
Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Follow Alaric in his journey to be the strongest wizard out there by hook or by crook. This is the story of a guy who went to a different world to get power and to find new relationships in his life. Read how he fights off Voldemort in process becoming the leader of new generation of wizards and builds up his new life with his new friends, family and wife. A story of a wizard using his wisdom and power to ascend to the pinnacle of the world, who will do anything to protect his new family. This is a little slow paced and also somewhat slice of life story so keep that in mind, that focuses more on Alaric's relationship. There will be heavy changes to the original plot so be aware and also MC becomes overpowered rather quickly as the story moves forward and he won't hesitate to take some drastic measures if necessary, so he won't have a moral compass. If you want to support me and read advance chapters please visit: patreon.com/bobthewriter Main World: Harry Potter Second World: Game of Thrones Third World: ..... #harrypotter #gameofthrones Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. I don't own this story, and this work and characters are entirely fictional, any resemblance is purely coincidental, and imitation is strongly discouraged.

bobthewriter · Livros e literatura
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305 Chs

Chapter 124: Fear and the Start of Term

"The Dementors had quite a serious impact on her. 

They must have encountered Dementors on the train, perhaps they sucked a few more times on her, which caused her to collapse internally."

He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, unwrapped it, and stuffed it into Cho Chang's mouth.

"Eat up, you'll feel better after eating it. I just bought it from Honeydukes before coming here."

Alaric fed Cho Chang the chocolate, then ruffled her hair. 

"Think more about happy things, it helps counter the effects of the Dementors. Oh, and Patronus."

The silvery giant dragon emerged from the tip of Alaric's wand again, joyfully circling around them, dispelling the despair and unease around.

Hermione noticed the gloomy atmosphere fading away gradually, and the young wizards felt a wave of warmth, even the frost on the ground began to melt.

"What's that silver light?" Hermione asked curiously. "I feel like I'm not as sad anymore."

"That was a Patronus just now," Marietta said, astonished, looking at the silver dragon circling above them.

"My mother told me it's a rather sophisticated magic, requiring strong magical support. Only truly powerful wizards use this spell."

Alaric controlled the dragon to breathe out a stream of silver flames towards Cho Chang. 

The silver flames didn't burn or cause pain, but instead filled her with warmth and happiness from within.

Apparently, Cho Chang had gradually recovered by now. 

She immediately realized her current situation and blushed as she wriggled out of Alaric's embrace, hiding behind Hermione and Marietta.

The four of them boarded the carriage pulled by Thestral, the dampness and mustiness inside the carriage displeased Alaric greatly. 

He snapped his fingers, and everything around instantly dried up, not even a drizzle fell on them anymore.

"Thank you," Cho Chang whispered softly, her voice so low that even mosquitoes couldn't hear it.

"Your wandless magic is getting more proficient," Hermione said admiringly.

The carriage headed towards the entrance of Hogwarts.

At the gate, they encountered two terrifying Dementors again, floating at the entrance as guards. 

They approached every entering student, sometimes even sucking on them a couple of times, sending shivers down the spines of all young wizards.

Seeing the two Dementors, Cho Chang immediately closed her eyes in fear. 

She clung to Alaric's arm, burying her head in his chest, as if by doing so, the Dementors wouldn't notice her.

Hermione was also nervous, clutching Alaric's other hand tightly.

Only Marietta sat somewhat awkwardly in the back; she wasn't very familiar with Alaric.

But when their carriage passed through the gate, the Dementors didn't come forward as usual. Instead, as if encountering natural enemies, they flew away hastily.

"What's going on?" Hermione tugged at Alaric's sleeve. "Why did they run away?"

"They must have been scared," Alaric sneered disdainfully. 

"They stopped me when I was returning to school, wanting to suck on me, but my Patronus killed two of them. 

But thinking that you might also encounter all this, I specially came to the station to pick you up."

Hearing his words, both Hermione and Cho Chang felt a warm glow in their hearts, while Marietta couldn't help but envy them.

But the remarks about scaring away Dementors stunned the surrounding young wizards. 

Everyone had witnessed the horrors of Dementors, but the unexpected reaction of the Dementors made them incredulous. 

Thus, Alaric gained another title: "The one who makes Dementors feel fear."

However, regardless of anything, after such an experience, Cho Chang and Hermione indeed felt much less afraid of Dementors.

As the young wizards entered the Great Hall, Harry was called aside by Professor McGonagall. 

It was said that he had fainted on the train because he was scared by a Dementor, which had become a joke among the Slytherins.

Alaric noticed Draco Malfoy seemingly entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very amusing story.

 As they passed by, Malfoy pretended to faint, eliciting laughter from everyone.

Hermione was also called away by Professor Flitwick, but she reappeared after a few minutes, looking very pleased about something. 

The diminutive Flitwick followed behind her, carrying an old hat and a three-legged stool, ready to preside over the Sorting Ceremony.

The Sorting Ceremony quickly concluded. There were very few male Ravenclaw first-years this semester, only four in total.

Before the feast began, Professor Dumbledore spoke.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! 

There are a few things I need to address, one of which is quite serious, and I think it's best to clarify it before you all become too engrossed in this feast..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat before continuing. 

"You are all aware of the Dementors' search of the Hogwarts Express. 

Currently, our school is hosting a number of Dementors from Azkaban, here to carry out the Ministry's business. They are stationed at all entrances to the school grounds."

Dumbledore went on, "During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is to leave the school grounds without permission. 

Dementors should not be deceived by tricks or disguises, not even by invisibility cloaks."

It was evident that this statement was directed at Harry.

"Dementors do not understand what a request or excuse is by nature. 

Therefore, I warn each and every one of you: do not give them any excuse to harm you. 

I rely on the prefects, as well as the heads of our newly appointed male and female student clubs, to ensure that no student conflicts with the Dementors."

"On a brighter note," he continued.

"I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. 

The first is Professor Lupin, who has graciously agreed to fill the vacancy for Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Alaric noticed Snape's face darken upon hearing Lupin's name.

While others thought it was because Snape hadn't secured the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Alaric knew it stemmed from some old grudges—back when Snape and Harry's father, James Potter, were classmates, and Lupin was James's close friend. 

During their school days, James not only bullied Snape but also married Snape's crush, Lily Evans.

This grudge seemed significant.

Following this announcement, Dumbledore declared that Hagrid would be taking on the role of Care of Magical Creatures professor. 

However, Alaric suspected that this half-giant would surely cause trouble, as his definition of dangerous creatures differed from others'.

He raised dragons, kept a three-headed dog as a pet, and befriended giant spiders.

Clearly, he didn't consider these creatures to be particularly hazardous, but the young wizards definitely would.




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