

                     TUESDAY 11


" Sir,you no think we go home now, sky is now dark"

" I really don't feel like going back home today "

" Sir, you running from lady Morgana ?"

" Yes, I am running away from her troubles and threats"

" Me no know anything about marriage life but me father tells me that women may troubles you a lot but when you no home they jealous you absence and miss you"

" The troubles of women are different, some troubles could make you love them the more while some could end your life "

Omar was puzzled by his words and how he has been behaving and talking all this while they have been together. talking so hopeless and with so much pessimism. Only someone suffering from depression that is killing him silently would sound this way. he doubles his woeful state with alcohol and packs of cigarettes. He wonders why a rich famous man would be this sad.

" Sir,you be doctor why taking so much whisky it's bad for you "

Christopher was keeping a straight face all these time but hearing that he let loose it with a guffaw . He breathed out the smoke from his cigarettes and had another sip of his liquor

" I know better than you my dear, they are really dangerous to humans health in some ways but with me these are my antidotes "

" But sir,if too much it no go give you peace, it destroy you inside "

" I won't advice you to take it but with me I'm fine, stop worrying about me Omar " he smiled sharply and continued his smoke.

" sir me can't stop worried about you, you no look happy at all "

" No one will be happy to know that he is going to die "

" Please no say that sir, you never going to die , you too good to die "

Christopher stared at his worried eyes, he barely know him for months and he doesn't want him to mention his death to his hearing . A worry Morgana has never shown him since their marital life, being human is not about the color of your skin but what your heart feels. He wished white folks would understand this and stop the hate.

" Can I ask a favor from you ? "

" Yes sir any a thing please ask, me do it, in Sha Allah (if God wills)"

" Move closer to me "











He lay on his back, in bed, hearing and seeing nothing. Then like an electric switch being clicked on, he was aware that the room was filled with bright light. Somewhere deep in him a thought formed ; it's still afternoon. He tried to lift himself on his elbows but a hand pushed him back gently to bed. He heard his sister breathing hardly and the whining cry of Micheal. Only a few seconds from deep sleep , caught in a deadlock of impulses, unable to rise to the land of the living. He opened his eyes slowly, struggling to come fully awake. He relaxed his taut muscle, feeling fear, remembering all that kwairah said. The death of Christopher, his brother being accused of the murder and his mother in prison. He thought; what will happen to Omar if they see him ? Will I loose him too just as l loose my father ? No, he objects to himself . Nothing will happen to Omar, he didn't do it .

" You be fine now ? " Kwairah asked

" Yes I feel okay now " he replied. Turned his face and saw Micheal with swollen eyes, he stretched his hands and held his

" I'm fine now Micheal, please don't cry again " Micheal nodded positively and wiped the tears off his cheeks. He lift himself from bed gently and relax his back on the wall.

" when will I go home ? "

" Tomorrow, the doctor will discharge you tommorow morning" Helen answered him. Just before she could say anything else, she heard her phone vibrating, she brought it out from her bag and saw it to be Bernard . She know, it's about the murder. She felt reluctant to pick it up but then she thought she had to, it will be a means for her to know everything about the case. She excused herself from the bedside to pick the call.

" Hello "

" Hello Helen, David wants you here "

" What for ? "

" Dr Christopher is dead "

" I know, I heard, what's the top for it ? "

" Murder, he needs you here now! "

" Murder? Why should it be murder case ? Was the murderer found ? "

" They say his worker killed him, you need to be here Helen "

She breathed out softly

" Okay " the call hung up at the other side. She brushed her hair back with her hands knowing how difficult the case would be. There will be little hope for him in this, if caught, to escape death penalty. She cannot believe too much in his innocence she made a mistake the last time she did. The accused turned out to be guilty of the crime. Right now she is lost in what to believe, whose side to take, she can't deny how much Micheal has been so fond of Hassan, how he has taken him more than a friend but rather a brother . Seeing his brother or mother die for this crime will make Hassan miserable and this will affect Micheal too. If not for anyone she has to do it for Micheal. She brushed off her uneasy face and walked back to the bedside. She touched the shoulders of Micheal softly

" I need to be at the office now "

" Why mother ? "

" It's urgent "

" Is it about my brother case ma'am ?"

She nodded in affirmative and turned to kwairah

" What did he tell you the last time you saw him?"

" Him come home crying, him say him will die, I beg him to tells me the problems but him never say no thing, then him leave the house "

" Did he ever told you that he hated Dr Christopher or anything about him being bad to him "

" No, sir Christopher has never been bad to us " Hassan quickly replied " And Omar always talks about his kindness "

" Your brother, does he have anger issues ?"

" He gets angry but only because of fear and hatred "

" Fear and hatred for what and who ?"

" For whites, he fear and hate them. But sir Christopher changed that in him "

She heaved out a loud sigh, a thought formed in her, " he might be innocent " but this is still under doubt, until the accused is found, there is absolutely nothing to conclude on.

" Sleep over I will come tomorrow" she ordered Micheal who agreed with a nod. She shoved her hand in her bag and brought out some dollars and gave it to kwairah.

" Just in case he will need anything, this should do "

" Thank you ma'am"

She smiled wistfully and left the hospital.


" What took you so long Helen ?" David complained

" why I'm late is not the issue, the main thing is that I'm here "

" I have every right to know Helen! Bernard had called you an hour ago and you are just arriving the office? "

" I'm I the issue here ?"

" Wo Wo Wo, I think we should be talking about the case on ground "

David hissed out, relaxing his hands on his waist glaring at Helen

" Where are we going now ? "

" To the police station, right David?"

" No, you guys are going to Dr Christopher's house "

" We can't go by this time, this is past 8"

" That is why you should always be at a place on time, get your stuffs and get going!"

She glared at him, wishing she could forever stop seeing his face but that will mean she has to quit working for them. Having a job at another broadcasting house is not her problem, she is good at what she does but she chooses to work with the Punch's , not knowing why .

" You really should take it easy with David, I know he acts annoying sometimes but he is still our boss here " Bernard advice as he drives

" I hate him so much "

" Well I do too but I still prefer him to blacks "

She turned her face towards him and chuckled lightly. It wasn't a big bombshell hearing it from a white but she wasn't expecting it from Bernard.

" Why ?" She asked

" They irritate me, don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist but I just don't like them most especially the Muslims"

" So you have strong prejudice for a race and religion for no reason?"

" Well I think they are dangerous and have very low thinking "

She chuckled again, this time louder.

" But I think you like them Helen, whenever there is a case about them I see the concern in your eyes "

" I like everyone, because we are all humans, I gat no time for bigotry " she replied briskly

" Do you know his house ? "

" David gave me his address "

" Okay "

They drove few metres away from the office and in no time they were at Christopher's gate. They made a knock at the gate and were granted permission in.

" We want to see mrs Christopher, Is she here? "

" Of course, where else would she be, please follow me "

He led them into the mansion, their eyes were overwhelmed with what they saw. The house was expensively furnished. Lady Morgana was playing a love rhythm, she was a pianist and plays very well, during her youthful days she was given different awards for her fantastic melodies. Helen's heart melted to the solo of her music, it made her remember her love story with Patrick. " She plays very well" she attested to herself. But what baffles her was the look she was having, well dressed, no sign of her mourning her late husband. She remembered when Patrick died, for three months she was not herself, even though she was nursing Micheal at that time it didn't stop her from bawling her eyes out. It took her 365 days to finally get over the wound Patrick placed in her heart but Morgana was wasn't looking like a mourning woman at all, she was still having her makeup on.

" Sorry to distract you madam but these people are here to see you "

" I see, you can leave now " she ordered with a sneer in her voice .

" How can I help you please ? "

" We are journalists, we just want to know more about the death of your husband " said Helen. Morgana breathed out and made a face

" He was everything to me, not until he took him away from me "

" Who took him away ?"

" Omar, Omar killed him. I suspected him evil all this while but Christopher was blind to all his treachery "

" Was he sick ? Or showed any symptoms of illness ? "

( She chuckled )

" My husband was a doctor, he was very much Hale and hearty. He went out with Omar that day and didn't return, my husband never does that. The next day the news of his death was what I heard "

" Where did he die ? "

" Bridgeport, in his car "

" Who drives the car ? "

" My husband does the driving "

" So he didn't die by accident ? "

" No, he was shot, so says the police that found him "

" Why would you think Omar would kill your husband ?"

" He is a Muslim, aside from being black his religion enjoys killing but his main reason for doing that, is what I want the law to help me find out "

" Thank you very much madam for your time? "

" It's nothing " she shrugged and smiled . Helen and Bernard find their way out. Just before Helen went out of the gate the security called her back

" I know that Omar, we had met often times , I do not think he killed sir Christopher "

" If he is found and taken to court can you come out and proclaim his innocence? "

" No I can't but I wish I could, please don't tell anyone what I just told you for the sake of my life "

Helen nodded

" thank you sir "









" What did you get ? " The manager asked

" Sir, here is the video of our conversation with lady Morgana " Bernard said playing it to him. The board listened to it but Helen wasn't much interested.

" What else do we need, the only thing left is to find this criminal and bring him to justice . They really have to teach these blacks folks some lessons "

" what if he is found and not guilty " Helen said, not interested in looking up but buried her face at the keyboard she was punching.

" Why do you always like to take side with terrorists Helen! "

" I don't take side sir, but I do not wish to be in haste in censuring anyone, but I always speak what I think "

" Oh of course I know you do, and that is what makes me wonder with your good sense, to be honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of blacks " David said " you will see, he will be brought to justice "

She say no more and focused in punching the keyboards.

" Who is going to report it on TV ?" Bernard asked

" Let Sharon do, I don't think this one would want to " David replied again in sneering tone .

" You can now return back to your duties !!"