
The first in history

It wasn't easy to calm all the students after James' speech. Several professors had to intervene, saying that they would investigate the case and not let Pandora or other victims suffer again.

Emma, Tianne, and the other two girls, upon arriving in the great hall, received hostile looks from all the tables. Who knew these classy and graceful-acting girls would have such black hearts?

Proving the evil deeds of Emma and company was easy for the professors. In addition to Pandora's (the main victim's) testimony, many other victims were encouraged to speak up after James' speech, which gave them courage. Many witnesses saw the acts committed by the Ravenclaw girls and were encouraged to speak up.

Emma and the others received a punishment, the specifics of which are unknown. The only thing that is known is that they lost many house points. To the point that the Ravenclaw score was negative. This meant that almost the whole house was against them, something they deserved.

James was spared punishment. He thought that since he told himself that he had knocked Emma unconscious with an Expelliarmus, he would be punished, but he wasn't. He was only lectured by McGonagall for ten minutes and nothing more. He was not punished as he acted to save a student, and it was four versus two. Although everyone knew that, with his skills, he could have disarmed Emma without sending her flying, no one said anything.

Xeno thanked James with great enthusiasm before they each went back to their common room. He even hugged him with great strength and tears in his eyes. James patted his back with a strange expression.

That weekend, James, Sirius, Gwen, and the others used the days off to finish the preparations. By Sunday morning at four o'clock, they had everything ready to start their expedition to the forbidden forest tomorrow.

They had prepared a large batch of anti-poisons, anti-paralysis potions, antidotes against different types of bites caused by insects or magical creatures, and cures for boils, among many others.

As for the potions, they had elaborated: potions of strength; potions of protection against fire; potions of resistance; potions of doxycide; potions that sharpen the wits, among others.

They had worked hard brewing potions and antidotes. They even brewed potions from more advanced years. James and Snape, as the main potionists, perfected their methods and efficiency. They also improved their teamwork in making potions together, although it was already good, as they had shared a group with Slughorn last year.

To carry so many quantities of potions and antidotes, James was prepared. He had his wallet (a gift from his family), which possessed an undetectable extension charm.

He then cast the same spell on a cute little wallet of Gwen's. Extension spells were advanced magic.

James, when he received his wallet, did not master this spell (Capacious Extremis), but during this time that he trained and studied like crazy, he managed to learn it. So he gave Gwen a nice wallet with an extension spell in it. The girl happily accepted and gave him some reward kisses, which James happily accepted.

The group needed two objects with the extension spells because they would be split in two. This is to make the exploration more efficient. There are eight people in total, and they will be divided into two groups of four.

James and Gwen will be the leaders, as they are the most versed in martial magic. Gwen did not like to be separated from James but accepted this configuration.

James' group consisted of Sirius, Regulus, and Peter.

Gwen's group consisted of Snape, Lupin, and Toby.

The routes each group would take were already decided. Lupin and company, while James, Snape, and Gwen brewed potions, were in charge of seeing the best routes to start exploring the forest.

With everything ready, each one returned to their common room to rest. It was late at night, and tomorrow they had classes and, at night, the first exploration. James has always performed the Animagus Charm twice a day. Still, no thunderstorms occurred.

The next day, James received many greetings in the large dining hall as he ate breakfast. Many greetings were from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students. This was due to the speech he gave days before. Causing his popularity to rise again and be the center of attention again.

'I didn't have to make that big speech,' James thought with an inward grimace as he ate his breakfast. Perhaps it would have been better to have taken care of business with the old reliable: beat up George Parkinson and let Gwen take care of Emma, Tianne, and company.

With the first period of classes over, it was time for lunch, but James was called to the headmaster's office. He knew why he was called. He would learn the result of his OWL exam.

The Marauders, Lily, and more students at the Gryffindor table wished him luck as James left the large dining hall. The trip to Dumbledore's office for James took forever. For the first time, he felt nervous about knowing the grade he had gotten on an exam.

It would depend on whether he could learn conjuring with McGonagall in a better-prepared environment or if he would have to study it on his own and be self-taught like before. Although he didn't do badly being self-taught, he would rather have Professor McGonagall's reputation precede her.

Arriving at the tower where the office was located, James said the password (which McGonagall had told him from the letter), and the stone gargoyle moved, revealing a spiral staircase.

He climbed the staircase and, within seconds, arrived at Dumbledore's office, who was already waiting for him along with McGonagall and two women James didn't know.

At the large antique wooden desk, Dumbledore sat with his usual calm smile. In front of him, four chairs were arranged for visitors. Three were occupied, and James was invited to sit in the last available chair.

'Will they belong to the Magical Examinations Authority?' thought James, trying to guess the identities of the women.

"Let me introduce you to our two guests. This is Christine Daaé. Senior reporter for Transfiguration Today," said Dumbledore, gesturing slightly towards the middle-aged woman. She wore a classic, elegant wizard's robe. A large dark violet hat with black and square spectacles gave her a scholarly air.

James was inwardly surprised to hear the woman's name. He knew it, as he was a faithful reader of Transfiguration Today, and many articles of importance and helpful to him in his study were by this lady.

Transfiguration Today is a scholarly journal focused on the latest news on developments in the magical field of transfiguration. It published articles as well as papers presented by prominent and knowledgeable figures in the field.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Daaé. I am a great reader of your articles," James said with respect in his tone.

"The pleasure is mine, young man. I am aware of your two third- and fourth-year exam scores. Your knowledge of transfiguration is excellent for your age. You remind me of McGonagall," Christine said with a kindly grandmotherly smile, looking at James.

"On the other hand, may I introduce Hellen Ivette Cuffe from the Prophet," said Dumbledore, gesturing to the young girl in her early twenties at most. She has short black hair and blue eyes that stand out against her white skin and black hair.

As she was introduced, she looked at James with a wide smile and introduced herself, "Nice to meet you! It's always good to meet talented students, though I've never seen someone your age so advanced in such a complex field as transfiguration," she said, remembering her days at Hogwarts. She was never very good at that subject.

"My pleasure. Thank you for the compliments," James said with a professional smile on his face. The Daily Prophet was the most widely read newspaper in the British community, and the Cuffe surname was well known.

If James' information was correct, Hellen must be the granddaughter of the owner of the prophet, so she had a very important position as the granddaughter of the magician who ran the giant journalism company.

Both Hellen and Christine were there to interview James. Something made him very happy for several reasons. First, it would be in two very important and respected newspapers. Then, for the contacts he would form, he would be able to stay in touch with both of them. In the magical world, in addition to magical strength, contacts are important, especially in turbulent times like the ones the British magical community is going through.

If James manages to improve his relationship with Hellen, he could have first-hand information about the most important events since she belongs to the prophet and has a high position. As for Hellen, she could be interested in improving her relationship with a genius who already has a great reputation, and that is Lord Potter.

As for Christine, James could talk about transfiguration and ask her advice, as her opinion and ideas would be highly valued by him and every wizard who is interested in transfiguration.

"I have here the envelope where your exam score is announced. It arrived this morning," Dumbledore said, pulling a very elegant red envelope with black borders out of a small drawer.

James looked at the envelope nervously and swallowed spittle. McGonagall and the other ladies also looked at the envelope expectantly and nervously. Although the grade was not for them, if James passed, he would be the first student in Hogwarts history to take a fifth-year OWL exam and pass.

Dumbledore took his time opening the envelope. He didn't want to tear it or leave any small imperfections in it. He then took out the letter and calmly unfolded it. His expression was stoic as he read the grade. At no time was there a smile on his face, as usual. This made James more nervous.

After a few seconds, he turned the letter over so that James and the others could read the note. The letter contained the following:


APPROVED: Outstanding (O)

 Exceeds Expectations (E)

 Acceptable (A)


 Dreadful (D)

 Troll (T)


Transfiguration: O


James' breath quickened as he read an O. That meant Outstanding! The highest grade possible. He had made it. He could take sixth-year classes in transfiguration and get a higher grade than he needed.

James was aiming to Exceeds Expectations. He never thought he would achieve the top grade. He knew the difficulty of the exam and wanted to get the highest grade possible. His long hours of reading he had paid off.

Even McGonagall, Christine, and Hellen's eyes widened in surprise. Dumbledore was the first to enthusiastically congratulate James, who was already breathing easy and waiting eagerly for his first Advanced Transfiguration class today.

His achievement is no small feat. He achieved the highest mark in a fifth-year OWL exam in his third year. It was the first ever. Both Christine and Hellen were very enthusiastic about starting the interview as soon as possible for their respective magazines.

James didn't see it as spectacular since he is a reincarnated person and had that advantage compared to students his age, although he didn't detract from what he accomplished. In his past life, he had similar achievements without this advantage.