellfire quickly goes out and takes too much strength.

Am I really going to die and end up in Tartarus, just like he said.

- Hmm.…

And what is tartarus? I only know the sauce with that name, and if you get there… But I didn't really like this sauce.

- Eh... well, help me, you fucking observers.


- I know what you're watching! If you want to continue, then buy a subscription!

[The unknown observer is a little upset that he will have to pay for the show]

- ... Did you fuck up there!?

[Unknown observer 2 says he won't pay]

- ... Wait, there are two of them?

[Unknown observer is surprised]

[An unknown observer asks why he didn't invent a nickname for himself]

[Unknown observer 2 replies that he is lazy and asks the same question]

[An unknown observer says this in order to be a little secretive]

- Am I crazy or something? Fuck... you can shut up, you can't hear shit here because of the animals, and you're still talking.



- I told you, you have to pay, otherwise I'll just die and the show will close!


Звери уже прогрызали основание колонны, скоро она рухнет, а на крыльях я долго не продержусь.

[Неизвестный наблюдатель 2 выражает свое недовольство, но все же не намерен помогать тому, кто расправился с его последователем]

- Что? Какой нахуй последователь?

[Неизвестный наблюдатель 2 пытается вспомнить имя своего последователя]

[Неизвестный наблюдатель говорит вам, что это был тот жирный барон]

- Аааа. Так он твой последователь! Так, стоп, но не я же уго убил! Он сам суициднулся!

[Н.н 2 говорит, что ему лень менять приоритеты]

Че? Он даже имя свое сократил?

- Ладно, насрать на него, ты второй, точнее первый, помогай.

[Неизвестный наблюдатель думает]

- Ну?

[Неизвестный наблюдатель говорит, что готов помочь, но только за определенную услугу]

Услуга? Так, стоп! Это же не та самая услуга, о которой я думаю?

- Так, это, ты можешь раскрыть свое имя и услугу.

[Неизвестный наблюдатель говорит, что скажет все только после соглашения]

- Дерьмо.

Так, что всем демонам от меня было нужно? Если подумать, то одно… Блять.

Моя ебанная карма. Она слишком высокая для ада, что очень сильно отражается на сексуальное влечение демонов ко мне. Ладно красивые суккубы или демонесы, но очень часто это были пидоры.

- Мда…

Даже будучи слугой у барона мне пару раз попадались такие, которые желали более близкого общения со мной.

Сука. Выбора-то нету… Ладно, что-нибудь придумаю, к тому же тот наблюдатель не обязательно захочет мое очко, может что-то другое.

- Ладно, я согласен.

[Неизвестный наблюдатель соглашается]

[Неизвестный наблюдатель раскрывает свое настоящее имя]

[Повелитель ада и похоти Асмодей, дарует вам свое благословение]

- …


ТАК И ЗНАЛ!!! НУ почему именно похоти!!!

[Асмодей говорит, что все готово]

[Н.н 2 стало интересно]

Раз первый повелитель ада, то второй тоже…

- И что вы ко мне пристали? Ну типа я не против, но чем я вас заинтересовал?

[Асмодей говорит, что потом как-нибудь скажет, а также напоминает о соглашении]

- Да… Точно, ну и что я должен сделать?

Пожалуйста пусть только не это, пусть только не это, пусть только не это.

[Асмодей говорит, что тебе нужно прийти к нему]


- Эхххх… Ладно, и куда?

[Асмодей говорит, на девятый круг ада, иначе соглашение будет недействительным, и он убьет тебя]

- … Мило.

Ну что ж, выбора нету.


[Наложено благословление повелителя ада Асмодея]

[Атрибут совпадет, грех совпадает, комплектация совпадает, осложнений не найдено]

[Благословление похоти активировано]

Мое тело окутало легко красноватой аурой, и я почувствовал силу.


Раса – Инкуб +

Грех – похоть (благословение)+

Эссенция 522/5000 +

Профессия – нет.

Навыки: Выдержка – 5ур, Харизма – 4ур, Сущность – 3ур, Разделка – 2ур, Метание камней – 3ур, Адский огонь – 2ур, Массаж – 1ур. (+)

Карма (-100)

Сила – 171 (371) +

Выносливость – 164 (364) +

Ловкость – 261 (461) +

Магическая сила – 209 (409) +

Магическое сопротивление – 100 (300) +

Харизма – 56 +

Удача – 4 +

Свободные очки характеристик: 0

Звание: Грешник, Отказавшийся от перерождения, Обративший на себя внимание ада, Гладиатор, Мастер массажа, Двуликий, Повелитель демониц. (+)


- Это… Что?

Почему у меня стояк?

[Асмодей говорит, что это побочный эффект]

- Хрень полная, а не побочный эффект! Как мне блять в битве это пригодится?

[Асмодей говорит, что в постели эффект очень важен]



[Н.н 2 думает стоит ли ему использовать свое настоящее имя]

А ты вообще закройся!

- И сколько это будет длиться?

[Асмодей говорит, что пару дней, тебе этого хватит]

- Надеюсь я выживу…

[Н.н 2 пытается понять шансы на выживание]

[Н.н 2 предлагает ставку Асмодею]

[Асмодей принимает ставку]

- Эй! Вы там охуели!

[Асмодей предлагает начинать, ведь чем дольше длится эффект, тем он слабее]

- ГРА! Я обязательно доберусь до этого урода и хорошенько набью ему морду!

[Асмодей немного расстроен вашей репликой]

- Пошел нахуй!





- Эхх… Была не была, - прыгнул я в полчища монстров, а после меня поглотила гигантская волна, состоящая из пастей и клыков




Конец тома.