
The World the Goddess Only Knows

(Main Story) Uzumaki Haruto is a 15-year-old high school student who lives in Chiba, Japan. He has a distant relationship with his younger-twin-sister Naruko, who always treats him rudely. One day in spring, he encounters a girl playing piano on one of his travels to a junkyard and helps her in many ways as he discovers that her name is Lucy Heartfilia. At the same time, he also found his sister is actually an otaku with an extensive collection of moe anime and younger sister-themed eroge she has been collecting in secret. Noticing his sister has no one to share her secret hobbies with, he accompanies her to join the online community Otaku Girls United! tea party at a maid café in Akihabara, where he meets a 'vampire' girl named Ruby Rose. (Special Story: In The World of Midgar) Long ago, there was a woman who once reigned supreme and had reached the very brink of subduing the world under her rule. Her name was Ouzelia Lucifen, a very powerful woman dreaded as the Black Emperor. However, she was defeated by the heroes who opposed her ferocity, and her ambition was brought to an end. Years later, a girl suddenly wakes up in the body of her MMO character — 'Ouzelia Lucifen' — in a game-like fantasy world called Midgar. She soon discovers that 'Lucifen' is both feared and worshiped by those around her. She struggles to come to terms with her new identity, and with the fact that she is now living Lucifen's life. She must navigate the world of Midgar that is simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar, as she attempts to uncover the truth behind her strange predicament. All the while, she must also contend with the weight of Lucifen's legacy, and the lingering question of whether she will follow in Lucifen's footsteps or forge a new path. *** A reimagine of Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, Sayonara Piano Sonata, and Yasei No Last Boss Ga Arawareta stories with Naruto, Fairy Tail, and RWBY characters.

Orange_Naru · Anime & Comics
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291 Chs

Welcome Home, Tsun Tsun (4)

꒰ঌ Welcome Home, Tsun Tsun 4



After school when I entered the living room, I saw my sister sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, apparently talking happily on the phone.

I remembered her telling me that she would be busy today doing all the things she needed to re-enroll in Japanese school… but all that might have already been dealt with.

The scene filled me with a sense of nostalgia but also a sense of melancholy. Looking at her through the corner of my eye, I spoke up. "I'm home."

At that Naruko, turn her face at me and greet me. "Welcome home, Bro."

Then I went to grab something to drink. As I did so, the sound of my sister's voice reached my ears. "Yes. That is what's happening. No, I still haven't… still haven't decided to return. Please allow me to think about it a bit longer. Yes…"

It seemed that she was talking to someone from her modeling job. It was pretty rare to hear her speaking so respectfully. So she's not planning on going back to work? I wonder why. I opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of juice. Closing the refrigerator door, I glanced at her. Naruko ended her call, and then immediately seemed to dial for someone else.

"Hey there Ashley-chan. You probably heard it from Juvia-chan already but… I'm back. Hm? Yeah, I don't plan to leave anymore. I'm just going to stay here and train hard until graduation, I guess? hee hee, sorry for giving you all a shock like that."

She was probably telling people that she was back. I opened the lid to the can of juice and placed it right in front of my sister. Then I sat right across from Naruko and began reading a Rolling Stone magazine.

"Mmm… alright, well let's get together soon… yeah, in Akiba, maybe?"

From what they were talking about, I guessed that Naruko had been talking to Mio now. Mio was pretty angry when Naruko had left without a word… but when I saw Naruko's face, I gathered that they had managed to make up. Akiba… it sounded like they were planning a party or something again. It's been a while since the four of us had gotten together.

"That doesn't sound bad at all…"

My gaze was on the magazine, but I could feel a loose smile forming on my lips. Around half an hour later, I managed to finish reading my magazine from cover to cover… and quite unbelievably, my sister was still on the phone. It wasn't as if she was still talking with the same person. She talked with one person for a bit, hung up the phone, and then called someone else… that kind of thing had been repeating itself over and over and over.

Naruko probably had an absurd number of friends who I didn't know about. And when she was overseas, she probably wanted to talk to these friends with all her heart but wasn't able to. That's how it seemed when she had met Ruby at the airport yesterday, at least. She was probably eager to have reunions with her other friends as well.

Naruko and Juvia's reunion happened right after I got back from school. Juvia came by to our house right when I came out of the bathroom.

The minute Naruko opened the front door—

"Naru~~~~~~~. It's been so looooooonnnnnggg~~~~~."

"Ah, wait, Juvia…"

Juvia jumped right into Naruko, buried her face in Naruko's chest, and hugged her tight. It was almost as if two lovers who were separated for a lifetime were meeting each other again.

"But… but… sniffle…"

"I'm home, Juvia."

"Yeah… welcome back, Naru."

The spectacle in front of me was the exact same as the spectacle I had seen at the airport with Ruby the other day.

"I'm sorry Naru… I really, really wanted to come sooner to see you…"

"It's fine. You were busy working, after all. It would have been nice to see you when I went to school to get my re-enrollment paperwork dealt with, but you were in class… hey, you know… even when I was over there, I ordered all the magazines you were in and read them."

"Really!? I'm happy… H-hey, Naru? You're going to stay here forever this time, right? You won't just leave without saying anything to anybody… you won't do that again, right?"

"Yeah… "

"I see! That's a relief… ! Also, this might be a bit rude to say, but… I mean… I was really happy when you came back to Japan. Really, really happy."

"Thanks, Juvia. I'm sorry for not contacting you." Naruko said that and affectionately stroked Juvia's head.

I wonder… if they plan to keep this up for much longer…

What the hell do they think they're doing in the damn entranceway of our house!? And what's more, they're both girls! I felt really embarrassed, and I couldn't watch anymore. I quickly went up the stairs and escaped to my room.

"I'm happy for you, Naruko." I let out a soft sigh and shut the door.

Yes, first she had a reunion with Ruby, then she made up with Mio, and now she had a reunion with Juvia… and so, the fuss surrounding Naruko's return to Japan settled down, and I finally had some time to breathe. And everyone lived happily ever after.


The next day, we had plan to rented out a small café in Akihabara for Naruko's homecoming party. It was to be the first time in a long time that Naruko, Ruby, Mio, and myself would be under the same roof. Mio had chosen the place and done everything to plan this party. But then…

It was morning before the party, and I had just received a call from Mio. She said some urgent business had come up, and she couldn't come.

"I'm really very sorry, Haruto-chan… it really doesn't seem like I will be able to get out of this one. If it's possible, please proceed without me."

"Nah, let's just try again another day then. We'll just hang out at my house today."

If she didn't come, there really wasn't a point anymore to having a party. Naruko and Ruby would surely agree with that.

"I see… well then, should I finish with what I have to do, I'll also come to check on you. However, I might be quite late."

"Don't push yourself. Your plans are pretty important too, right?"

"No, no! I'll definitely come!"


What's up with her, suddenly yelling out like that? Well, whatever.

"Alright then. We'll wait for you."

"Yes, please tell Orange-chan and Ruby-chan for me too. I'll bring gifts with me as well, so please look forward to it! Farewell!"

"H-hey… ugh, she hung up."

I was just about to tell her that we didn't need any gifts… that girl seriously was way too considerate of us each and every time. Of course, I was thankful for that, and she really helped us out a lot too… but how do I say it… it really would also be nice if she acted a bit more unconcerned… she was our friend, after all.

And so, we suspended the party and decided to gather at the Uzumaki household to hang out. The last time Naruko, Ruby, and I had all gathered at my house was when we had that 'anime appreciation event' last year.

"Come on, get over to my place right away. It's a good chance for me to show you my collection. Honestly, I wanted to show you last time when you came over to watch Lucchan, but you showed me that strange doujinshi and we started fighting, so I didn't get the chance, you know?"

Naruko was talking to Ruby on the phone. And if I recalled correctly, the huge fight that Naruko and Ruby got into that time was definitely both their faults.

An hour later, Ruby showed up at our house. "Good afternoon."

"Hey. Nice to see you." As always, I went down to the front door to meet her.

Today, Ruby was not wearing the school uniform I had gotten used to seeing her in over the past few months, but rather her usual Blackrose outfit. It almost felt like we had gone back to the time before Naruko left for overseas. I was struck with a sense of nostalgia.

It's just… Ruby's school uniform was a symbol of our personal relationship with each other, free of Naruko's influence. So seeing her in her old outfit did sadden me a little, too.

"Well, come in."

"Sorry for intruding."

Ruby took off her shoes and arranged them neatly on the floor before coming in. Because we had spent time together making a game, this was already all too familiar. I took Ruby with me and headed for my sister's room. And together with Ruby, we headed towards my sister's room. When I went up to the second floor, I found Naruko there with her arms crossed, waiting for us.

"Tch, you guys are so slow."

Naruko was leaning against the wall arrogantly, but I was also sure she was really happy that her friend had come over to play. When I took a closer look, it was easy to see that she was smiling.

"Come on… come in already." Naruko pointed her chin towards the room, prompting her.

"I know. I'm coming in." Ruby responded indifferently and slipped by both me and Naruko, when—


Rather than going into Naruko's room, she went into mine.

"H-hey!" Startled, Naruko's eyes went wide. She hurriedly stood back upright as she turned to look at me. "Hey! What's the meaning of this!?"

Well, even if you glare at me like that… as I felt the heat of Naruko's stare, I scratched my cheek and chased after Ruby. Naruko, following me, also came into my room.

"Hey, Ruby?"


Ruby turned back to look at me from inside my room. I blinked in confusion. I could feel the killing aura crackling stronger and stronger behind me.

"Umm… well… you know… today we're playing in Naruko's room, right?"

"Hah? Why is he putting so much stress on the word 'today'? What is going on?"

The mumbling I heard from behind me was all kinds of scary. And what's more, Ruby began chuckling and pouring oil onto the fire.

"Oh? Was that the plan? It's just that lately I've gotten so used to coming to this room that I must have acted on reflex."


Naruko pushed me and loudly charged into my room. And then, she grabbed me by the collar.

"W-what exactly does this mean! Don't tell me you brought your sister's friend into your room while your sister wasn't here? If you did, I won't forgive you!"

She's completely misunderstanding the situation…! What the hell is up with this charged atmosphere!? She almost makes it sound like I used my position as her brother to go and rape Ruby or something! That's completely wrong! Ruby, do something about this, dammit!

Watching Naruko's angry expression Ruby just chuckling happily. She played with her hair with a finger, and gave us a suggestive look.

"Well, even if you ask what this means here… hmm… hey, Vår? How should we explain our relationship to your sister?"

"Don't make it sound like there's something going on!"

Saying 'Vår' like that… Why is it that she was so cold when we talked with each other alone, but in front of Naruko she acted almost as if we were dating!?

" 'Vår', you said…"

I could see the veins bulging on Naruko's forehead. She really seemed pissed at what Ruby was doing… and I feel like I've seen her act this way before. Yes, when Lucy came over to our house, she acted pretty much exactly like this.

"Oh my, but your sister sure seems angry. What should we do, Vår?"

"You know, I just realized it, but… Ruby, are you trying to imitate Lucy?"

"Hmph, how was it? Didn't I sound just like her?"

"Not at all!"

Since when did Lucy sound so evil? That wasn't Lucy, but rather an impression of the character in your manga, the Black Angel Lucifer.

"Geez, you're such an unpleasant person…"

"Thank you. That makes me quite happy, Vår."

Dammit, that wasn't a compliment… don't smile so seductively like that. My face is getting hot… Ruby just smiled even more, and began her offensive.

"What's wrong? Your face is getting red."

Women were really mysterious creatures. Just from her attitude, I might be inclined to think "Alright! She's definitely interested in me!" But if I got carried away and tried to get close to her now, she would just start hurling cruel abuse and swiftly put everything to an end. What in the world was I supposed to do here…? Someone please tell me… as I writhed in mental anguish, Naruko sent me a cold glare. She spoke curtly and sharply.

"Explain now!"

"No Naruko… it's not like that…"

I began explained to Naruko that after she left, Mio and Ruby often came to my room to hang out, she seemed satisfied at first, and somehow I managed to clear up any misunderstandings about my relationship with Ruby. However…

"You… don't tell me that when I was gone… you took two girls into your room to play? You're the worst."

This time, she got angry at me for a different reason. Naruko balled her hands into tight fists, her voice and her shoulders shaking as she spoke.

"Don't make it out to be something sketchy like that! Ruby and Mio both were just worried about me because they thought I'd be lonely without you! That's it!"


"That's why they came over to play so much. So you getting angry over it is really unreasonable. Am I wrong?"

"That… might be true…"

It seemed that I had succeeded in calming her down, somehow. Or that's what I thought, but…

"However! That might be true, but…!"

"What is it this time?"

"That! What is the meaning of that?!"

Naruko suddenly pointed at my bed. And for some reason, on top of my bed was…

"Hmph… is your little sibling quibble not over yet? Yawn… it's making me sleepy…"

Ruby was lying, stomach-down, on my bed, reading my Dragon Ball manga. And she certainly looked quite relaxed and drowsy.

"This isn't the time or place to be saying that!"

Naruko suddenly launched a flying knee drop down on her friend. It was enough of a serious attack to make Ruby let out a shriek as she lay there on her belly. What terrible things was Naruko doing against an opponent who was so unguarded…?

Whoosh. Not able to bear it anymore, Ruby leapt up and glared at Naruko through watery eyes.

"W-what do you think you're doing…? You little… get off of me…"

"You get up first!"

And then a scuffle broke out right on top of my bed.

"H… How could you get on top of someone else's bed like it's the most natural thing in the world?"

"But it's not your bed, is it? So why are you getting angry?"

"Wha… t‐that's…"

"Hmph, that's what?"

"S-shut up! I came all the way back, so it'd be better if we just played in my room! But you people have to take every single chance to just annoy me to death!"

It was like watching two stray cats fight. Ahhh, their clothes are getting all messed up. It wasn't even arousing anymore. But I see, so it was like that.

From Naruko's point of view… after she came back from overseas, she found that her brother and her friend had become rather close. She felt like the odd girl out, and that bothered her to no end. Ruby probably knew that too. Because as she sat on her knees on top of my bed, and as she locked her hands with Naruko's and they pushed at each other, she had a bad-natured smirk on her face the entire time.

"Ku ku ku… how foolish. Do you really think a lowly, powerless human like you has any chance against a vampire like me in a close-quarters battle like this?"

"You say a close‐quarters battle, but w-why are you using your feet to tickle my side!? That's not fair at all… ! Kyah, dammit! Seriously, stop… !" Naruko's face was flushed an angry red.

Trying to break the stalemate in their battle, both parties began to use their feet to kick or to tickle each other. Their skirts were going all over the place, so I suddenly found it difficult to watch without feeling like I was doing something inappropriate. On a completely unrelated note, I never even thought to try and stop their fight. They were badmouthing each other, sure… but this was just their way of communicating.

Even within their anger, even within their abusive language, there was some happiness and affection mixed in that they could not hide. The phrase "they were so close they fought with each other" was probably invented just to describe these two. Although, this really wasn't doing any favors for my bed…

After Naruko and Ruby's lover's quarrel finally calmed down, we headed towards Naruko's room, exactly as we had originally planned. We headed there so Naruko could show off the collection she had hidden in her secret compartment. What was quite impressive was that Naruko even immediately unveiled to Ruby the second level of her collection (so Ruby now had seen just as much as I had). That was just how much Naruko trusted Ruby as a friend.

Naruko's collection became the topic of discussion and we had a ball talking about it for a while… or maybe that's not a great way to put it. Rather, it was more that Naruko was rather shyly showing her collection to Ruby… and then Ruby reacted to each and every item.

"I-I'm being shown yuri eroge so proudly by a friend of the same gender right now… how precisely should I be taking this? Perhaps I should punch you out to protect my chastity?"

"D-don't get any weird ideas. You've got it all wrong! I just wanted to see what it felt like to be called 'Onee-chan' once in a while!"

"But it's clear that these heroines are not calling you 'Onee-chan', but 'Onee-sama'."

"So that's why I'm saying that I made an honest mistake here too!"

"If that's true, then sure… but I do seem to feel a tinge of unease at seeing this black and red haired heroine drawn here in the middle of the game cover…"

Ruby's reactions mostly went something like that. She was completely taken aback. I empathized with her. If I ever went to Gray's room and he tried to show off some of his BL games to me, I would definitely punch him.

After that, we went down to the living room, and the three of us passed the time watching anime. It was the continuation of the 'anime appreciation event' that had been left hanging before. The second season of Lucchan had already started, and Naruko excitedly provided lots of commentary recapping the first season. And then, by the time Mio finally came, it had already become evening.

"Ahh, everyone, I really apologize for being so late."

All of us went out into the entranceway, where we found Mio scratching her flushed cheeks. Ruby spoke, seeming just a bit puzzled.

"You had other plans, didn't you? So there's no helping it."

"Haha, I'm very grateful to hear you say that. Ah, yes, I brought presents. These are Lucchan cookies. Please, everyone, take some and enjoy." Mio held out a small paper bag.

"T‐thanks… hmm, so stuff like this actually exists…"

Naruko took the cookie that was offered to her. However, even though my sister was receiving something Lucchan related, she seemed happy for only a minute before her expression clouded over.

"Also… don't you live really far away from here?"

"Ahh, yes, I suppose."

"Right? And you had plans too, so you really didn't have to push yourself so hard to show up here. I mean, it's so late that we really can't do much anymore. Ruby was going to leave soon too… ah, I mean, of course I'm happy that you came, even though we can't hang out for more than a little bit."

"Please don't say that. Naruko… I…" Mio paused for a brief second and seemed at a loss for words. But then, she looked right at Naruko and spoke. "I wanted to see Naruko today no matter what."

"W-why?" Naruko seemed a bit taken aback by Mio's serious expression. And then, Mio spoke sadly.

"Why, you ask… hasn't it been three months? To be honest, I really wanted to see you sooner. But I've been quite busy lately… Naruko and Ruby usually have plans but not on weekends, and Haruto is busy with his band too, right? If I missed out on today, I really don't know when I would get the opportunity to meet with you all again."

And that's why she pushed herself hard to get here today. Now that she mentioned it, this was the first time Naruko and Mio were able to meet after Naruko had come back. Their schedules just didn't match, and it had been a while since they had seen each other.

"I wasn't even able to meet you at the airport… that was unacceptable. I apologize."

"T‐there's nothing to be sorry about. It didn't bother me. Also, are you an idiot? I'm the one who should be apologizing!" Naruko averted her eyes and sounded angry, but then she began to say something quite admirable. "I'm sorry! N-not saying anything to you guys and going overseas like that!"

Geez, what a stubborn girl. Also, when she said "you guys," was she including me as well?

"Naruko… but you came back to us, so there's nothing to forgive."

A small smile returned to Mio's face. It seemed that she had accepted Naruko's apology. But even so, her voice still sounded weak, with none of its usual cheerfulness. On the other hand, Ruby spoke with an almost deliberate bluntness.

"Hmph, did you really think you could get off with an apology, you heartless woman? Mio has every reason to be angry, you know. After all, you're just… you just didn't care about us at all, am I right?"

"Huh!? That's completely not true!" And Naruko took the obvious bait. She really didn't learn, did she?

"Hmph… that's not true? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! Why are you doubting me!?"

"Ah, I see. So you like me then?"

"I do li… wha!? What are you trying to make me—"

"See, you hate me, don't you? How unfortunate… Mio? Nii-san? This girl doesn't seem to consider us to be her friends. Isn't that sad?"

What a nasty personality this one had. Don't tease my sister too much. She's too simple and innocent to take it. But this seemed pretty interesting, so I decided to hop on too. I exchanged a glance with Mio and we both nodded.

"I have to say, my sister sure is cruel. As her brother, I really should apologize to you two. Naruko, after you left, these two just looked so lonely all the time."

"Orange-chan… were you not lonely without us over there?"

"Y-you two too!? If you don't cut it out, I'm seriously going to get mad!"

"Ku kuku… how fun." Ruby seemed to enjoy herself the most when she was teasing Naruko. Her cheeks were flushed and both her eyes were ablaze. After all was said and done, these two sure were good for each other.

"Ahaha, haha~~… well, you two sure haven't changed." And Mio finally let out a laugh.

