
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · Livros e literatura
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56 Chs

Diagon Alley

Aurelius had the elves watch over Diagon Alley and apparate him near a discreet place from the Flourish & Blotts bookstore when they saw that the Weasley family had arrived.


The Weasleys arrived, and he was quickly apparated into an alleyway. He goes to Florean Ice Cream Parlor to grab some ice cream. Flourish & Blotts is in his immediate sight across the street. He buys the ice cream but feels weird holding a sickle since he's quite literally never used a sickle in his life until now. He looks at the store and sees many women lined up for some reason.


'Oh right, Lockhart is supposed to be doing a book signing before the confrontation,' he thought.


'The Weasleys haven't made their way here yet, hmm….' He takes a look down at his clothes and thinks about the clothing he is wearing. I should get new robes, which are probably the ones that change as you grow. While I could probably learn how to do that. It's better to have a professional do it. I could probably do it to an acceptable level for a novice or perhaps even an intermediate level if I were to learn it in a day. It would likely take me a few days to get to the level of an expert, but that's only if I focus on nothing else; however, I also don't know how to make or prep the ingredients for making cloth for robes. I could buy the premade material, but that's just so much work if I were only to make a single cloak. If I were to make a business, it'd be worth making those connections. Perhaps for another time,' thought Aurelius.


".... dear, where were you?! We worried sick!"


He hears this and looks back at the bookstore to see Mrs. Weasley scolding Harry.


He makes his way towards the group and gives Harry a wave.


"Wotcha, Harry, Gred, and Feorge," he says while waving.


"Wotcha Galegold," says the twins


"Wotcha Aurelius," says Harry.


"Where is my greeting?" says the brushed-over Ron.


"Oh, who's this then?" says Mrs. Weasley as she turns around to see Aurelius.


"This is who we told you about during the summer, Mum," said George


"Yeah, he's a wonderful customer, that he is," said Fred.


"This is pleasure, not business, you two; just call me Aurelius," I said.


"Oh, this is the mystery boy who brought the new house at Hogwarts. Nice to meet you. I'm Molly Weasley." Said the now-named mother of the pack.


"Oh, I've heard about you too from the news," says Arthur.


"Is it true that you didn't enter the wizarding world until recently?" asked Arthur.


Aurelius blinked in surprise since he wasn't aware of any articles.


"Yes, but I apologize; however, I do not recall any articles about that, at least to the public," said Aurelius.


"Oh, just a bit of gossip here and there in the ministry. People make up their theories and whatnot," says Arthur.


'I sometimes forget that people forget the difference between a theory, a hypothesis, and a random guess,' I thought while thinking of my response.


"Well, I do suppose there wouldn't be any older records of my existence in the ministry paperwork, so I guess it would be a surprise," said Aurelius.


"Certainly, if you didn't come to the wizarding world, perhaps you were raised in the muggle world?" asked Arthur.


"Yes," I said.


'Hmm… he's asking a lot of questions. Perhaps I should stop him,' I thought.


"Dear stop asking so many questions of the boy in the street," said Molly.


"Oh, of course, yeah, sorry," apologized Arthur.


"It's fine, no harm, no foul," I said.


"Are any of you aware why the line of women are blocking the bookstore?" I asked, making conversation.


"Oh, well, apparently, the famous Gilderoy Lockhart is having his book signing, and it seemed like an appropriate time to meet him since it is time to get school materials," said Molly as an excuse to hide her excitement.


"Of course," I said, trying not to be critical of the man who has seemingly done no wrong in the public eye. Yet…


"I'm doubtful that you came here for the signing, but where are your things?" asked George.


"Oh, don't worry about that. I have my case in my pocket," said Aurelius.


"Oh, you've gotten an expanded box then?" asked Fred.


"What's an expanded box? Can it really fit everything, especially since it's fitting in his pocket?" asked Harry.


"The expanded box or whatever container really, is as the name suggests, an expanded space holding much more than its original size, but the nifty thing is that there is also the shrinking charm that allows the box to shrink to the size of something as small as a matchbox," said Arthur.


"Wouldn't that just cancel out? So everything in that container should just be crushed," said Harry, not understanding the nuances of the expanding charm.


"That would be the case with the enlarging charm and its counterspell, the shrinking charm; however, there is a key difference. Think of the expanded space like a room that is somewhere else," I said starting the explanation.


"All right, I'm following," says Harry while the other kids listen, not knowing how it works.


"Now imagine the door of that room can be taken anywhere; however, the door is still connected to the room, and the opening of the container is now simply just the door," said Aurelius.


"Okay, you lost me," said George, tilting his head while everyone else, especially Ron, was having difficulty picturing it.


"Hmm…umm, to be honest, it's about as simple as it can get," said Aurelius.


"How does that work? If it's still connected, I'd imagine it'd be like a slinky, but it'd still be hitting things," said Fred, who was on the same wavelength as George.


'Oh my god. He's right. Are expanded briefcase portals? How is that possible? Well, damn, now I'm confused. I guess it's easier than I thought to make portals since, technically speaking, you're constantly moving the portal, but I guess it's only opened when you open the briefcase; otherwise, you'd constantly be changing the position of the folding of space-time. I might need to look to get an apprenticeship at Lock's expanded chests, ' I thought to myself.


I hugged Fred out of reflex. "You're brilliant!!!"


He was stunned by the sudden extreme action of affection.


I let him go and coughed into my fist, "Right, I apologize for that outburst; well, anyway, it looks like the line has shortened; we can go in," I said, immediately going in to cut off any conversation.


"Oi, what's that all about?" says Harry, and the twins chase after me in confusion.


"Nothing, just a breakthrough that you helped me with," I said ending it at that.


"Are you not gonna tell us any more than that?" asked Fred with an eyebrow raised.


"Sorry, mates, it's personal," I said, barring further discussion.


While they were talking, a certain blonde grabbed Harry by the shoulder to turn him around since he didn't immediately recognize him.


"Oh, it is indeed you; my apologies; I didn't recognize you without your well-known glasses," said Lockhart.


"Umm, have we met?" asks a confused Harry.


"Who's this guy?" asked Ron to his brothers


"I think this is the guy mum was talking about," said Fred.


"I thought he'd be better looking considering how obsessed mum seemed about the guy," whispered Ron without tact to not be heard by the man he was insulting.


"Oh, certainly not, especially since it is nearly impossible to forget the man who was dubbed an Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award," he said with his picture smile.


Harry blinks, still not knowing who he is.


"Yes, I understand." He says with an understanding nod.


"It isn't surprising that you are stunned after meeting THE Gilderoy Lockhart," he said confidently.


The twins whisper to each other.


"Braggart, isn't he?" whispered Fred with a chuckle.


"Indeed, handsome brother of mine," whispers George.


I chuckle at their banter.


"Well, I think it is reasonable time to announce the big news then," he says aloud while turning around and grabbing Harry and one of his signed books.


However, he was stopped a moment before when I grabbed Harry before Lockhart could get him firmly in his grip.

"Hello, everyone; I have a big announcement," he says while temporarily confused about why Potter wasn't in his embrace.


But like a seasoned self publisher, he continued as if nothing wrong had happened.


'I'm actually impressed. He may be a charlatan when it comes to being adept in defense against the dark arts, but the man is an excellent improviser when it comes to public relations and speech.' I thought.


"Thanks," said Harry while he watched the man immediately continue his turn and started talking.


"I will be the new defense against the dark arts professor for this coming year at Hogwarts!!" said Lockhart with a bow at all the applause from the women.


"Oh, bloody hell, are you serious?" said Ronald in a whisper to Harry.


Harry was stunned. 'This guy? Seriously, well, I guess since he's famous, he's probably going to be decent. Can't be much worse than Quirrell,' thought Harry.


 "And to commemorate this occasion, I'd like to give my signed book to the young Harry Potter," he says, giving the book to him while simultaneously trying to grab Harry for a photo, but we keep pulling him back.


Lockhart lets go, knowing that it would reflect poorly on him to fight children to get a photo with Harry Potter.


We go to get our books. I didn't need any books, but I looked up more books on spatial magic and common remedies. We all purchase our stuff and leave the bookstore in haste.


Lucius sees the Weasleys and looks disgusted at their commoner clothing and hand-me-downs.


"I will never understand why you do such a common job involving muggle items of all things when your family has nothing but hand-me-downs, Weasley," says Lucius in a condescending tone.


'Honestly fair, for a man who's the sole financial provider of the household, it could be considered disdainful that he chose work that he enjoys rather than making enough money to have his family live as comfortably as possible, even if it meant choosing jobs that he truly hates, but it is rather uncalled for to criticize muggles' thought Aurelius.


"There is nothing shameful in taking an interest in muggles, after all, while they may not have magic. They are still able to make fascinating inventions with their methods that do not rely on magic," said Arthur, defending his choice.


"Disgraceful behavior for a member of the sacred twenty-eight," he says with a sneer.


"Put your dukes up," he says while tackling the man, resulting in them swinging around since Lucius is trying to keep his balance while pushing Arthur back.


To my astonishment, he could somehow toss the book without a sound into one of the cauldrons of the Weasley family.


I discreetly move in the way to protect Ginny and drop all of my books to hide the fact that I need to get the book after the fight.


 "Enough!!" I shouted while getting up quickly to get Mr. Weasley out of his haze.

They separate.


"That is no way to conduct yourselves as adults and much less as nobles," I said.


"I fully agree," said Lucius.


"I meant both the battle of words that prompted the fight and the physical altercation," I said, clarifying my point.


"That point aside, I find Mr. Weasley's behavior especially deplorable; good day," he says, turning around and walking off.


I grab my books and then ask, "Hey, you guys see a black notebook? It should've ended up

somewhere around us?"


They all looked around, and surprisingly, George had the book in his cauldron.


"I think this is it." He said while handing me the book.


"Thanks," I said


'Hmm, perhaps it's because I got in the way of Ginny, so perhaps it flew in a different direction,' I thought.


"Sorry, kids, I don't know what came over me. I guess Malfoy can still get under my skin. Apologies especially to you, Aurelius," said Arthur.


"It's fine, Mr. Weasley," I said.


"I guess we just need to wait for your mum to return," said Harry, still looking at the door, waiting for Molly to return.


Everyone ended up waiting for 10 minutes for Molly to exit the store.


"You lot want to have some ice cream? it's on me." I said, getting bored of waiting.


"Calling it," said George, heading to the ice cream parlor with Fred following immediately behind.


I chuckled, following them.


"Oh that boy, well, thank you for the offer, Aurelius, and I will take you up on that offer," said Arthur.


We headed to the parlor.


"Don't be polite; grab as much as you want; like I said, I'm covering the bill and have the means," I said.


"Thank you," said all the Weasley and Harry.


To no one's surprise, Ron had five large scoops, while the twins got three, and the two Weasleys got only one scoop since they weren't very comfortable in this situation, especially since, to Ginny, he was a stranger. Harry knew I was pretty wealthy since my creation of the new sight potion, but having his own money, he decided to get only two scoops. Naturally, Arthur wanted to scold Ron, but I told him that it was really fine. I got a large tin for them and a small one for Molly since they had tins that supposedly kept the ice cream as it was for up to five hours. I gave it to Fred to hold for when they wanted to eat some ice cream at home since it wouldn't be surprising if Ron ate enough for three people and saved some for his wife. He thanked him and enjoyed his ice cream.


"So, I haven't formally introduced myself to you two; I am Aurelius Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus; just call me Aurelius or Galegold," I said to them with a smile.


"Ah, where are my manners? I'm Arthur Weasley. You can call me Arthur or Mr. Weasley. Either is fine. Also, I apologize earlier. You see, I was curious because I work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts at the ministry, so I was curious if you could give me any insights into the muggle mind since you grew up in the muggle world," said Arthur.


"And this little lass is Ginnykins," said the twins in unison while putting their hands on her shoulders.


"Get off. And my name is Ginny," she says, tossing her shoulders and getting out of their grip.


"Well, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Weasley and Ginny. I do have a question," said Aurelius.


"That is?" asked Arthur.


"You are a noble house, yes? It seems that you aren't fond of using your title as head of your house," said Aurelius.


"Ah, that, well, quite frankly, while I do cherish my family's heritage, I do not understand the need to elevate ourselves above the common folk. Perhaps, in a formal setting, given that proper etiquette is expected, and anything less is an insult, but I'd rather not go to those stuffy balls," said Arthur.


"Understandable," I said with a nod.


"And as for you, Ginny, are you going to be a first-year?" I said, looking at her Hogwarts cloak, which didn't have an emblem.


"Yes, I am. It's rather exciting not being home all the time," she says with a smile.

"I can imagine; what house do you believe you'll be in?" I said.


"Of course, she'd be in Gryffindor. It's the only house we've been in," said Ron.


"I can talk for myself, Ron," said Ginny. "But I must admit that I do believe that's going to be the case," she said.


"Well, if it's what you think should be the case, it is what it is," I said.


'What I think it should be?' thought Ginny.


We see Molly finally coming out of the bookstore with a grin and her book.


"What's all this then? Don't tell me you had poor Harry help you buy this ice cream?" said Molly, scolding Arthur.


"No, dear Aurelius here offered to pay for the ice cream while we were waiting for you," he said, trying to placate her.


"That's even worse. Why would you allow him to pay for the entire group and not even offer to help pay," says Molly.


"I was more than happy to do it, Mrs. Weasley. Buying some ice cream won't exactly put a dent in my pocket," I said.


"Yeah, mum, he made those new potions we told you about," said George.


"Yeah, that's why I don't have to wear glasses anymore," said a smiling Harry.


"Well, all right then, if it's really all right, then thank you, dear," said Molly.


"Oh, and here's a small cup of ice cream that we got for you once you finally left the bookstore," said Fred, handing the ice cream to Molly.


"I'm surprised Ron hasn't eaten much; he still hasn't even eaten through his first scoop," said Molly, seeing that Ron was on his second to last scoop while the rest were on their last scoop.


Ron stiffens, not wanting to incur his mother's wrath.


"Yup, he wasn't worried that the ice cream wouldn't melt, so he just wanted to savor the taste some more, is all," I said, giving the kid an out, and the twins were willing to follow my lead.


"Yeah, I guess when he relaxes, he doesn't eat like a pig most of the time," said George, selling his role but not even slightly believing what he was saying.


Fred continues eating his ice cream, avoiding speaking.


While Arthur didn't want to lie, he couldn't break this event of sibling unity, so he was willing to follow this farce.


"Well, all right then," she says with suspicion but leaves it be.


"Well, I must be off. Take care, everyone," I said after discreetly putting my books into the briefcase I expanded earlier.


"Have a good day," said the less acquainted Weasleys


While the twins and Harry said, they'd see me at school.


Ron waved while continuing to eat, discreetly giving me a thumbs up, likely for giving him the out he needed with his mum.