
Harry Potter Online Magic

It has always been said that magic and technology did not mix; too bad no one ever mentioned that little fact to young Harry Potter. Add in one mad genius bent on destroying the lives of ten thousand people by trapping them inside of his online virtual reality game and you have the makings of a very dangerous brew.

UchihaFamily · Anime e quadrinhos
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82 Chs

Chapter 63

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Thursday, May 4, 2023 8:56 PM

Harry pressed his cheek to the cold, wet, stone floor of the Chamber of Secrets and watched as the monstrous Basilisk shattered into millions of pieces upon its death. The marble sword that had killed the serpent (the same one that he'd picked up the previous year from the White King) bounced heavily off of his left foot, snapping several bones, before it crashed to the floor (and just missed slicing off his nose). He drew in a ragged breath as he tried not to scream in pain as he felt the bones in his foot snapping.

Even worse than his injured foot, was the burning pain caused by the Basilisk's venom coursing through his body from when the creature had sliced through the back of his right arm and pierced his right hip with its fang just a few minutes before it had impaled itself through the roof of its mouth with the aforementioned sword. Gritting his teeth against the pain, Harry opened up his Inventory and pulled out one of the Antidote Crystals that Agil had given to him to carry at all times in case of poisoning after he'd been injured while fighting against the Giant Ants a few years back (when he had still been trapped within SAO).

Pressing the green crystal against his injured hip with one hand, Harry activated the crystal and prayed that it would counteract the venom before the burning fluid reached his heart or his brain. He painted softly in relief as the Crystal soon cooled the burning pain of the venom and washed away a little of his pain. The used Antidote Crystal shattered in his hand a moment later but he ignored the destruction of the now useless device and pressed his hand over the puncture wound for a brief moment in hopes of stemming the flow of blood.

Footsteps splashed across the stone floor a heartbeat later and reminded Harry that he was not alone; that he'd not yet even faced this dungeon's Boss Monster which was yet another version of Voldemort (though this one wasn't hitching a ride upon the skull of some random NPC and at least looked like a normal human in his late teens). Jerking his hand off his hip, Harry rolled over onto his back, and brought his shield up just in time to block the sickly yellow spell that Voldemort Jr. (as Harry had dubbed this version of the creature in his mind) had sent at him with the wand the man had stolen from the comatose girl dying at the feet of an ugly statue of a monkey-faced man.

As soon as the spell ricocheted off his shield, Harry counterattacked by throwing one of his dragon claw daggers with his blood and venom covered right hand, not at Voldemort Jr. (because he'd quickly learned that attacking the monster-man/boy inflicted injuries upon the little girl he'd kidnapped) but at the diary that he suspected might be the key to defeating the Boss. He was confident that destroying the book would defeat Voldemort Jr. based upon things that the monster-man/boy had spouted during the course of Harry's fight with the basilisk.

There was also the fact that Voldemort Jr. had consistently kept Harry from getting too close to said book during the earlier fight; a book that Harry could feel was shrouded in an aura of dark magic.

Time seemed to slow down as Harry watched his blade fly through the air on a stream of pale green light while the memories of this past year flittered through his mind one right after the other…

June 25, 2022 through May 4, 2023

Harry had spent the remainder of his first summer in MaM running wild through the Forbidden Forest with Hedwig, Firenze, Bane, and Sirius at his side. After watching Sirius struggle to find a place to fit into Harry's life (if one could call being trapped in yet another game against his will 'life') during that first week after the man joined him, Harry relented a bit and stopped actively shunning the man. It helped that the man had stopped trying to force Harry to accept this world as reality and made an honest effort to get to know Harry.

He eventually grew to tolerate him much as he tolerated Hagrid, the two centaurs, Hermione, Neville, and the Weasley twins but still held him at arm's length because it wouldn't do for him to become attached to an NPC. Much as he had held the others at arm's length throughout his first year in the game. Hedwig was the only exception to that rule but then again, she was no longer just an ordinary NPC creature; she'd become a part of him and he knew she'd be the only thing he'd miss once he was free of the game.

Two weeks after Sirius had joined him in the forest, Harry had grown comfortable enough around the man that he'd accepted his help in mastering his Magical Skills; including earning two new Skills in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes (both knowledge based Skills that usually weren't taught until third year). More importantly, the man had taught Harry a trick to Transfiguration that made changing one item into another much easier for Harry; the concept of visualization and using his imagination both had been slightly difficult concepts to grasp for the young wizard due to his upbringing (though the time he'd spent in Aincrad with Agil and the others had paved the way for Sirius's lessons).

On his birthday, Sirius had taught Harry both versions of the Muffliato Charm. The first version of the charm caused those it was cast upon to have trouble hearing which allowed the caster to speak without fear of being overheard. The second, advanced version was meant to be cast on a small area and would affect a larger group of people without the need to hit each person individually. Sirius had also taught Harry the Supersensory Charm; a spell that allows the caster to sense things that are not in the caster's direct line of sight up to one hundred yards away. Two handy spells that his virtual godfather insisted were essential for any aspiring prankster to know in order to avoid detection.

The man also promised to buy Harry a gift at the end of the summer but Harry told him he didn't have to. To that end, Sirius had tagged along when Professor McGonagall had taken Harry back to Diagon Alley near the end of August to purchase his school supplies for the upcoming year. The man had slipped away at one point to purchase Harry a few non-approved items that Sirius insisted Harry needed (such as a book on becoming an animagus, plenty of prank supplies, and an obscenely large supply of wizarding candies and treats).

He'd also bought Harry an owl so that they could keep in touch throughout the school year (Sirius scheduled to leave when the new and returning students arrived at the castle). Harry was skeptical about the need for yet another animal companion but admitted that it would be far easier to own an owl than to try and borrow the school's owls after Hedwig had made enemies of them all.





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