
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · Livros e literatura
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62 Chs

A Soul Bond Emerges

"There is no such thing as light or dark, that is a concept you must eradicate from your mind." reprimanded Salazar, "They are like good and evil - a concept designed to appease the lesser ming. They do not truly exist, the world is not black and white. Regardless, I am more than sure you will not become another Riddle. He was always leaning towards the horrible path he now walks, but he did something that pushed him entirely over the edge, something that made him what he is. It is not something I will discuss with you now, but I assure you the time will come."

"How can one action have such a drastic effect?"

"Tell me that there was not a single event, many years ago, that did not completely change your existence."

Harry froze slightly, before nodding in understanding. He bowed his head, checking his watch as he did so. The time was 6:30 in the evening.

"I have an hour left before the selection, we should start the ritual."

Harry slowly woke Hedwig up, giving her a bit of time to be fully awake. He nodded his head towards Salazar and the rune work, before placing Hedwig on his shoulder.

"She will need to sit in the center circle." Salazar informed Harry, "The moment you step out of the rune area, the ritual will begin.

"Will it hurt her?" asked Harry.

"As long as she is indeed a magical owl, which she is, she will be fine." assured Salazar, "She will simply be still for around fifteen minutes, as she absorbs the magic required for the Phoenix Stasis."

"And when will the Phoenix Stasis begin?"

"No particular time." said Salazar, "Just some time that she is alive. Although it does happen more often when they are in dangerous situations, from my understanding."

"Alright, I'm doing it."

Harry slowly walked towards the center circle, depositing Hedwig within it. She gently nipped his fingers before he made his way out of the rune area. Once he had done so, Harry noticed that the magical components were glowing slightly, and that Hedwig had frozen entirely. He stood there for a few minutes, trying to see if anything was happening.

"I expected a ritual that turns an owl into a phoenix to be more interesting." commented Harry.

"I said the same thing to Rowena when Helga transformed Caladrius." said Salazar, chuckling.

"And what did she say?"

"Something about how the ritual didn't turn the owl into a phoenix, but that it made it so that owl's worth could later be judged, and then the owl might turn into a phoenix at that time."

"She sounds like Hermione talking about homework."

They sat in silence for a bit, before Salazar spoke again, this time in a much quieter voice.

"When she goes under her Phoenix Stasis, I believe she will attempt to create a soul bond with you."

Harry turned to the portrait, his expression curious.

"How do you know?"

"Like I said, all phoenixes hold some sort of positive emotion. For her it seems to be love, which is directed toward you. You must have treated her with love, something that most witches and wizards will not give an owl. She will want to bond with you."

"Is that good or bad?" Harry asked the portrait.

"I believe it to be good. There are only two magical creatures that can be soul bound, or become a true familiar, and they are both creatures that are wizard made: phoenixes and basilisks. For a basilisk, they chose whether or not to bond with their creator the moment they break out of their egg, just as phoenixes do when they are first formed. The moment my basilisk left her egg, I chose to ask her to not bond with me, but to enjoy her long life. As you know, she spent the majority of her long life in sadness and sorrow."

Harry nodded.

"So are basilisk similar to phoenixes in that regard?"

"They are indeed. Both require a ritual to be created, both can choose to either do nothing or create a soul bond. Both will live for a thousand years if they do nothing, unless they are killed - which is a very difficult thing to do, but not impossible, as you know. Neither of the two creatures can mate, and both of them once were another animal. Both of them require a powerful emotion and intent to be created. For phoenixes, they must be positive. For basilisks they can be, but it is not a requirement.

"So if someone created a basilisk, they could potentially form a familiar bond with it and have an invincible basilisk?" said Harry, panicking. He really hoped Salazar hadn't told Riddle how to do this, or he would be dead within a few years at most.

"Yes, that is indeed possible."

"But you can literally make a basilisk by putting a chicken's egg under a toad, everyone knows that!" exclaimed Harry, his panic growing.

"The sheer stupidity of your generation never ceases to amaze me." Salazar said distastefully, "The toad is supposed to sit on the egg during the ritual. As the ritual occurs, the toad is combined with the unborn chick inside the egg, as well as the several other magical components. That is what creates a basilisk. A toad sitting on a chicken's egg is simply one of many steps."

"So you need the ritual to create the basilisk." asked Harry, continuing once Salazar had nodded.

"Does Riddle know the ritual?"

Salazar shook his head.

"At a certain part of my life, I was the only person who knew how to create a basilisk. Once I had created my basilisk, I used a memory charm to remove the information from my head."

"So the knowledge on how to create a basilisk is lost to time?" Harry questioned.

"It is indeed. Besides, a basilisk would be much more likely to kill someone as opposed to bonding with them, regardless of the person being their creator. It is only due to myself being a Parselmouth that my basilisk, Lilith, offered to bond with me - "


Both the portrait and Harry turned towards the origin of the noise, which was where Hedwig was. The runes that had once etched the floor were gone. The magical components had also vanished. Only Hedwig remained where she was, flapping her wings.

Harry made his way over to his owl, picking her up gently. She seemed more than fine, judging by the way she hopped on to Harry's shoulder and rubbed her chest against Harry's head.

"She seems the same." Harry noted.

"Good, she is supposed to be the same." said Salazar, "Sometime in the future, she will go under the Phoenix Stasis, and will be judged of worth. If she is worthy, she will become a phoenix."

"Who exactly judges her worth?" asked Harry.


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