When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"I'm not in a rush." Natasha shrugged as she glanced towards the TV. "Oh I love this episode." She grinned and leaned back. Harry was tempted to make a comment but decided to instead just focus on eating. Once he was done Harry cleaned up his table, once he finished he sat back down and looked at the file. Though not before he glanced at Padfoot and Natasha who were now both sitting together with Natasha petting Padfoot's head. The folder contained a rather simple mission involving infiltrating a building and getting a copy of some data.
"Tell Blackbeard I'll do it." Harry said once he was done reading, he held the folder out and Natasha took it.
"Blackbeard?" She asked in an amused voice.
"He's got an eyepatch, beard and a ship, you look me in the eye and tell me you have never once thought the word 'pirate' while thinking about him." Harry challenged her.
"Maybe once or twice." Natasha admitted with a small smirk. "Bit of an easy joke though."
"I'm sorry but do I look like I specialize in creativity?"
"Still, you shouldn't go for the low hanging fruit. Anyway Fury will be glad that you've accepted." Natasha replied but made no effort to move as she kept her eyes on the TV. Harry sat back and simply watched watched alongside her. "I read the report on your mission by the way." She said a few minutes later after the episode had ended.
"So just anyone can read that then?"
"Does it bother you?" She asked him, ignoring his question for the time being.
"Does what bother me?"
"All the people you killed, does it bother you?" She asked, her voice was more curious than accusatory.
"No." Harry answered honestly. "No it doesn't bother me, what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Don't play dumb, I know who you are and I know that I am not the only killer in this room. Does it bother you?" Natasha was silent for several moments before she replied.
"You mean me being a killer or you being a killer?"
"Either, both, whichever."
"No," She said as she looked him in the eye. "no it doesn't bother me. If you don't mind me asking, why did you settle on 'Grim' for a name? I mean there are so many other more flattering choices."
"You mean like 'Black Widow' or 'Hawkeye'?" Harry retorted.
"Better than Grim." She replied, "That just makes you sound like an anti-social loner."
"I am an anti-social loner." Harry pointed out.
"I can break you out of that." She smirked at him, she would have said more if she wasn't interrupted by a beeping noise, she pulled out her phone and looked at it. "Damn," She whispered before she stood up. "I'll tell Fury you've accepted the mission." She added before she petted Padfoot one more time before she walked over to the door with Harry standing up and walking after her, she opened the door and glanced back at Harry. "I'll see you later." She said before she left his apartment, Harry was about to close the door when he noticed someone coming in the opposite direction that Natasha had left in.
"H...Harry," Alexis said quickly. "can I talk to you?" She asked hopefully as she rushed forwards and stopped in front of him, hoping to stop him in case he decided to close the door.
"Go on." Harry said.
"I...know our last conversation was a little..." She paused as she tried to think up the right word. "awkward." She eventually settled on. "I...I wanted to say sorry."
"It's fine," Harry said dismissively. "I...I'm not really experienced with this shit but I think I probably could have let you down in a nicer way."
"Anyway, I'm sorry and I was hoping that there were no bad feelings."
"No bad feelings, don't worry about it." Harry waved her off.
"Well...I am glad." She smiled. "I guess I should go now."
"Probably." Harry agreed as he nodded. He waited for her to go but she seemed unable to move.
"I...I'll be off now." She said a few seconds later as she gestured in the direction she had come from.
"Yep." Harry nodded, waiting for her to leave.
"Yeah." She nodded slowly.
"Alright," Harry said after losing what little patience he had. "here's what's going to happen, I am going to close this door and once it is closed your legs will activate and carry you away. Got it?"
"Uh...got it." She nodded.
"Goodbye." Harry said before he closed the door, he shook his head before walking back in and sitting on his sofa.
"Woof." Padfoot barked.
"No I am not getting with Alexis."
"Woof, woof."
"You only like her because she petted you." Harry responded.
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