
Harry Potter In Marvel

When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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75 Chs

The Shield

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"I suppose it'll be worth it." Harry said before he sat back down.

"Oh it will." She grinned, she was about to say more when a voice called for her. "coming." She called back before turning back to Harry. "I'll be back in a bit."

She turned and walked away, Harry discreetly looked around and when he was sure that nobody was looking he used his wand to refill his drink but instead of alcohol he put butterbeer into it. His wand disappeared and Harry began drinking for the next few minutes.

"Harry?" A voice called, Harry stopped drinking and turned to see a small a small group of girls standing right next to him, there was one girl with short brown hair, another that was a redhead with shoulder length hair and a blonde haired girl that Harry recognized. "What are you doing here?" Alexis asked.

"What does it look like?" Harry raised an eyebrow as he raised his drink, Alexis blushed just as Harry finished the last of his drink.

"I'm Ellen," The redhead said before gesturing to the brown haired girl. "this is Karen. It's nice to meet you, Harry."

"Oh you were right he is good looking." The brown haired girl said to Alexis with a fake whisper, causing Alexis to blush even more.

"Oh Harry," A voice said just as Rose appeared next to him, wearing black high heels, blue jeans and a leather jacket. "I am ready to go if you are." She said, Harry nodded and stood up before offering an arm which Rose took.

"I'll be off then," Harry said to the girls. "see ya later." He said before he walked out with Rose on his arm, ignoring the reaction from the girls.

"Do you have a car or something?" Rose asked. "If not then I don't mind paying for a bus."

"I have a bike." Harry said as he and Rose stopped next to a stylish black motorbike.

Of course Harry did not really need a motorbike seeing as he could pretty much just pop wherever he wanted whenever he wanted but he did have a bike for a few reasons. The first being it gave him an actual answer if people asked how he got around, the second being the Harry was a bit of speed freak and found that he liked riding it.

Plus thanks to magic he could pretty much just drive as fast as he wanted without legal consequences, though admittedly he didn't do that often. The third reason behind it was experimentation, Harry had spent a lot of time experimenting with different charms and runes on his bike.

For example Harry did not worry about it getting robbed as he had placed plenty of magical defenses on it.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Rose give a hum of approval as she looked at his bike, Harry's placed his helmet on and mounted his bike with Rose sitting behind him and wrapping her arms around him before he took off.

Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, found herself sat in a meeting to discuss David Price. There was about ten other agents in the room as well. At the front of the room stood three of the most important members of Shield.

One of them was Maria Hill, a black haired beauty who was wearing the standard blue bodysuit uniform that shield agents wore while her hair was in a bun. She stood with her arms crossed, a serious expression on her face, she was the right hand woman of the director and she was the deputy director of Shield. On her right was Phil Coulson, one of Shield's best and the director's right hand man, Phil Coulson was a man who was stood in a simple black suit with brown combed hair. He much like Maria Hill had mastered the art of being able to command respect without the use of words, Phil despite being generally more laid back than Hill was still someone who had gotten to his position through hard work and both were not easily intimidated by anyone.

Standing about a meter in front of them was Director of Shield, Nick Fury. He had black skin, a bald head and a black eyepatch over his left eye. He was dressed all in black while wearing a black trench coat. If Maria Hill and Phil Coulson were intimidating then Nick Fury was absolutely terrifying. His very presence demanded respect and promised pain to those who could not deliver what he wanted.

After a summary of basic information about David Price and his father, Natasha found herself called on to speak. She stood up from her seat and stood with her spine straight, and her shoulders out, not showing the slightest hint of nervousness. She started by explaining the research she did on David Price and all the information she was given.

"After some time I was able to discover that he frequently visited a local gym named 'Wolves'," Natasha said. "I visited the gym to try and find some more information. I spoke with the manager of the gym and he informed me that David Price was kicked out a week before due to throwing a fit after losing in a fight to one of the people in the gym. I was looking at a potential lead into the story when I was called and told that Price was found injured at a police station."

"You mentioned a lead, what lead?" Director Fury said, his one functional eye locked onto her.

"A man named Harry Potter," Natasha answered. "he has white hair and grey eyes, about six foot tall, he goes to the same gym that David Price used to attend. From what I was told I understand that Mr Potter had beaten David Price in a fight, and I believe that was after Mr Price had took the serum. The manager of the gym told me how Price had challenged people at the gym for fights eight days before my visit, then the next day he lost Mr Potter despite beating everyone else the day before.

I believed that Mr Price may have possibly wanted to go after Mr Potter, because he beat a person that I believed to be and enhanced and the fact that he is a potential target made me look into his background. When I looked into Mr Potter's background I found a few things that don't add up."

"Like what?"