

Harry Potter, a child who is called a "savior" by wizards in the wizarding world. In the past eleven years of his gloomy life, he has never felt such a feeling as now, and it can be said that he is truly in the limelight. He still remembers the scene when he was brought into the Leaky Cauldron by Hagrid: people trying to shake hands with him and show their respect to him. Although he really can't remember what he've done that makes these wizards look up to him. But, whatever.

All Harry knew was that he was important and happy now. He dared to say that last night's dinner was the best and fullest he had ever eaten.

Well, the fullest, I'm sorry, it should be the most supportive.

The wizards here are friendly - except for the second generation on the train. He made his first friend of the same age on the train. The thought of never having enough to eat again, never having to face Durdley's punches and kicks again, never having to face the cynicism of Dursley's again, never having to face Aunt petunia's dog again. Thinking of this, Harry felt like he was in a dream.

But Harry soon began to get out of shape.

The next morning, from the moment Harry walked out of the dormitory, some whispers had been whispering in his ears. And Harry could feel that almost everyone was looking at his scars. Between classes and after class, a large group of young wizards would crowd the door to catch a glimpse of Harry. There would be people walking around him in the hallway, staring at him. Even when he goes to the bathroom, there is a group of people standing outside the door.

Seriously, Harry misses the stairwell of the Dursleys a little. Of course, it's just talk. Going from one extreme to the other is not something that everyone can adapt to quickly. Luckily, he had a friend named Ron Weasley who was always by his side to help him out.

While it was irritating and embarrassing to be watched as a rare animal, Harry could sense that they had no ill will. No malice is seen. but Harry was really tired of the feeling. It's the fourth day of school, and the number of people around him hasn't diminished at all..

But Harry had forgotten one important thing: he wasn't familiar with this school of magic. He needs to know how long each classroom takes, and he also needs to know the specific route and some stairs.

But he couldn't, and neither could his friend Ron. So naturally, they were late for Transfiguration class on Thursday morning.

Professor McGonagall is a stern witch, as Harry knew when he first met Professor McGonagall. Perhaps thanks to the resounding reputation of "Savior", Professor McGonagall did not punish them. It wasn't Professor McGonagall that bothered Harry, but a little witch named Hermione Granger. Even though he had seen Miss Granger's nagging when he was on the train, Harry couldn't stand her chattering in his and Ron's ears over and over again that they weren't right and shouldn't be. So Harry and Ron decided to try to stay away from Miss Granger, who liked to preach.

Friday was an important day to remember for Harry and Ron as they finally found the right way to the auditorium once and for all, without losing their way along the way.

"What lessons do we have today?" Harry asked Ron, who was sitting across from him, as he dealt with an apple pie.

"Potions class with Slytherin in the morning, two classes in a row". Ron's mouth was stuffed with food, which made it a little difficult for Harry to listen to him.

"Snape is the head of Slytherin, and I've heard that he is particularly partial to Slytherin students. We'll see if that's the case later. "

At this point, a female voice interjected, "Oh yes, I've heard Solim say that Professor Snape is very partial to the students of their house, and is very unfriendly to Gryffindor. Solim said Professor Snape would find every opportunity to deduct Gryffindor's points.'

Harry and Ron knew who she was when they heard it. The two glanced at each other, ready to continue dealing with the food in their hands.

"Wait, you mean Snape is going to find fault with us?".

"Yes, that's what Solim said", so he helped me and Neville talk about the 'do's and don'ts' of Potions class last night, and he didn't know how to fry when he helped Neville make the scabies potion. Hermione glanced at Neville, who was sitting next to her.

"Wait, Hermione, who is this Solim you are talking about?" Ron asked. "Also, you said he helped you and Neville with potions?"

"Were you sleeping during the sorting ceremony? And he's Neville's cousin. "

"I think he was like a Slytherin. "

Harry and Ron looked at Neville together.

Neville nodded, "Yes, he's my cousin. "

"Neville, how come you have a Slytherin cousin, and the students of that house will all be black... in the future," Ron could finish his sentence when he was interrupted by the sound of owls flapping their wings.

Now Harry was used to it. But on the first day of breakfast. A hundred or so owls suddenly flew into the restaurant, which really startled him. These owls flew around the dining table until they found their respective owners, throwing letters or packages into their laps.

So far, Hedwig hadn't brought anything to Harry. Sometimes it flew in to peck Harry's ear and ask for a small sip of toast, then flew back to the owl house and slept with the other owls on campus. But this morning, it fluttered its wings and landed between the jam pan and the sugar jar, placing a note on Harry's plate. Harry opened the note.

"What is written?" Ron turned his head to look at the note in Harry's hand.

"Hagrid, it's Hagrid, he asked me to go to him in the afternoon". Harry borrowed a quill from Ron and hurriedly wrote on the back of the note, "Okay, I'll be happy to see you soon." Then let Hedwig fly away.

At the opening party, Harry sensed that Professor Snape didn't like him. At the end of the first Potions lesson, he realized he had thought wrong. Professor Snape didn't dislike him, he hated him.

Potions class is held in an underground classroom. It's darker than the main castle building above. Glass jars sit along the walls, and the soaking of taxidermy insides makes people shudder.

Snape, like Flitwick, picked up the roster as soon as class started, and like Flitwick, he always stopped when Harry's name was called.

"Oh, yes," he whispered, "Harry Potter, this is our new arrival -the famous character." "

Draco Malfoy and his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle, laughed as they covered their mouths with their hands. When Snape finished the roll call, he looked up at the class, his eyes as black as Hagrid's, but without Hagrid's warmth. His eyes are cold and hollow, reminding you of two tunnels in total darkness.

"You have come here to learn the precise science and rigors of this potion preparation". He spoke, almost in a voice a little louder than a whisper, but everyone could hear every word he said. Like Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape has the deterrent power to keep the classroom in order effortlessly. "Since there is no stupid waving of a wand here, many of you will not believe that it is magic".

(End of the chapter).