
final exams end , confronting the thief - 1.

the next day is the potions exam and Harry is begging Alex to help him just this once, while Ron is doing the same with Hermoine who has a disgusted look on her face. Alex just sighed and agreed while Hermoine didn't have choice and agreed with Ron, because if not he looks like he will throw away his diginity also.

the potions exam has gone well as it's a forgetfulness potion and Harry who followed his brother completed it successfully making Snape frustrated, even Ron did it by copying Hermoine's every step. while some others like Seamus as always blew away the couldron, Neville barely made the potion, frustrating Snape even more who took it out on students that didn't finish by scribbling something on the parchment.

the next is charms exam Alex finished theory very early and in the practical test flitwick instead of testing his charms just discussed some spells with him. charms is the easiest to all students since professor flitwick lessons are interesting and the spells are used in a duel, so students relaxed for this exam

the history exam is scariest for most since none heard it well and students after seeing the questions turned pale, only Hermoine and Alex who studied her notes before a week of exams did well.

defense against dark arts is disaster for its professor because as soon as Alex took out his wand Quirell is shivering, students thought Quirell after hearing about the dark wizard feared him.

defense against dark arts went well after Quirell's constant shivering finished it early.

the astronomy exams also is finished early by and other students as it's just about the stars and their positions this year.

herbology also went well as the herbs are less in first year and the questions are about their effects only.

after finishing the exam Harry, Ron along with Hermoine and told him about Hagrid mentioning the dog's name in the third floor and it's weakness. they decided to confront Snape as they think he is the thief and asked Alex to join them as Dumbledore is not in Hogwarts.

Alex who expected this agreed and when it's night time he cast a disillusionment charm on himself and goes towards Griffindor dormitories, the trio exited and Alex joined them. they went to the 3 rd floor and entered the room of the dog, Alex cast a bewitching sleep spell on the dog, even though there is a harp he didn't want to take a chance , he lifted it's leg on the trap door using magic and opened it.

Alex asked," who will jump first?" , after seeing the pitch black darkness in it. the trio didn't say anything so he jumped first and burner the devil's snare using incendio, then he said," Hermoine you don't need to worry jump I will catch you?", Hermoine blushed and jumped, Alex caught her in a princess carry and placed her on the ground, then Harry and Ron jumped but Alex just casted the levitation charm and placed them on the ground, both of them has look of black lines to which Alex replied," you're not Hermoine to catch with hands and even the thought is disgusting". Hermione turned red after hearing that and both Harry, Ron didn't say anything.

the next room has a broom and lots of keys the air , the door opposite is locked and Alex told Harry this is his time to shine and gave him a thumbs up. Harry has disgusted look and grabbed the broom , suddenly all the keys attacked him and Alex is snickering, Harry watched as a key with a broken wing is trying to escape and caught it throwing towards Alex, who caught it and opened the door, Harry flew to the door and Alex closed it in time stopping the keys from entering.

Alex praised Dumbledore for placing tests with the trio's capabilities because the next is the chess board, as they walked towards the door on the opposite side the soldiers on the side of blocked them with their swords,Alex asked Ron to play the chess.

sure enough Ron's talent in chess is wonderful at this age as he played well whenever there is a mistake in moves Alex corrected it and won the chess game.

the next room has a table with a parchment and potions on it, opposite is a door surrounded by flames, Hermoine after reading the parchment pointed towards a potion and there is the issue.

there are 4 of them with only one potion, so they all decided to go back and contact Dumbledore while Alex confront the man in the room, Hermoine is concerned about Alex and gave him a hug before warning him to be careful and went towards the trap door with Harry and Ron to alert the professors.

Alex smiled at Hermoine's behaviour and didn't drink the potion instead called Nile and surround himself with holy flames successfully evading the test and asked Nile to go as he didn't want anyone to know about the pheonix.