
Harry Potter: Vengeful and Cruel

After living his entire life in torment, ending up in Azkaban and even dying, Harry finds out that some guy from other world took his rightful place. Stealing his wife, all of the achievements and happiness that he could have had. It seems that Destiny didn't like this either. As Harry was revived and returned back to when he was thirteen years old. Now he will make sure to have his sweet revenge.

Halvard · Livros e literatura
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2 Chs

A Chance for Revenge

Harry was miserable.

Not only was his childhood messed up because of the abusive relatives under care of whom he was left. But also his school life, in a magical world he never knew existed, was anything but pleasant. He was haunted by misfortune. Unwanted child of the union of two different worlds.

He wondered why friendships never lasted for long? Why was it that no girl wanted to even pretend to like him? Why was his magic so weak? Why was his health never getting any better?

It might be pathetic to blame anyone for that. But if Harry had to name one person responsible, it was Wilford Silverthorn.

The guy everyone thought was epitome of perfection. A polar opposite of Harry. Tall, handsome, exceptionally gifted with magic, successful human being. The chosen one (Even though he didn't quite fit the prophecy). Who eventually beat the evil lord.

Though as you might guess there were things not many knew about him. He was a petty, envious piece of shit back in school. From the first day when they met on the train Wilford tried to sabotage him at every possible opportunity. Blaming Harry for things he'd never done, and utterly destroying any hope of having friends and living a normal life.

He seemed to want to take everything Harry had, even though what Harry had wasn't plenty. It didn't make much sense. Why would a guy who had everything want to take something from him? Taking away his position as a seeker only to abandon it the next year? Burning the Marauder's map that Harry received as a gift? Going as far as fucking every girl he took a liking for? What was the ultimate purpose?

Harry never found an answer in all of the seven years he attended Hogwarts. And the years after, when he was unreasonably convicted for being affiliated with Death Eaters and placed into Azkaban, the place where he spent most of his life at this point.

Harry turned 40 this year. Meaning he didn't see a proper sunlight in 22 years. If there was any benefit of living in a dark rocky tower which was surrounded by dementors that constantly called upon the most miserable of his memories, then it was the fact that there were no knew horrible memories being generated constantly. Which is, even if arguably, a good thing. Monotonous torture is better than creative torture.

Aside from that there was one other boon. And surprisingly enough it was Voldemort's soul.

Initially, Harry perceived it as yet another drawback of being him. Being the horcrux of the dark lord. But with enormous time and dedication he was able to convert this misfortune into a source of entertainment. Dissecting the memories of Tom Riddle and making them his own. Living the life of the arguably the greatest dark wizard Harry was able to experience happiness, even if little. Tom was truly appreciated and revered by his peers. He was frighteningly powerful and clever. Absorbing all the knowledge Tom had accumulated throughout his life, Harry hoped that he would find out why his magic was as weak as it is.

With time he managed to point out the problem. He was cursed. Many, many times. To the point where his soul refused to interact with magic. Tom's vast knowledge in soul manipulation suggested that someone had continuously exposed Harry to a variety of harmful curses that damaged his magic, body and soul. It angered him greatly, but there was not much he could do at this point.

Harry spent his time experimenting with his own soul, eventually deciding to merge it with the Voldemort's. Which managed to cure him somewhat. At least to a degree where he felt magic and could interact with it in subtle ways. He became adept in soul magic. Extending further the understanding Tom had of what soul is. Manipulating it in ways unimaginable.

He never thought it would come in handy until the day he had a visitor.

Just a few days after he turned 40 he felt the wards around him weakening considerably. And some of them being replaced by repulsion wards against dementors. It was a sign that someone was coming to visit him.

It happened about ten times throughout his stay in Azkaban. Mostly in the first couple of years when the investigation of Voldemort's misdeeds was in the process. Almost a decade since the last time someone visited him.

In just ten more seconds Harry heard footsteps. He couldn't help but be thrilled at the idea of meeting another human again. He would be content with anyone. Even the quote friends unquote that were disappointed with Harry would be welcome.

But unluckily, the one who opened the door and was visiting Harry was no other than the person that was responsible for Harry's stay in prison in the first place. It was Wilford Silverthorn.

Harry's eyes lingered on the door, expecting to see other wizards entering for security reasons, but strangely enough there was no one else coming. Was Wilford allowed to enter alone? That was the first.

"Hello dear friend." Wilford's deep and soft voice entered Harry's ears, almost soothing him, wasn't it for the fact that the man was the only thing he loathed.

"…" Harry looked up, at the tall, blond guy, all the hatred evident in his eyes.

"Harry," Wilford looked mirthful "it's been quite some time, hasn't it?" He said, coming closer, waving his hand and creating two chairs out of thin air. A feat no other wizard but him can achieve without a wand. "Come, sit, we need to talk."

"…Why?" After a moment of silence, Harry croaked.

"Hm?" Wilford arched an eyebrow, but soon seemed to realize something, "Ah, all the whys will be answered don't worry, just take a seat." He pointed at the chair opposite to the one he sat.

Harry shakily approached and almost collapsed on it. It felt delirious sitting on a chair after so long. It was very pleasant though, he noted.

Wilford smiled, but then cast sad, pitying look at Harry. "First of all, I am sorry Harry. For everything." He frowned. "For all the harm, for all the misfortune and misery."

Harry was momentarily confused, unable to wrap his head around what was going on. Still angry as ever.

"You were…" Wilford paused, "wronged and you didn't deserve all of that." He nodded, seemingly agreeing with himself. "I never meant it to end like that, and the only thing I can do now is ask for your forgiveness." He said in a low voice.

"You…" Harry started," you never meant it to end like that?" He half-shouted, "You, who set me up for no fucking reason are telling me this?!" He was furious.

"You are mad, I understand, but hear me out…"

"You, who made my life a living hell came here expecting forgiveness?" Harry stood up, taking an unsteady step forward.

"Listen, that wasn't … erm, that wasn't intentional, we were kids and things happe…"

"Oh now you are telling me it wasn't intentional? Even … even with Ginny? When you fucked her right after I asked her out and then tossed her away? Or when you messed with my potion during the class, making me impotent for the rest of my life?"

Wilford tilted his head forward and covered his mouth with his hand in what Harry assumed was shame, but in reality he was trying to stifle his laugh.

"…Phahahahahahhaahaha, fuck." He burst out, laughing without a care in the world. "Shit, ha, well, those were good times" he wiped his eyes, "I, ah," He looked back at Harry, "Well, damn I knew I would fail this quest."

"…quest?" Harry asked, gritting his teeth.

"Yeah, it is called 'Mending Mistakes of the Past' or something like that. And it has a hefty reward for completion too." Wilford replied offhandedly. "But it seems I am failing it."

"Wh-what? Reward, completion? Were you asked to do this?" Harry was bewildered.

"Asked to do this." Wilford repeated, almost mockingly, "if only you knew." He chuckled, looking amused.

Harry took one more step and was at a hand's reach from Wilford.

"Fuck you!" Harry balled a fist and sent a shaky punch. But before it could reach Wilford's face Harry froze, struck by sudden, agonizing pain. "Agghh!"

"Come on, Harry, don't be like that. Just accept my apology and I'll never bother you again." Wilford said right after casting cruciatus, with a tad bit of seriousness in his voice.

"Fuck yo…" Harry couldn't finish speaking as he felt his fingers detaching from his right hand which made him cry out in pain again.

"I am telling you, just say the words, say that you forgive me and it'll be over." Wilford said impatiently.

Harry was silent, feeling angry and scared. He was helpless against Wilford. Even Voldemort was helpless against him. The guy was unimaginably strong even back in school.

"Say the words." Wilford spoke irately. Slowly approaching Harry. "Don't be a fool."

When Wilford came close enough Harry suddenly jerked his right hand up, spilling the blood all over Wilford's fancy suit and face, which made the latter stumble back in surprise.

The blood sinked into Wilford skin and seemed to glow for a second. Harry closed his eyes and concentrated. He was using the only method that could injure or kill Wilford. Soul magic.

Through his own blood in Wilford's body he connected both of their souls and tried to merge them. He knew it was unlikely that he will be able to succeed completely, but even a small damage to the bastard's soul was enough to encourage him to continue.

He made a small connection, enabling Harry to see through Wilford's eyes at present time. He tried not to get distracted and continue merging their souls, but something strange caught his attention.

Through Wilford's eyes he saw his own miserable self. But what surprised him was that above Harry's head, there were letters stating his name and status. Aside from that, there were great many of other things that obscured Wilford's vision. One of these panels showed something titled 'Quest Log'.

Harry wasn't able to linger any more than that, so he used his soul to damage Wilford's, piercing it through, forcefully fusing the two and establishing a firm enough connection.

Then, Harry used all the magic he could muster to blow his own soul up, which would most likely result in both of them dying, but he didn't care.

"Hagghh! … What the hell are you doing?" Wilford screamed, clearly in pain.

They were both shaking and having uncontrollable spasms. And the moment Harry thought that it was over, and he died, he was suddenly lifted up into the sky.

He immediately noticed that it wasn't him being lifted up but rather his essence, his soul (which was still entangled with Wilford's) was lifted up.

Harry saw a bright tunnel ahead of him and his and Wilford's soul entered it. As they moved inside the tunnel their souls started to separate and heal. They were still moving incessantly, and with time Harry noticed that Wilford's soul was getting younger, stripped of his memories and potency it possessed. And his own soul remained the same.

They were separating more and more, with just a tiny fraction of their souls still connected. Harry felt like he would fall off if he didn't 'grasp' Wilford more firmly, he felt like his soul wasn't supposed to be here. But he still tried to reconnect back to him and suddenly they started to slow down, as if Wilford's soul was unable to carry him anymore.

The tunnel turned red with [ERROR] blinking in and out of the view. After some time they just stopped and [ERROR] was replaced by [New starting point set] and the tunnel of white dissipated.

Harry could feel descending back down.

"…huff." He exhaled, feeling tired. His eyes flung open. But instead of dark rocky room he was previously in he saw a classroom full of people. He recognized the place immediately, as it was his alma mater, the Hogwarts.

People were chatting loudly making it just a bit hard for Harry to concentrate and figure out what was going on as all of a sudden the memories, that weren't his own, flooded in.

He saw two lives. First being born in a more advanced world without magic, but with fictional works one of which was the book called 'Harry Potter'. And then dying and reincarnating in this same book as a character that never existed, Wilford Silverthorn.

Harry took his time, slowly digesting the newfound information and it all made much more sense now.