


"Records are definately kept for all you do and karma is a rutheless bitch,who will come for it pound of flesh no matter how long it takes for all your wrong doings {CIISE}"

I wasn't really a demon even if just one mistake made me a devil.Rather I was a sweet,naive and innocent angel who changed overnight and here is my story.

Being a single mother of two kids,a boy and a girl,who were twins,Neo and Nutella,I feel more of a failed mother than anyone else could ever be as I see my past revolving back to me just to haunt me.

Please step back Nutella,I pleaded tearfully as I watch my daughter holding a knife to the neck of her twin brother Neo,as they stood above a cliff.Tella,you know you don't have to do this,he is your blood,your twin!I said as I cried desperately while watching hopelessly as karma decides to give me a replay of my past. Just drop the knife darling I said in fear as I took a step forward. Don't move am inch mom,I promise I'll do this if you take another step forward,Tella said with tears in her eyes as she trembled while Neo looked at me with tears in his eyes.Nutella,you know you don't have to do this,I cried,you don't have to repeat my mistake and my worst nightmare,you don't have to go down the same path as I did.I said as I watched helplessly while my kids are on top a cliff and might fall anytime soon. Your past!you killed someone mom! Tella said,as she looked at me with disbelief written all over her face.Yes dear,and trust me,I regretted every single bit of it,I said as I took another step forward. I said don't move!Tella screamed as she stomped her feet's on the floor and her face reddens in anger. I won't I said as I shivered,mom promises not to move an inch,I said as I stepped back hastily. Who did you kill mother? She asked with a smirk on her face,who mother!she shouted.My twin,I screamed as tears rolled down my eyes freely and without restraint,I killed my twin,my blood and only closest friend,I said as I fell to my kneels and sobbed. I looked up and beheld four pairs of eyes looking expectantly at me waiting to hear my part of the story,since I was the only one present. You are a twin? Tella asked as Neo was to traumatized and cautious to say anything. Yes I am and the name of twin is Loren. I loved my brother than I loved myself,yes! I could say that Loren was not only my blood,but was also my best and closest friend. I was pampered by my brother and I in turn adored him. I attended the same high school as Loren and people called us the inseperable twin,since I was always where Loren was and he in turn protected and prevented any guy from coming close,or harassing me. I felt secured at first but as I grew older and became a teen,I felt and saw his protection as nothing but him being too bossy,overprotective and acting like he owns all of me. And I turn constantly reminded him of the fact that we were both twins and he isn't my older brother,so he isn't in control of whatever I do,but that doesn't reduce the love I have for him. I said as I looked up and wiped the tears that was flowing down my cheeks freely.

Hiii dear beautiful and amazing readers,I hope your day is as bright as youMy books are written specially for amazing prince and princess like you. So do well to enjoy the book with a cold drink during a sunny day and an hot coffee during winter

{Ciise} loves you all.

Ciise_Inspocreators' thoughts