
The Sorting Hat

So...what you're saying is...I belong in all the houses?

Now hold on, give me a moment. You certainly have traits that would make you a good candidate for any one of the Hogwarts Houses, but that's not all there is to it. I'm supposed to figure out where you belong, not merely which house suits your personality.

Ok, I suppose that makes sense.

Now, let's see...you're not particularly good with making friends, are you? You have serious trust issues, young man. So not Hufflepuff, I think. Most of the children in Hufflepuff have good social skills, and a naturally developed sense of empathy. You have neither.

That's not very nice. I spend a lot of time on my own, so I can't speak for my social skills, but I'm very empathetic. Trust me, I feel bad for people all the time. It's very inconvenient, sometimes.

The hat chuckled. That's sympathy, not empathy, Harry. I will not deny that you have a sense of empathy, and it would seem that you pride yourself on this empathy, however underdeveloped it is -


- but it's not natural, is it? You don't have an instinctual understanding of others' emotions - you've had to develop this knowledge consciously.

Ok, I guess that's fair enough.

Now then, you're idealistic, but not rash, and you're willing to overlook evildoing if it serves a purpose...you're a quiet, unassuming chap most of the time too, aren't you? Probably not Gryffindor then. You need to have a forceful personality to stand out there, which you most certainly do not have. The subtler aspects of yourself that you value so deeply wouldn't be appreciated there. Ravenclaw would be a good fit. Ravenclaws tend to be more reclusive, quiet, and enjoy reading and learning above all else.

That sounds like me, Harry admitted.

Indeed...although...you don't value knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and that is a fundamental Ravenclaw trait. Still, I'll keep that one in mind. And as for Slytherin...well, Harry, for a boy so talented, you're very modest and kind...innocent, I might almost say. I'd feel a bit bad, sorting you into the house of vipers. There is no place for those who lack conviction in Slytherin House.

I don't lack conviction!

Fair enough, but I'm sure you understand how your quietness and modesty could be interpreted as such, especially by other children.

...I suppose so.

Slytherin values ambition, which you seem to have plenty of. Resourcefulness, cunning, and cleverness - these Slytherin traits you most certainly have. And despite loyalty being a Hufflepuff trait, loyalty to those who have earned loyalty is valued in Slytherin. But despite all that...I'm still not quite sure it's the house for you.

Why's that?

Well, for the same reason I won't put you in Gryffindor, actually. Now, don't tell anyone I said this, but Slytherin and Gryffindor are probably the two houses that have the most in common, Harry. Both are exceedingly proud, and while Slytherin values cunning where Gryffindor values bravery, children in both houses tend to flock to those with strong personalities and talent. In both Slytherin and Gryffindor, there are leaders, and then there are followers. You are neither.

You don't think I have a strong personality?

Oh, quite the contrary. But it is subtle, kind...and subtlety and kindness are often interpreted as weakness...though they most certainly are not.

So what you're saying now is...I don't belong in any of the houses?

The hat chuckled at that. Don't worry Harry. We'll find the house that is right for you. Now, tell me, what is it that you want?

I told you, I want -

You told me to sort you into Slytherin, but that wasn't your idea, was it? Oh, don't panic, I don't know who put that idea in your head, but I'm sure someone did. This is about you, Harry, and your best interests.

Believe me, it's in my best interest to do as I'm told and get sorted into Slytherin.

The hat sighed. Let me put it this way. What do you hope to accomplish at Hogwarts, Harry? Why are you here?

Well, to learn.

But to what end?

Good question.

I...well, everyone expects things of me. They keep saying that I have great things ahead of me, that I have a lot of potential. And then there's my parents...my dad was an auror and my mum was brilliant – I need to make them proud too, even if they're not here to see it.

An honourable goal.

I want to make everyone happy, everyone proud, but I'm always afraid that by making one person proud of me, I'll earn disappointment from another.

And how do you intend to deal with these expectations and fears, Harry?

Harry didn't even have to think about it. He'd already decided this long ago, back when he bared his soul in the church graveyard of Godric's Hollow.

He took a deep breath. I'm going to prove them all wrong.


They think I'll be great, but I'll be better than they thought possible. Everyone will forget their expectations, because I'll surpass all of them. My parents gave everything for me, and I want to pay them back, by using everything they gave me and becoming the best I can possibly be. I want to become a great wizard. The greatest. The greatest to ever live. That's my dream.

Does that...help...at all?

Indeed it does, Harry, indeed it does.


So, I believe you might be right. I too think we can expect truly amazing things from you, Harry Potter, and I believe I'd be remiss to put you anywhere but SLYTHERIN!


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