
Harry Potter: Wanted

Lucas Everglade died a tragic death while on the run. Lucas lived for the adrenaline of running away from the law. He awoke in Azkaban prison as Harry Potter, framed for a crime he didn't commit. *ding* [Criminal system activated.] A large grin spread upon Lucas’s face, ‘running away from wizards as the boy who lived? Sounds fun.’ “Huh is that iron man?” Shield can't catch him The FBI can't see his shadow Wizards curse his name He is Harry Potter ------------------------- The system will mainly be there for Convenience so for stats and new spells he won't be a slave to it. I will try and merge both worlds perfectly but there will be some mistakes I am human. *All credits go to the authors of Marvel and Harry Potter I don't own anything but my OCS*

Booggie · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

The first task

-Narrator pov -

The three weeks passed quickly. The whole wizarding world knew of the tournament so when the time came everyone was getting ready to watch the fun.

In Scotland, a huge colosseum was constructed for the tournament. Seats were full and people were eagerly waiting to see the events live.

Wards were constructed making it so no spells can be used to harm others, spy on others, or make a fuss.

Of course, Harry was the exception to the rules. Every viewer in the stands was also given a slip of paper and told to hold on to it for later.

Harry stood on the highest section, watching the crowds below him like an emperor watching his subjects.

Many turned their heads upwards to catch a glimpse of him, after all, he is the most famous man in the wizarding world right now.

A bald woman was in the stands sipping tea, waiting for the fun to start. She thought she was being sneaky but one Harry Potter saw her and his kleptomania was going crazy he really wanted to snatch her teacup.

Curbing the desires he stood tall, activating the live streams he began to speak his voice echoing around the coliseum his voice enthralled the crowd, "I'm glad to see everyone make it to this momentous event, today marks the beginning of the tournament. The first challenge will not take place within these stands, I know everyone wanted to watch the magic in person but, I guarantee you will enjoy the added benefits."

This got some mummer's, some were disappointed that the event wouldn't be held here, and instead, they had to watch the live stream like everyone else. But they also knew that this was the first task and there are many more to come.

Harry began to speak again ignoring the slight dissatisfaction of the crowd.

"Let us welcome the competitors! Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, Cornelius Fudge, and Ron Weasle! Ahem, my bad Ron Weasley!" as soon as he was finished speaking the contestants appeared in the center of the coliseum

They were all told by Patronus that if they do not hold the portkey Harry provided that their magic will be lost.

All of the competitors showed up which was surprising to Harry, he thought Ron and Fudge would back out and lose their magic in a less public manner.

Before Harry could even open his mouth to talk about the first task Dumbledore used a Sonorus charm to amplify his voice and began to talk like the fool he was, "Harry my boy, I don't think we should do this tournament! How about you come back to Hogwarts with me and we can get this whole situation sorted out. My boy, I have only acted in your best interest why do I deserve this?"

Harry couldn't help himself he broke out into manic laughter, "HAHAHAHA! My best interest! My best fucking interest you say? Since when is sending an innocent child to Azkaban in anyone's best interest but your own. I only have this to say to you dumbledore, If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." Harry's tone was flat and unnerving at the end, his eyes shown and his smile was feral

Dumbledore was about to speak again when he noticed his magic not responding.

Tom looked at him and sneered, "oh the great Dumbledore can't cast a simple spell anymore?"

Grindelwald joined in, "Oh how the mighty have fallen. Your sister is probably rolling in her grave right now."

That sent Dumbledore off the rails.


"Oh, you beat me? I do remember you cheated in that duel. If I remember correctly you begged for a fair duel to settle out disputes then by your order I was ambushed! You then obliviated your pawns and claimed unearned glory!" Gellert snapped back

Dumbledore scoffed and replied, "More lie- "

"New rule Dumbledore must tell the truth or lose his magic!" Harry said cutting Dumbledore off

His shout made the two realize the whole audience was listening to their fight, and if they were that meant the world was too.

Dumbledore froze, his mind was in a frenzy he couldn't tell the truth but he couldn't lie and lose his magic.

Eventually, Dumbledore answered his voice was hollow, the grandfatherly tone he was oh so proud of nowhere to be seen, "Yes I did do that but, so what Gellert lost and his terror stopped. I did it for the greater good."

"Wow! Shocking the old goat tells the truth for once! You heard it here first folks dumbledore is a liar and a fraud!" Harry said in a mocking tone




Boos for dumbledore sounded through the stands. The crowd was outraged especially the United kingdom citizens.

As the crowds soon quieted a defining shout was heard "Dumbledore's a bitch!" The young American wizard proclaimed

An awkward silence soon followed. Leaving the young man red-faced and embarrassed.

"Cough, okay let's get started with the first task, one by one each contestant will take a portkey to a dungeon from there you have to find the end. The fastest time wins an automatic 20 points. And while one contestant is undergoing the task the rest will have to wait in the locker room I prepared." Harry said with a slight smirk

Excited voices were heard in the stands. The once bitter crowd was now happy and ready for the tournament to start.

"Now I will give the contestants the option to go first, now is one of you brave enough? Just step forward" Harry said to the contestants

No one stepped forward. The murderous seed toward Dumbledore Harry planted in Ron's head was burst open.

With a dark and angry look, Ron who was right next to Dumbledore gave the old man's back a push causing Dumbledore to 'step' forward.

Dumbledore furiously spun around ready to berate the young Weasley when Harry's voice sounded, "AH! Old Albus stepped forward! Please grab this portkey!" Harry floated a Portkey into the old man's grip

Before Dumbledore could protest he was whisked away down to the dungeon.

"Now, please make your way back to the locker rooms!" Harry said to the other contestants

While leaving to the room the silent Fudge walked over to Ron. They seemed to be plotting something for the stronger contestants.

Everyone watched the screens with rapt attention, as dumbledore appeared in a small and dim rocky tunnel.

-inside the dungeon -

Albus slowly made his way through the dark tunnel, waiting for something to pounce on him.

His wand was out at the ready and a ball of light paved his path.

'I'll show them just how great I am!' dumbledore thought

Just as he passed a section of grass a trap activated and the grass grew rapidly and moved like snakes trying to hold him down.

Waving his wand in a circular fashion Albus silently cast a spell *ignis circulus* a ring of dire erupted below him burning away the plants.

Just as Albus was going to continue a giant stone fist was launched in his direction, quickly throwing his body to the side Albus narrowly dodged the strike.

Transfiguring the ground into metal spikes, albus thrust his wand forward like a sword causing them the launch forward and impale the golem.


The golem staggered back a little but stayed standing, albus wasn't done yet he then transfigured the spikes embedded into the golem into chains.

Seeing as the golem was trapped Albus then decided to show off for the crowd and tried to transfigure the golem into a horse.

Albus quickly realized that his idea was stupid when the golem began to glow brightly.

Before he could stop it the golem exploded sending shrapnel of rocks flying everywhere.


The dust settled, and a giant metal shield could be seen protecting the old wizard.

Dropping the shield Albus decided playtime was over and began to rush forward.

He met more golems and small traps along his way but nothing too major that warranted him to stop.

Then he faced a doorway, atop the door were the words 'To pass this stage you must tell the truth! Did you know that Harry Potter was innocent before you sent him to Azkaban?'

Gritting his teeth Albus spat out, "yes!"

The door swung open and a fast area was revealed on the other side.

Two trolls stood guarding the final gate, rushing forward he transfigured the ground into metal bindings locking the trolls in place.

'This is easy!' the old wizard thought happily raising a red flag

"RAGGGGHHH!" An angry shout was heard

Whipping his head around albus had barely enough time to put up a shield stopping a huge battle ax from decapitating him.


Dumbledore could feel the air behind him change, his sense of danger was screaming at him to move.

He quickly threw himself to the side dodging another battle-ax.

Transfiguring two rock golems he made them fight the trolls.

Much to his and the audience's surprise the trolls began to dodge the golem's attacks nimbly, this has simply never been seen before.

The trolls destroyed both golems but right when they were about to move tens of metal lances plunged into their skin.





Both trolls yelled in rage and charged dumbledore.

'How are they still alive!' dumbledore thought

Casting the tripping jinx on both trolls they fell down.



He then made two more spikes and made them pierce the troll's heads.

Dumbledore began walking to the last door.



Both trolls exploded sending a giant shockwave at Albus's back sending the old wizard flying forward.

Flames licked his robes, and the skin he showed.

"Aaahhhh!" He yelled in pain

Gritting his teeth the old wizard made his way through the gate and finally saw the portkey back to the stadium.

Just as he was about to grab it sculpture in the room rushed him.


Dumbledore managed to mitigate the damage but his torso was still cut.

*bombarda* flicking his wand Dumbledore cast an exploding charm destroying the sculpture

"Why are you doing this brother?" a voice sounded through the small room

Turning around dumbledore froze before him stood his sister. Just as he remembered her.

"It can't be," Albus said in a soft tone

"Brother it's me!" she shouted

"No no you died!" albus roared in confusion

"No I didn't brother! It's me, Ariana! I'm cured, but why did you do it! You almost killed me in that duel between you and dear Gellert!" she shouted

She walked slowly towards him, her mannerisms were the same, and her voice was the same. She was just like Ariana.

Right when she got in front of him.

Albus gently reached out to her.

His hand was so close to her face.

Then his dream became a nightmare, faster than he could react she whipped out a knife and cut off his hand.

"Arghh!" Dumbledore howled in pain

She went for a follow-up stab but he reacted this time, dodging to the right her knife missed his gut then he pointed his wand at her and cast a cutting charm severing her body in two.

He then grabbed the portkey as fast as he could he couldn't bear to be in the room any longer.

Just as he was whisked away, her voice was heard once more.

What she said would haunt him for the rest of his life even if he knew it wasn't his sister.

"Why did you kill me? Why did you abandon me brother?"


A/N: imma keep it 100 with y'all fight scenes are not my specialty😭 I hope i did well. I know albus is a transfiguration master so I used a lot of transfiguration, and he has been headmaster for a while and dosen't really fight a lot so I figured he is a tad bit rusty.

Also 2k words😉