

I just want to thank Rainbowkitty2808 for voting and giving me feedback on this Camp Camp and Harry Potter Crossover, shout out to her!!)

Chapter 3: David & Sevy's talk

The two men sat in the counsellors office, there was an awkward silence inside the room. Snape, trying to be nice, said: "You've raised Potter well," David smiled at the greasy haired man. "Yes, yes. He's grown into this place - his home infact," David's smile melted away and his face turned serious, his eyes hard as ice. If Snape was able to flinch, he would've. "Yes, though... I would like to discuss about Mr. Potter's education," David's seriousness didn't budge. "Mhm," David hummed, arms crossed. "I know," Snape raised an eyebrow. David smiled. "I used to go to Hogwarts," (A/N: Fight me.) Snape gaped smiled slightly at the new information. "But," started David. "If I allow Harry to learn at Hogwarts, I need you to promise me two things," Snape let out a small sigh and nodded.

"I need you to watch over Harry for me, I don't trust Dumbles, and well... ever since the day he entered this camp, he's been like a second son to me, " David smiled fondly, memories of Max and Harry's brotherly moments flashing back to him. Snape hummed. "What's the second demand?" David stared at Snape with a determination, the leaned into his personal space.(A/N: Listen, In my opinion though, I think that Snape and David would make a decent couple.) "I want you to, er... convince, Dumbledore to educate the other campers at his school," Snape nodded furiously, his cheeks  heated, why he was nodding furiously tho? Well, each time David spoke, he leant more into Snape's personal space, their nose's almost touching.

Davids cheerful poster returned. "Great! THanks for this lovely talk Sevy!" David thanked, shaking Snape's hands excitedly. "But if you forget to talk to old Dumble's... well, I'm afraid Minerva won't be able to find you're body," threated David, voice sweet, though if looks could kill, Snape would've been dead minutes ages ago. "Come along Severus I've got some floo powder for you to use to travel back to Hogwarts,"


Harry and Max whistled in unision. "Damn David," Max said, patting said mans back. "i like this version of Davey," started Harry. "He's like the dad I never knew," david gleamed happily at Harry. "Aw, shucks kiddo!" He suddenly pulled out a 'wand' ("Look's like a twig," Max had said.) from his drawer. "Now, Harry, Max, this is my wand - 12" inches, cedar wood with unicorn hair as it's core... I haven't used this in ages though," explained David, waving said wand around. "Neither has Gwen," Harry gaped. "Gwen's a wizard?" he hissed ant the ginger dude. David grinned. "She's a witch - well a witch and a vampire," It was Max's turn to gape. "Gwen's a vampire!? Is that why-?" David nodded and took out a piece of 'parchment'. ("It's a bloody piece of paper for fucks sake!" Max had yelled).  "Oh here is Harry's, your's and the other campers equipment - we'll get them when Gwen's finished her activities-" david explained, but was cut off by Harry's and Max's snickering.

"I think we'll be doing that tomorrow Davey, you just had a gay panic attack!" Teased both noir haired males. "BOYS!" screeched an embarred, and clearly flustered David.

(A/N: Sorry it's so short! Next time, David will be bringing Harry, Max, Nerris, and two more that I will decide later on! There, thwy will meet the gold digging Weasley's and the richie rich Malfoy's!)