
Harry Potter: No More Simping

What will happen when harry stops simping? How will the age-old tale change as Harry unleashes his full potential, emerging as a genius. Will Dumbledore's manipulation still work on the new and improved Harry Potter? Will Harry sacrifice his life for the greater good or will he take his rightful place as the King? Stay tuned to find out... ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Mystic_Verse · Livros e literatura
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88 Chs

The Power of Belief

"What can I say, it's a talent. Back to your problem in potions. Prepare for that class more than for any other. If you are sure of what you do, you will be less afraid of what Snape will do if you mess up. He won't be nice, that's not in his range of personality traits I think, but if he treats you neutrally, you can normally get through Potions well enough. What is your dream?" Harry asked Neville.

Neville was shocked. Nobody had ever asked him about his dream. He had never told it to anybody, thinking they would laugh at him.

"Neville, I promise I won't laugh about your dream." Harry said sincerely, intentionally switching to the first name.

"Neither will I." Hermione added.

"Me too." Miranda said.

Neville looked at his two friends and Harry. Finally he opened his mouth.

"I want to become a healer and use my knowledge about plants to heal my parents from their mental damage." He answered.

"That's a great dream Neville. If you keep it in mind, and put all your effort into it, you'll manage it." Harry said.

Neville looked shocked that Harry Potter seemed to believe in him.

"Definitely and don't forget you have us at your side. If you struggle we will kick your butt in the right direction." Miranda said.

"While I would phrase it differently, Miranda is right. We will support you. Do you want to tell us what happened to put them into that state?" Hermione asked timidly.

Harry knew this was hard for Neville, but if he could overcome the past, he could look into the future. Neville shook. He didn't want to think about it. It hurt so much knowing they didn't even recognize him. And then his grandmother always reminding him on their state and that he should be proud of them. He was proud, but he would rather have his parents back to normal than being proud of them.

"You don't need to, we won't force you. But if they know, they'll easier understand you." Harry said.

"You know?" Neville asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, I do." Harry said.

"But how?" Neville asked.

Harry sighed. This would also reveal some of his secrets. But Neville needed to know that he wasn't the only one to have had a hard life and that it was possible to get out of there.

"When Professor McGonagall came to my house after I sent a reply to my Hogwarts letter to get more information about Hogwarts because I also had five offers from renowned private muggle schools that had offered me scholarships for my grades and my football abilities, she took me to Diagon Alley to get me some books so I could get more information. I guess they really wanted me to come to Hogwarts. Well, as it is one of the best schools in the world I can attend until OWLs, there are some that offer more subjects after that, I don't mind so much, but I wanted to be sure. I told you the Dursleys, whom I lived with, were nasty and punished me, well they were downright abusive until I frightened them so much with a bit of accidental magic that they didn't dare to touch me anymore. It will probably go through the news soon as they will have to defend themselves at court.

"I just wanted to get out of there because they had kept me ignorant of magic all my life. I feared once they knew they couldn't lie to me anymore things would get worse again. So I told Professor McGonagall some of the things that had happened to me. She took me to St. Mungo's and the result of the diagnosis spell was enough for Healer Ickings to keep me there for a few days, file an official removal order for me from the Dursleys and send the results of the examination to both the muggle and magical governmental departments that are responsible for cases like mine."

He concentrated looked on the floor.

"When Professor Dumbledore came to visit me, I asked why I had been placed with the Dursleys. The main reason was a form of ancient protection my mum gave me through her sacrifice. It seems if somebody sacrifices himself out of love, fully aware that it will mean his death even if being offered to be spared, the strongest possible protection against the one who spilled the blood of the one who sacrificed himself will be created. My mum died to protect me; therefore Voldemort couldn't harm me where I lived as long as I could call the place where my mother's blood lived home. The protection was broken when I declared that the Dursley's house wasn't my home only my place of residence. I asked why nobody got me out once things had calmed down and the Death Eaters who posed a threat to me were imprisoned.

"Well, there were some people that should have taken care of me. First was my godfather Sirius Black. He was imprisoned without a trial and I seriously doubt his guilt with how flimsy the evidence is. My guess is somebody wanted either to look good to the masses or that somebody wanted him out of the way. Next was Remus Lupin who has a medical condition that makes it impossible for him to look after a child. Third was Peter Pettigrew, who was supposedly killed by Sirius Black. As I said, I doubt Sirius' guilt as nobody who was killed by a blasting hex would only remain in form of a finger. From witnesses they stood at some distance when Sirius supposedly fired the hex. Even at point blank a blasting hex, no matter how powerful can't destroy a body so completely, not even with the gas explosion that happened because of a hit gas line. The muggles that stood closer to the explosion and died were found with complete, sometimes separated, but charred corpses, but from Peter who was farther away couldn't be found more remains than a finger? That simply is impossible. And if it is impossible that Peter's body was completely destroyed by that combination, then he has got to be somewhere.

"I think that Peter set Sirius up and somehow, I don't know how yet, got away. With magic many things are possible. Apparition, a transformation, a trick. I think the only one who knows is Sirius Black and Professor Dumbledore is close to getting him a trial finally. It helps that I can blackmail the Minister with public uproar. My name is important in the wizarding world after all. Well, back to the point. The next on the list, were your parents, Neville, the last one was Dorcas Meadowes. He told me why the first five were unable to take care of me and I found out that Dorcas Meadowes was killed by Voldemort when I asked Hagrid. That's the reason I know what happened to them." Harry ended his lengthy explanation.


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