
Harry Potter system in Douluo Dalu

Aman reincarnates in the Doulou dalu world in the body of a twelve year old boy named Hansen. He awakens the H. P. System and his ordinary stick martial soul turned into a magic wand from Harry Potter's world. Hansen discovers that the mother of this body was previously a servant of Zhu Zhuqing and he followed in her footsteps after her death. But the original owner of the body unfortunately died while protecting Zhu Zhuqing from an assassination attack by Zhu Zhuyun's men giving him the chance to be reborn in this world. How will Hansen change this world now that he is here with his H. P. System ? Will he be able to achieve his dreams and goals? Read on to find out. *********** Hungry for more chapters? Join my patreon to support me and read advance chapters. patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime e quadrinhos
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66 Chs

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang are here.

After booking a hotel room, Hansen explained everything to Zhu Zhuqing about what's going on. Subsequently he asked Zhu Zhuqing to return back to the academy as he still had something to do.

After all, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang are already in the capital. If it goes according to the plot, then the first thing they will do after coming here was to contact Qin Ming. Subsequently they will go to the Heaven Dou Royal Academy and win the hearts of the three old men.

But unfortunately they will have a conflict with Xu Beng, the degenerate prince who is in hiding and ultimately even Poison Douluo also arrives. All in all, they will be insulted and expelled from the Heaven Dou Royal academy.

Till here, Hansen doesn't think he can change anything either. Not to say that he wants to. Thus, he can only do what he wants after they are expelled from the Heaven Dou Royal academy. And Man Chu just happens to be the perfect candidate for this mission.

Thinking of this, Hansen looked at Man Chu.

"Well Man Chu, get ready. I am going to assign you your first mission. "

Hansen told Man Chu.

"It's my pleasure, my Lord. "

Man Chu said humbly.

"This is the only problem with Dark mark. Sometimes they are just too obedient. You simply loose the fun. Anyway, not that I can do anything about it. "

Hansen mumbled lightly before he once again looked up at the polite Man Chu.

" But before that, why don't we get you your fifth soul ring, eh? "

Hansen asked with a smile.


Heaven Dou Royal academy

Standing near the entrance, two groups of people were facing each other. The tension in the air was pretty obvious too.

"The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is a pillar of the Empire. As one of the pillars of the Empire, the teachers all have enormous influence on the students. I cannot wish for the Academy to hire some arrogant and despotic seniors. Xue Beng told me that yesterday as soon as these guys just arrived at the Academy , they beat him up. Xue Beng is the fourth imperial prince, representing the dignity of the imperial family. How could he be insulted so easily?"

Prince Xie Xing snorted as he reprimanded them.

Hearing this Meng Shen-Ji's trio clearly understood why prince Xue Xing was here. Seeing the smug expression on fourth prince Xue Beng's face as he stared rigidly at Dai Mubai, the three couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It was almost impossible for these guys from Shrek Academy to enter the Heaven Dou Royal Academy now.

"Then how does your highness want to settle this matter? I don't know if you have asked his highness prince Xue Beng just why he was hit?"

Flender calmly said while maintaining his stand.

Xue Xing snorted coldly,"We always treat talent well. Since everyone has come to look for our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's cooperation, yesterday Xue Beng was also the first to make a mistake. Let's forget this matter. However… "

At this, his gaze swept across Flender and the Shrek Academy teachers,"You must prove to me that you are indeed people of great talent."

Xue Beng standing at prince Xue Xing's side by now already had a pleased expression on his face.

"Fine, then how does the lord prince wish for us to prove it."

Flender forcefully suppressed his anger as he asked in a sombre tone.

Prince Xue Xing smiled calmly, saying:"Very simple, you only have to hold out against mister Dugu for five minutes, and We will at once recognize you as talents. All treatment will be most favorable. If not, like what Xue Beng said yesterday, immediately get out of here."

"You! "

"Hahaha! "

Well, after that , it went exactly as in the original plot. After getting insulted by Dugu Bo and Prince Xue Xing, the Shrek academy people left with a few harsh words.

Soon, they had already descended the mountain where Heaven Dou Royal Academy was located. But they didn't know where to go from here on.

"Flender, I'm sorry. This is my fault."

Yu Xiaogang sighed, and pretended to be sad for him as he grabbed Flender's shoulder.

"This has nothing to do with you. It is our unceasing bad luck. I don't know why, but it seems like.... just forget it. "

Flender shook his head.

After completing the formality, Yu Xiaogang continued to maintain his noble posture.

"Then what should we do now?"

Zhao Wuji asked confused.

"Let's go, we will go to Heaven Dou City and look for a place to stay first. As for what to do next, we'll think about it later. "

Flender said while looking at the other teachers who nodded back at him.

From Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to Heaven Dou City really was close. A group of people carrying heavy hearts after walking for a short period of time had already reached this Heaven Dou Empire Capital.

From a distance, it was already possible to see the flag fluttering on top of the city, and because this empire was the most influential on the continent, it was also one of the most flourishing cities. The city walls were a hundred meters tall and made of the hardest granite. At the top and bottom, fully armoured sentries equipped with pikes were standing guard and patrolling the wall. Their bodies emitted an austere aura that allowed one to see their heroic spirit.

The city gate was more than ten meters tall, and also ten meters wide, enough for six riders to pass side by side. To the sides were also two secondary gates, still five meters high and wide. Pedestrians could only pass through the secondary gates; the central great gate was closed tightly.

As the Shrek Academy group had reached the city gates, and were just about to enter the city, to the side they spotted an enormous announcement.

"Recruiting: Blue Tyrant Advanced Soul Master Academy, because of its expansion, is presently recruiting the following staff: ten fortieth ranked or higher Spirit Ancestors. Higher soul power has priority, favorable terms of employment."

Seeing this information, Flender was somewhat astonished as he said aloud.

"This academy is advertising at the city gate? How expensive!"

By now his mood had already recovered somewhat, and his miserly instincts reappeared.

"To be able to open up an advanced Spirit Master academy within Heaven Dou City requires a certain background. Although I don't know the history of this Blue Tyrant Academy, but in the last 'All Continent Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Grand Competition' , in the Heaven Dou Empire's preliminary round, it was this academy that knocked out one of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's two competing teams. However, this year that Blue Tyrant Academy class should have already graduated. Moreover this year the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's Emperor Team is a lot more powerful than the last Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand Competition, I expect this time they don't have a chance."

Qin Ming was the most familiar with Heaven Dou Empire's capital, and hurriedly explained.

"How big is this Blue Tyrant Academy?"

Flender asked.

"Approximately one third of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Although smaller in size, being situated in Heaven Dou City, their expenses shouldn't be less than Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. I've heard this academy's education is exceptionally strict, moreover with the characteristic of only accepting commoner students. They refuse all nobles."

Qin Ming said seriously.

"Who says the Blue Tyrant Academy won't be able to contend against Heaven Dou Imperial Academy in this Spirit Master Academy Grand Competition. Very soon, they will."

Flender's eyes displayed a vengeful elation as he announced loudly.

"Dean, you're saying… "

Qin Ming stared blankly.

"On the way here I've thought it over carefully. From the start our Shrek Academy hasn't had any advanced Spirit Master academy qualifications, reopening it is easier said than done. The requirements are far, far too many. I'm already so old, and moreover I can't let these old brothers suffer for my illusory ideals. Since this Blue Tyrant Academy is pretty good, we'll go take a look. Besides, not taking revenge for this day's disgrace isn't the style of me, Flender. What do you say?"

Flender sighed as he asked the other teachers and the Shrek students.

"You're the boss, since you've decided. Why ask us?"

Zhao Wuji chuckled, saying:

"We'll all rely on the dean's decision."

Everyone else also replied.

"If this place won't do, there's still enough time to go back and reopen the Academy. Let's go, we'll take a look first."

Flender smiled faintly.

At this time, a person similar in stature to Dai Mubai slowly approached the group before he stopped in front of them.

" I want to join you. Please accept me. "

After taking a deep breath, he suddenly bowed down in front of Flender and shouted loudly.

"Uh... who are you again? "

Flender, as cheeky as he was, also felt a little embarassed.

" I saw what happened at the entrance of the Heaven Dou Royal academy just now. Previously, I was going to enroll there too, but after seeing all that I don't want to anymore. That's why I followed you guys as I want to join your academy. But you guys were too fast so it took me some time to catch up. "

The boy explained as he rubbed his hands shyly.

" I'm sorry, we only accept monsters. But you already look past 20 years of age. "

At thim time, Yu Xiaogang suddenly came out of the group to show off his importance and said with a haughty expression.

" Yeah, I'm indeed twenty one years old. But don't worry, I'm already a level 51 soul king ."

The boy said once again shocking everyone.

"You what? "

Yu Xiaogang almost bit his tongue as Flender also stepped forward to confirm. After checking out, Flender immediately changed his face and said with a smile.

"Welcome, you're now a member of Shrek academy. It just so happens to once again complete the Shrek Seven Devils. What was your name again? "

"It's Man Chu , dean. "

The boy said with a smile.

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