
'Accidental' Magic

A/N: First chapter of the Harry Potter fanfic, I will be uploading a few more in a few hours so yeah hope you guys, girls, multicellular and unicellular beings enjoy it.

I was having a perfectly good nap in mathematics class when the incessant nudging began, accompanied by an increasingly urgent whisper.

"Hey Felix, Felix, Felix," the voice persisted, each word punctuated by a sharp poke to my ribs. All I wanted was to rest in peace during math class. Was that really too much to ask?

"Felix, Felix."

"What Louise? What?" I finally snapped, not bothering to lift my head from my folded arms.

"The teacher is looking at you."

With great effort, I raised my head and lazily opened my eyes. Sure enough the dictionary picture for teacher, big round glasses, coat, and yarn made clothes along with more wrinkles than skin was staring at me.

Mrs. Grimmes, with that familiar disapproving expression she seemed to reserve specially for me, not that I could blame her for it I mean I was sleeping but who doesn't like to sleep. 

"Felix, dear," Mrs. Grimmes called out, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

The 'dear' part always made my skin crawl. There was something distinctly unsettling about the way she used terms of endearment while preparing to dish out punishment.

"Yes, Mrs. Grimmes?"

"Were you sleeping in my class?"

"Yes, Mrs. Grimmes."

"Oh, you were?" Her eyebrows shot up in mock surprise, though everyone knew this was a routine we'd been through countless times before.

"I was, Mrs. Grimmes."

"Well then, you know the routine."

"Yes, Mrs. Grimmes."

I stuck out my hand, palm facing upward, waiting for what I knew would come next. Mrs. Grimmes made her way toward me with deliberate slowness, her sensible shoes clicking against the linoleum floor.

Her wrinkled face seemed to sag more with each step, the furrows in her brow deepening as she approached. My attention, however, was fixed firmly on the wooden ruler she carried – thirty centimeters of polished punishment that had become all too familiar with my palm over the past term.

When she reached my desk, Mrs. Grimmes paused, looking between my outstretched hand and my face. Her thin lips pressed together in a tight line as she raised the ruler high above her head.


The first strike landed with practiced precision.


The second followed immediately after.


The third strike stung just as sharply as the first two.

As Mrs. Grimmes raised the ruler for a fourth time, something strange stirred deep within me. It was a sensation I'd felt before, but now I was gonna shoot it on my own – a sort of bubbling, tingling feeling that started in my chest and spread outward through my entire body. A small smile crept across my face.

The ruler descended once more, but this time, something extraordinary happened. Just as it was about to make contact with my reddened palm, every light bulb in the classroom exploded simultaneously. The sound of shattering glass filled the air, followed immediately by startled screams from my classmates.

The ruler froze mid-swing, hovering just millimeters above my hand. Mrs. Grimmes stumbled backward, losing her balance and toppling forward. As she fell, she caught the edge of my desk, pulling it down with her.

The moment she hit the floor, she clutched at her lower abdomen, her face contorting in sudden pain. A piercing scream escaped her lips, causing several students to clap their hands over their ears.

"I Cast Endometriosis," I muttered under my breath.

The classroom door burst open as Mr. Robinson, the science teacher, rushed in, his wire-rimmed glasses slightly askew. "Children, are you alright?" he asked, scanning the room with obvious concern. His eyes quickly found Mrs. Grimmes on the floor, still writhing in pain.

"Mrs. Grimmes, are you okay?" He hurried to her side, kneeling beside her. "Here, let me help you up so we can go to the school nurse."

With gentle care, Mr. Robinson helped Mrs. Grimmes to her feet. She leaned heavily against him as they made their way toward the door. Before leaving, he turned back to address the class.

"Kids, I'll call a substitute for class. Until then, stay put and please be quiet."

The door closed behind them with a soft click. For several seconds, the class remained perfectly still, listening to the sound of footsteps retreating down the hallway. Once we could no longer hear anything, the room erupted into chaos.

Students jumped from their seats, gathering in small groups to discuss what had happened. Some made their way to the chalkboard, while others simply wandered around the room, reveling in their temporary freedom.

I righted my overturned desk, only to find it immediately occupied by a familiar figure. Louise perched herself on the edge, her brown hair falling just above her shoulders, hazel eyes fixed on me with an expression of mixed concern and exasperation. Her uniform matched my own, save for the long skirt in place of trousers.

"Felix, you should really stop sleeping in class."

"Louise, I told you already – math is torture. Not sleeping through it will actually kill me."

"Seriously, you are smart. Just stay awake during class."

I looked up at her, my unusual yellow-gold eyes meeting her hazel ones. "No."

I began to gently push her off the desk.

She sighed dramatically, throwing her head back. "Do you know how to say anything else aside from no?"

"No." Another slight push.

"Really? Then are you smart?"

"No." She was nearly at the edge now.

"How about cute?"

"No." Just a bit further.



With that final push, Louise slid off the desk, landing unceremoniously on the floor with a satisfying thud.

"Finally, time to sleep," I declared, preparing to resume my interrupted nap.

Louise's voice drifted up from her position on the floor. "Aha, so you can say other things!"

"No," I replied, laying my head on my arms and closing my eyes.

"Still," Louise continued, undeterred by her undignified position on the floor, "what happened to Mrs. Grimmes was pretty weird, huh?"

I kept my eyes firmly shut, but I couldn't ignore the lingering sensation of the magic still coursing through my body, the pain in my hand signifying to it, I mean seriously why do I need to get hurt before being able to cast it, it's stupid.

I had first felt the magic over a year, when Jimmy Peterson's shoelaces had mysteriously tied themselves together after he'd pushed me into a puddle, or when Sarah Matthews' hair had turned bright green after she'd made fun of my eyes. But this time had been different. This time, I'd actually said the words, I even had to find a word suitable for the spell, endometriosis.

The word I had chosen for the spell, it was something I had figured out while reading a few biology books I found interesting, from what I had tested the spell would wear off in a few minutes after all the pain hadn't been enough to actually make it last but it was enough, we no longer had Mrs Grimmes and I would be able to sleep win-win.

The substitute teacher wouldn't arrive for another few minutes, during which time the class descended into the kind of controlled chaos that only unsupervised ten-year-olds can achieve.

I spent most of it pretending to sleep, all the while thinking about what had happened. I knew I should feel guilty about Mrs. Grimmes, but somehow I couldn't bring myself to. I mean it wasn't my fault she taught mathematics now was it.

If you want to read ten advanced chapters, you can do so at Patreon.com/JoanjudoStories