
Harry Potter & the New Century

The muggle world quickly advances and soon build weapons and technology many magnitudes stronger and more efficient than the jumble of equipment from the magic realm. However, even though it came late, this new enlightenment has spread to parts of the wizarding world. From this, a new terrorist group fueled by extreme muggle ideologies take it upon themselves to research magic and reek havoc on the world.

Kalamos242 · Livros e literatura
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2 Chs

An Announcement

In the skies above London above Tower Bridge, a flash of white light stole the attention of everyone underneath. The darkness of the night was illuminated by an ominous cyan blue that lingered in the sky. More flashes followed, until what looked like a thunderbolt the width of a car plunged down from the sky. It flew down but dissipated to a fraction of what it was. However, there was still enough impact to shatter roofs and shock bystanders to death.

Screams broke out as the dead started to collapse on the ground. Fires exploded in buildings. Cars had their circuit board fried and crashed into whatever was in their paths, but the noise was all drowned out by a deafening voice that announced, "We are wizards. You muggles of Earth have enjoyed your little paradise for far~ too~ long, so we with our superior strength will take control of the planet just as nature intended."

The Potters were just as shocked as any other person. A woman collapsed on the ground a few meters away from Harry while the man beside her desperately tried to get a response out. "Stand back a bit, I'm going to see if she's alive." Harry stuck his hand in his coat and made a small flick at the woman's chest. "𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘦!" the flash of light was left unnoticed in the sea of cell phones recording and taking pictures. Harry frowned as did Ginny. Now they knew she wasn't just unconscious.

"James, Luna, Albus, use your Portkeys. Go ahead and get home with Mom, I need to talk to a friend." Ginny opened her mouth as if to object, but thought a bit longer and just gave a nod. The family all walked to the nearest bathroom

Harry took his Portkey holder out. He clicked a set buttons and a mechanical whirring led to a slip of blue paper jutting out of a small hole. He closed the stall door behind him and lightly tapped it. His view was distorted and inverted continuously as the stall shifted into Kingsley's office. "Mr. Shacklebolt, a group of wizards has launched a new spell on London, and it caused a lot of damage and fatalities. Some voice said that they planned to do the same for other cities, and the bolt-"

Kingsley interrupted with a hint of agitation, "Yeah, they also hit Shanghai, New York City, and Tokyo. The attack on London was a fluke. In the other three cities, a ball of flame erupted from the busiest part, expanding nearly 30 meters before imploding and releasing a massive pillar of smoke." Harry tensed up. The man in front of him had that news delivered to his doorsteps yet he still managed to keep his generally calm demeanor on the outside. "That's not all," Kingsley continued, "the bomb released something called 'radiation,' which caused casualties up to three hundred meters away. Here, sit down. This'll be a long meeting."

Harry took a seat and asked, "What about the Department of Secrets? Have they declassified any possible counters?" Knowing that there were already people trying to find solutions to this event calmed him down.

"This problem's large enough to drag the entire department out of their freedom. They don't want another set of Discriminatory rulers forging research," replied Kingsley. "The whole thing's being remodeled. Their goals are being overturned. The workforce is getting triple it's current population. This group is just that dangerous. And..." His voice trailed off. He stopped his ramble and cleared his voice. "Never mind that, There's work to do."

Kingsley pushed forward a small stack of papers to the edge of his desk

"We traced a trail of their Portkey teleportation to a location in the rural regions of France. Here have a look," said Kingsley. His wand created a small window, and Kingsley chanted, "𝘦𝘪𝘬𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘵- 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘧!" The window grew and Harry could make out a warehouse, and then he could see the scene of over fifty wizards using their wands to create a single golden blob. The work was evidently exhausting. The ball contorted while it was being moved as if trying to escape until it was carefully maneuvered into a solid lead tube on a rotatable surface. The window broke down and dissipated in the air after the whole thing showed.

"What was that?" asked Harry. Nothing in the clip resembled anything he learned in Hogwarts nor during his occupation.

"It's their new weapon. The device that killed so many people."

Harry's eyes widened in shock. "It's THAT easy to kill tens of thousands of people!?!" he said, slightly taken aback.

"No, it takes about 20 of those rituals to fire one shot, and the wizards become fatigued for days after it. One shot takes a year to make." Harry's shoulder's lowered. "Well, now you know the details, I'm putting you in charge of a team of wizards and witches to attack the base with our allies. Make sure you fire each spell with the intent to kill, or they'll escape and regroup. Everything you need to know is inside the stack of papers." Kingsley gestured to the papers. "You'll set off in a week. Use this time to prepare."

The room distorted again, this time leaving harry inside a large white room filled with tons of resources. A large black sign reading 'Department of Defence' covered the north face.

Harry looked around, puzzled, before finding a seat and pulling out the documents. "mmm... okay, what about..." He stood up and aimed his wand at the south face. His wand drew a circle and Harry thrust it in the center "𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘶𝘴!" a flicking golden light covered the end of his wand, but nothing happened. Harry took another look at the page, "So I flick it like that and."𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘶𝘴!" a bolt of orange shot forward and tapped the enchanted wall, which stopped any small remaining force. Then, some numbers and letters appeared. "barely... stronger than a gust of wind." Harry sighed and, knowing that it would take the entire week to learn everything in the pages, contacted his family before resuming practice.

"Hey, Mary..." said Harry, as a distinctly fake voice seemed to crawl into life. "Deliver all pending packages." Hedwig Portkeyed over to him and gave him what looked like a wand holder. It was slightly different from what was shown to fit his particular wand perfectly. Harry once again aimed at the south face and flicked an orange lever. "𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘶𝘴!" he shouted.

This time a bolt of orange shot forward and clashed with the wall. the orange ram kept trying to blow through the unbreakable barrier and ended by detonating into a colossal ball of green. The numbers showed, and this time it was in the hundreds. "enough to... destroy... a small neighborhood when left untampered."

Harry didn't need to do much after that. the week was meant for Hermione's newly formed team to develop magic tool inspire my muggle science. All Harry and the other combat Wizards and Witches needed to do was to just stay in the back and soak in information.

This was the first legitimate danger since Voldemort, and Harry was again leading the British Wizarding community against it.