
Harry The Harem Lord-1

"What if the Harry Potter world was not just for children and teenagers, but of an adults?" Beautiful witches wearing short miniskirts, and hiding her legs with erotic stockings (Due to school's stupid rule), and looking for a strong and compatible wizard(in a magic sense), where Harem lord will go to conquer the heart of every one of them! Then this is the novel for you! Sexuality and harem are everywhere, but Harry wants to become Harem Lord. Harry wants to have all beauties for himself, even if he has to steal from others! Harry's ultimate goal is to become the Harem Lord, with help of the system, he will join the school, the first year of Hogwarts, this year. Join the adventure of Harem Lord to discover the changed wizard world! Even if you haven't read a previous book, you can easily enjoy this one! The provisos book: System: Harry The Harem lord https://www.webnovel.com/book/12286043505200605/System%3A-Harry-The-Harem-lord

great_gamer · Livros e literatura
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47 Chs

To the Ministry!

Harry was standing and waiting for someone at the side of a road. He looked clearly annoyed as the person he was waiting for was running behind the time, and Harry clearly did not like waiting. He was wearing formal attire and on top of that, a wizard's cloak, as the current affair demands him to wear it, which he looked undoubtedly handsome in it. Some of the cars moving on the highway looked at the anomaly cloth he was wearing, but they "coincidentally" chose to ignore him, and drive on their way. Harry had this magic cloth especially created for him by his beloved woman, Malkin! Which can take any form just by thinking, and could adjust to his desire!

Harry was bored and so he started kicking stones. He kicked the last stone around him and hit the signboard near him which read "Way to London." The stone perfectly hit the word "T" as he was hitting each letter, one by one. He smiled because it was a perfect hit, once again. Suddenly, he sensed something with his sharp magical sense and looked at the sky.

At the horizon, a black dot could be seen and become bigger with each passing second. Harry could make out the outline of a giant man on the flying bike. Harry knew his wait was over as Hagrid came closer.

Harry checked his clothes for the last time as he wanted to look perfect today; if everything goes according to what he expects then he would be one step closer to defeating Voldemort, as Ministry is an important place when the war will start. He clenched his hand in the fist but soon let it go. He took a deep breath in to calm himself. He couldn't afford to be sentimental; especially not today, where his dream was at stake!

Hagrid was Harry's guardian to take him to ministry, as today was hearing on whether Harry should be in the ministry inheriting his ancestor's role of a judge or not. Hagrid was supposed to come to his home to pick him up, but considering all the magical layers and all the secrets it holds, Harry smartly decided to come out and wait near the road, primarily after the last incident where Hagrid crashed near his home. Harry does believe in Hagrid, but it was just that Hagrid had loose lips, and Harry doesn't want to take any chances.

When Harry comes back to reality from his thoughts, Hagrid was taking out his helmet and waving at Harry after loud noise and a bumpy landing.

Harry smiled and waved at him and thought that it was still better landing than the last time. But he didn't point that out.

Harry sat on the magical bike and started their journey to the ministry. Harry always felt at ease and joyful around Hagrid. He can talk and laugh like a child, which he was, mind you, and talk about the pets they like to have.

It was a joyous ride though they talked loudly against a strong wind, it didn't dump their enthusiasm one bit.

Soon they reached the deserted alley. Harry couldn't believe how short their conversation was or the bike was just too fast. But he was glad nonetheless as he could wander his mind other than the upcoming meeting where he would become a judge or not will be decided. He was nervous, yes, but he couldn't afford to back down now.

Then he heard Hagrid's voice as he had parked the bike behind an old car, "All right Harry," said Hagrid, "For the big day."

Harry watched his silly smile and couldn't help but smile with him. He was now sure that he could do this. There was no nervousness anymore and confident smile on his face like an old fox but with his childlike face, it looked very cute, "Of course!" replied Harry.

They walked down to the next street which was as deserted as the last one, but with a telephone booth at the end of the road.

This was no ordinary telephone booth; it is the visitor's entrance to the ministry of magic!

Harry has been here many times but in Harvey's form. It was his first time in Harry's form.

"Well, we are here," said Hagrid, "You go first. As it seems we both can't fit in together, hahaha!"

Hagrid was right, the telephone booth was of average size and small for the fitting of two people inside. Harry laughed with Hagrid as it was another problem if it could contain Hagrid's huge size or not.

Harry went inside. He heard Hagrid saying, "Dial the, em, wait a minute, what was it, yes, 62442, then answer whatever is asked." Even before Hagrid try to remember it, Harry had already dialed the number. It was just Hagrid who wasn't paying attention.

Harry couldn't help but smile when dialing the number, " 62442 is MAGIC in the dial pad, Someone sure has a sense of humor! hohoho!"

It was a small thing but things like this always made him happy, as he says and believes, "Knowledge, or Wits for this matter, are sexy. It has always been sexy!"

Harry answered all the questions quickly. It finished in a short time. In the end, the badge comes out, it says, "Harry Potter, for the hearing of Judge!"

When Harry was checking the badge, he heard Hagrid saying, "I will be there soon!" and was waving his hand.

Just then the floor started to slide down at a fast pace through a dark tunnel. And in the next moment, he was in a different place. Harry knew he had arrived at the ministry of magic. But what he didn't expect was a crowd of wizards and witches waiting for him!

There were many reporters among them too, and others were workers at the ministry. They come out or wait there for Harry, as it was no private matter anymore. It was publicized and the half wizarding community knew that Harry not only defeated you-know-who but also is from noble bloodline and his ancestors once served on the ministry of magic. And on top of that, the position of his ancestor was special as this post could be passed down to his descendants as long as they can prove it. So everyone was hyped up and expecting good news for their savior, the-boy-who-lived, none other than famous Harry potter!

Harry's eyes were blinded by the sheer number of flashes from the cameras. He couldn't help but shield his eyes with hands.

Harry smiled bitterly and thought, "I should have known that people will come! I was so preoccupied with the thought of the upcoming hearing and forget such a detail."

Harry knew this was his chance to make his mark on wizarding history, as they will remember this day as the day when Harry Potter became the judge! He couldn't just hide and do nothing! He needed to take action and fast too because it was causing too much commotion so security would be here soon and then he would lose his chance.

In just a second, he made up his mind. He lowered his hands and started waving at the crowd and gave his best possible smile!

It was highly effective; soon the flashes and clicking sound increased by a lot if that was even possible.






Suddenly one of the women screamed, "He smiled at me! He smiled at me!" and fainted. Everyone stopped for just a moment and continued. Harry's smile couldn't help but twitch. "Fangirl, probably." He gave a side glance at her and saw some knight-in-shining-armor had caught her in his hand, despite the young man could have used magic. Harry could not help but smile widely as he looked at this. "Yeah, men will be will. I probably would have done the same thing," commented Harry, mentally.

Harry was looking and waving in all directions, but in truth, he was searching for the person, a lady, his lady. Soon he found whom he was looking for — blond curled hair young-looking woman who looked enchantingly attractive with her mature body and her right curves at the right place was covered in green cloth with Quick-Quotes Quill in her hand and looking intensely at Harry. She was none other than Rita Skeeter!

A smile blossomed on Harry's face like the moon in the dark night. Unlike before, it was a genuine smile while looking at his sweetheart, filled with warmth and love.

And this scene — Harry smiling from the bottom of his heart with love, care, and warmth — will be the headline of the next day with a full-page photo of him waving and smiling!

Mostly all the witches will keep this photo in their private collection. And some daring ones will stick on their bedroom's wall so they can watch all day and night!

It will be one of the most lovely photos of the century! Even in the future, there will be more, and the list will be filled with Harry and Harry only!

Shortly, as the cameraman continued to click on the best photo or were waiting for better than the best photo they can click, there was a loud noise that led everyone to pay attention there.

Hagrid emerged behind Harry, "Harvey's beard! That sure was a small area to enter with! And then there was a sound of some-..." He trailed off as he noticed a crowd of wizards and witches.

Hagrid screamed in shock, "Harvey's beard!" Harry standing near him wanted to correct him that Harvey has no beard but he was busy pressing and shielding his ear from Hagrid's booming roar-like voice.

Harry was squeezing his jaw tightly and his brows were tightly knitted in pain. Harry could defend against any magical attack but this was no magical attack. It was a sheer shout from an astonished man — or perhaps giant, half-giant. It took a few seconds for him to recover from dizziness, and he saw security guards were there and sending away onlookers. Harry saw the red-headed man among them. And in the ministry, there was only one red-headed man, Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley came to Harry, smiling, "It is always a pleasure to meet you, Harry!" He shook Harry's hand with great enthusiasm like his greatest dream had come true. Harry's whole hand was shaking. He replied," Pleasure is all mine, sir!" with a smile. And added in his mind that it is more pleasant to meet Molly than you if you know what I mean. But he kept smiling and endured his enthusiasm.

Mr. Weasly then turned to Hagrid, "There wasn't any problem during the journey, I suppose?" They exchanged looks unknown to Harry. And Hagrid only nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright," said Mr. Weasly, looking at his muggle watch, "I think we are on time — exactly 15 minutes earlier than the expected time. Still, we should get moving, as it is a big day! Are you nervous, Harry?" And Mr. Weasly started walking and Hagrid turned around as if his duty was over after handing Harry over. Harry started walking too, "I would be lying if I said no! Then again nervousness wouldn't help me in this situation, would it?"

Mr. Weasly looked at Harry with mild surprise as he had a fair amount of surprises with Harry: "Wise word, Harry. Then again, you were a brilliant child from the beginning."

They both started walking toward the magical lift while talking. Harry cast the last glance toward where Rita was standing and looking back at him. Harry smiled for the last time and made his way. He was confident in becoming and getting the judgeship!

Power Stones for the Harem Lord!

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