
Harry Potter: The Dark Eclipse

"Harry Potter: The Dark Eclipse" invites readers into an immersive and spellbinding journey through the depths of magic. As Harry Potter ventures into uncharted territories, he delves into the very essence of sorcery, uncovering ancient secrets and confronting formidable adversaries lurking in the shadows. Within the pages of this fanfiction, readers are transported to a world where the boundaries between light and darkness blur, and Harry's courage is tested like never before. With each twist and turn of the plot, mysteries unfold, revealing the true extent of Harry's magical prowess and the darkness that threatens to engulf the wizarding world.

KHEE · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Dark Lord's Fall and Strange Interruption

31 OCTOBER 1981


Standing before the Potter's cottage in Godric's Hollow, a twisted smile crept across his lips. The irony of the situation was not lost on him—a descendant of Godric Gryffindor prophesied to be his downfall, while he, the last scion of Salazar Slytherin, stood poised to erase the Potter name from existence.

He scoffed at the notion that a mere child could bring about his demise. Him, the most powerful wizard of their time, feared by all who dared to oppose him, would not be undone by the likes of an infant. But still, he couldn't ignore the whispers of prophecy that echoed through the corridors of history.

It was not that he placed much stock in prophecy—after all, he had defied fate countless times before—but he understood the danger of dismissing it entirely. History had taught him that much. And so, he would take no chances. The Potters would meet their end tonight, and with them, any threat posed by the prophesied child would be extinguished.

But it was more than just fulfilling a prophecy that drove him to this doorstep. It was about eradicating the legacy of Godric Gryffindor, the ancient rival of Salazar Slytherin. Throughout history, the Gryffindors had stood in opposition to the noble work of Slytherin, thwarting his ambitions at every turn.

Tonight, he would rectify that injustice once and for all. By eliminating the Potters, he would not only silence the prophecy but also ensure the perpetual downfall of Gryffindor's lineage. It was a fitting end to a centuries-old rivalry—one that would cement his place as the true heir to Slytherin's legacy.

With a flick of his wand and a whispered incantation, he began to weave the dark magic that would seal the fate of the Potter family. As the spell took hold, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, fueling his determination to see his plans through to the bitter end.

The Dark Lord Voldemort would not be denied. Tonight, he would rewrite the pages of history, forging a new era of darkness and domination in his wake. And a cruel laughter escapes his lips as Wards around Potter Cottage started flickering. 


As the wards surrounding our cottage began to flicker, a shiver ran down my spine. She knew he was here, his presence oozed malevolence. Despite the creeping dread, she had done all she could to prepare. Now, there's only one option left: the willing sacrifice of James and me. She has readied herself for this moment, knowing that sacrifice, even if unwittingly given, holds power when borne of true willingness. Tonight, the Dark Lord will meet his demise in these very walls and her son will survive. She will make ensure it comes to pass.


As the weight of the inevitable settled upon me, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for what Peter had done. His disappearance, now revealed as betrayal, cast a shadow over his family's safety. Lily's actions were clear to me, though unspoken. She'd taken steps to safeguard Harry, their son, with a magic he could sense but not fully comprehend.

He knew what lay ahead tonight. His duty is clear: to stall the Dark Lord, to buy time for Lily and Harry to escape. He faced the certainty of his own demise with the honor of Gryffindor coursing through his veins. The Potter lineage, steeped in battle and forged in the fires of history, bolstered my resolve. They were descendants of warriors, whispered to be of Viking blood, heirs to the legacy of Odin himself.

With a steely resolve, He met Lily's gaze. In her eyes, He saw no fear, but a determination as cold and unyielding as steel. It reassured him, as she shared with conviction that tonight the Dark Lord would meet his end not their son. A silent promise and kiss exchanged between them, as he ushered her and Harry towards upstairs, leaving him to face what lay ahead.

Reciting their family motto, "The last enemy to be destroyed is death," He summoned the strength of generations past. With a flick of his wand and a whispered incantation, He casted a protective barrier around surrounded area and filled it with his magic, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. He would not cower before the Dark Lord. He is James Potter, and He would meet his fate with the courage befitting a Gryffindor.


As she ascended the stairs, tears streamed down her cheeks, mourning the loss of her beloved husband and their shared moments. In his eyes, she had witnessed both acceptance and defiance, urging her to flee. His sacrifice, she vowed, would not be in vain. Today, the Dark Lord would meet his end.

With unwavering determination, she gently laid Harry in his crib, soothing him with hushed whispers and tender kisses upon his forehead. As she began the incantation, releasing the surge of ritual magic, she awaited the arrival of the Dark Lord.

From below, the sounds of battle echoed, James facing the Dark Lord in a clash of wills and magic. Amidst the chaos, with a flick of her wand, she summoned her patronus, a beacon of hope in the darkness, carrying her message to Dumbledore. As the echoes of battle faded, cruel laughter lingered, marking Lily as a widow and signaling the end of a life she will never have.


As the dark lord barged into the cottage, his presence sent shivers down my spine. With a flick of my wand, I transformed the room into a battlefield, hurling transfigured leopards at him. But he with annoyance shattered my transfigurations effortlessly.

In a desperate move, I turned the ground into quicksand, hoping to trap him. But he broke free with a wave of dark magic that tore through my defenses like they were paper.

I barely had time to react as he aimed an Avada Kedavra at me. I summoned a flock of birds to intercept it, but they were obliterated in an instant. His dark beam of magic came next, but I managed to erect a Mage shield just in time, the strain evident in my trembling hands.

Every spell cast felt like a drop in the ocean compared to his overwhelming power. I was battered and broken, my body screaming in agony. But even in the face of defeat, I refused to give up.

Summoning every ounce of strength I had left, I tapped into the ancient magic of my lineage, channeling the pure essence of the Potter family. As I invoked the teachings of my ancestors, a surge of serenity washed over me, guiding my movements as I crafted an armor, shield and sword from pure light magic.

And with a renewed determination, I faced the dark lord head-on his jeers and cruel laughter became distant to me, deflecting his shadows magic tendrils with ease. His spells seemed sluggish against Potter light magic, and I pressed forward, inching closer to him with every step.

Despite being surprised by my display of magic he unleashed a chant that made dark shadow tendrils stronger than before. That made dodging harder and in minutes. Shadows completely surround me and started squeezing me, leaving me powerless in its grip even with my weapon. As the darkness consumed and my armor flickered from existence, I knew my time had come. But even in defeat, I held onto the hope that my sacrifice would not be in vain, and Harry survives.


Lily crouched in front of baby Harry as the dark figure of Lord Voldemort blasted the door into splinters. In a hushed and loving tone, she whispered, "Harry, Mama loves you. Dada loves you. You are so loved, my dear Harry."

With a toothy grin and innocent gaze, Harry met his mother's gaze. Lily, with a bittersweet smile, bestowed Harry a greatest gift any parent can give to his child, "Be safe, be strong, live a long life, my Harald Hrafnkunnr."

Voldemort's features twisted in cruel malice as he entered the room. With a mocking tone, he sneered, "Stand aside, silly girl. I am feeling merciful today." As Lily stood between Harry and Dark lord.

But Lily stood tall, her determination unwavering. "Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!" she pleaded.

"Step aside, woman," Voldemort hissed, his wand raised threateningly.

But Lily remained resolute.

"Fine then," Voldemort spat, his cold, snake-like eyes narrowing.

With a flick of his wand, Voldemort cast the killing curse, Avada Kedavra. Green light erupted from the tip, striking Lily down. Just before the Curse hits her a smile can be seen on her face. 

As she fell, Voldemort leveled his wand toward the crying Harry. With a cruel smile, he uttered two chilling words, "Avada Kedavra," unaware of the thrum of magic in the air.

The next moment a blinding light encompasses the room, and all that Dark Lord Voldemort can feel is pure agony as his soul separated from his body and his body gets disintegrated, leaving behind only a wand and cloak. A bone chilling feeling encompasses the room before it vanished.

Now all that left is crying Harry with a lightning bolt etched on his forehead..

NOTE: So this is my first time writing dialogue and fighting scene. Hope you folks will like it.

And be ready for surprise in next chapter. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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