
Tokens of Love

"Really?" George asked. "What did our younger siblings do?"

"Ron was upset that Hermione and I started dating."

"You and Hermione?" Fred asked. "Well it's about time mate. She's an excellent young lady."

"Though she must be a living terror with the OWLs coming up."

"Not really. She's calmed down quite a bit."

"You calmed Hermione down before her OWLs?" George asked in amazement. "It must be true love then," He continued with a grin.

"I think it is guys, but no I would like one for Neville here and Luna Lovegood. You remember her from the DA?"

"The one Ron calls Loony?" Fred asked.

"That's her. She gets picked on and her having something like one of these hats may come in handy."

"Sure Harry, four hats it is. Let me show you these as well," George pointed to some objects that looked like horns scurrying about. "We call them decoy detonators. Just drop one and it will run off and make a loud noise out of sight."

"And this is a daydream charm," George said holding up a box. "You can get a thirty minute high quality daydream to make your classes pass as quickly as possible. Imagine, instead of listening to Professor Binns, you can be off in your mind being seduced by several scantily clad women."

"Don't even think about it Harry!" Hermione's voice echoed in Harry's mind.

"Of course we have several other daydreams as well."

"So you can make the daydream about anything?"

"Mostly," Fred replied. "We are having some trouble with the Veela one, but give us a few more days."

Over the next half hour, the twins brought out several more items and showed them to Harry and Neville. By the time Harry had left the store he had four shield hats, several decoy detonators, some instant Darkness powder, a portable swamp and a shrunken box that the Twins asked Harry and Neville to deliver to Lee Jordon. As they left, Harry reminded the twins to not mention they had been there to anyone which they agreed.

Several doors down from Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes they passed a small jewelry story. A sign in the front window proclaimed a sale to end all sales. While another display of diamond earrings, necklaces and rings had a sign above it saying 'Why give just a gift, when you can give forever?' Another display had a pearl jewelry while its sign indicated pearls were the June Birthstone.

"Come on," Harry said as he looked around. Seeing no one was looking at him, he threw off the invisibility cloak. "I want to go in here."

A young attractive witch looked up from a magazine she was reading, "Welcome to Matilda's Fine Jewels, how may I help you today?"

"Uh...just looking thanks," Harry replied.

"We're having a great sale on diamonds and pearls this month. Are you looking for something for your mum or maybe a young witch you fancy?"

Harry didn't bother to answer as he started to look around.

"We also have a nice assortment of watches if that's what you're looking for," The witch continued nonplussed.

Harry had stopped listening to the witch as a set of rings caught his eye. Above the rings was a sign that read 'A promise made by a diamond, isn't just a promise, it's a lifetime.' "Perfect." He thought.

"Harry what are you doing?" The witch in question asked.

"Thinking that my wife should have a ring to show she's to be my future wife."

"I don't need anything like that."

"I didn't say you needed it, but I think you should have one."

"I...I'd like that."

"I love you Hermione."

"And I love you Harry."

"Want to help me pick it out?"

"No...surprise me."

Harry started looking at the various rings in the case when the saleswitch came to help him. "A promise ring is it?" She asked. "So there is a witch you fancy?"

"Well I wasn't looking to give it to him," Harry replied pointing to Neville. "Sorry Neville, but you're just not Hermione."

Neville turned red as the attention of the witch turned to him but he stammered out. "Ah Harry and I thought that was why you dragged me in here," Harry smiled knowing that even two days ago Neville wouldn't have been able to say anything.

The saleswitch's eyes flickered to Harry's forehead as soon as Neville said his name and she immediately stammered, "You're …you're Harry Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Really? I must have forgotten since I looked in the mirror this morning."

"I read your story in the Quibbler," The witch continued as her eyes were still wide in excitement.

"I...I'd rather not talk about it," Harry replied.

"Of course. Wait until mum hears I waited on Harry Potter."

"Look I'd appreciate it if you'd not mention I was in here."

"Uh…yes…yes of course," She replied still staring.

Harry ignored her and started looking at the rings. All the rings looked a lot alike and they were all nice. "Miranda, can you help me?" Harry thought. "I want it to be perfect for Hermione and I'm not sure."


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