
Chapter 10

“With so few obvious resources, they must’ve passed over quickly, so their harvesters didn’t have a chance to dig too deep,” Dakota mused. He glanced at the partially open curtain to the sleeping chamber to ensure Beth wasn’t staring out. He couldn’t see her so he stretched a leg across the floor and nudged Chip’s.

He received a warm smile in return and a growl from up above.

Chuckling, Chip called to Howie. “It’s okay, boy.” The dog’s growling grew louder. “Howie!”

The growls turned into barking. Beth ripped the curtain aside with the shotgun and plasma rifle in her hands. “Zombies! I told you this would happen.”

Dakota jumped to his feet, grabbing his energy weapon. He instinctively checked his canteen was still attached to the belt on his hip.

“Chip, grab that lantern!” Beth shouted.

He snatched it from a shelf above his head. “Close your eyes!” he warned.

Dakota did as told. Through his eyelids, he saw a bright light then heard Chip grunt. The darkness returned.