
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 9: Ravenclaw's Password

Looking at the food on the table, Alvin moved his hand, although he ate a lot of snacks on the train. But Alvin is in the growth phase and hungry fast.

Grilled steak, pork chops, lamb ribs, mashed potatoes, French fries, hot dogs, Yorkshire pudding. Bolognese, French onion soup.

Alvin took a piece of steak directly, filled a bowl of meat sauce, and began to eat large pieces. Cho smiled brightly when she saw Alvin eating.

Because she was not hungry, she simply helped Alvin pick up food.

Slowly, Cho realized the joy of feeding.

Suddenly, Alvin who was enjoying being given Cho's food saw a very annoyed look.

Looking up, it turned out to be a senior not far away, looking at them with envy.

Seeing that Alvin found him, he was not embarrassed and looked at Alvin with admiration.

"Hello, my name is Roger Davies. I'm a fourth grader. You're amazing. When you first entered the academy, you caught the most beautiful girl in Ravenclaw. Can you teach me?"

Cho's face blushed when she heard this, but she didn't refute it.

Alvin replied jokingly: "If you can be as handsome as me, you can do it. Maybe you need to use a wand to conjure a phoenix."

Cho blushed, even more, when she heard Alvin's joke, reached out, and pinched Alvin's waist. But remembering the scene that day, she couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing the temptation between the two, Roger Davies couldn't help but feel irritated. He doesn't want to teach me how to chase girls, why did the two of them start flirting in front of me?


As everyone was full, the leftovers on the table disappeared.

"Okay, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school anthem together!"

Dumbledore waved his wand lightly, and golden characters appeared in the hall, forming the lyrics of the school anthem. Then he used his wand as a baton.

"Prepare~ Sing!"

Following Dumbledore's command, all the teachers and students began to sing their songs, and everyone sang according to their melody.

Next to the long table in Gryffindor House, the twin brothers sang heavily to the tune of the funeral march.

After singing again, Dumbledore wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, said some precautions, seduced the Savior, and let the prefects return to the common room with the students of their respective houses.

Ravenclaw's male prefect is Robert Hilliard, a sixth grader.

He led everyone out of the dining room, climbed the marble stairs, took a shortcut, and soon came to the tower. Then we saw the door of the Ravenclaw common room.

An eagle-shaped bronze door knocker was quietly placed on the door. Prefect Robert stepped forward and touched the eagle lightly.

Suddenly, the eagle comes alive. Ask questions. "To describe an ugly girl beautiful, what kind of language is the most suitable"

Robert did not answer in a hurry but looked at the freshman behind him with interest.

"You can try to answer. We Ravenclaw are unique and have no fixed password. As long as you have wisdom, we Ravenclaw welcome anyone to visit."

"But if you can't answer his question, even if you're a Ravenclaw student, you'll need to wait for the others to open the door. But if you answer that question, whoever can get a separate dorm."

Several first-year eagles discussed, but no one stepped forward to answer.

Alvin is very interested in the independent dormitory. He has so many secrets. It is better to have a space of his own so that no one will discover his secrets.

Stepping up, Alvin whispered "lie"

The words "correct" fell, and the door slowly opened.

The other little eagles looked at him enviously, they also wanted a separate dormitory. Dietrich smiled and led them to the dormitory, and finally arranged for Alvin to go to a smaller dormitory.

Entering the bedroom, Alvin looked around. He was quite satisfied with the environment here. There was a double bed in the middle of the room.

On the right is a large desk. On the left are the closet and a door, behind which is a dressing room.

According to the prefect, Alvin put the piece of paper with his name in the drawer in front of the bed. It didn't take long for his luggage to appear in his house.

Alvin couldn't help but be amazed. This should be because an elf house sensed his message and phantoms the luggage over.

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly appeared in my mind.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has successfully entered the school, and the daily task section is activated. Completing the daily task can get 100 gold coins. There is no penalty for failure."

After Alvin heard it, he turned on the system and carefully checked the new function. This is the only function he can get gold coins repeatedly now.

Daily tasks, as the name suggests, refresh three tasks every day, and complete any two to get full rewards. Like today's task

[Use Levitation Charm 0/10]

[Read Standard Spells Beginner Page 0/30]

[Play with Fury for 0/10 minutes]

Seeing this, Alvin smiled lightly, this daily task seems to be quite simple now, and it will not let him and Voldemort fight.

After packing up his luggage, Alvin snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the phoenix Fury appeared in the air.

Then he flew to Alvin's side and lightly pecked Alvin's hand with his beak, expressing his dissatisfaction that he had not been summoned for a day.

"Okay, okay, my fault, I'm afraid that you will scare my roommate." Originally, Alvin didn't plan to summon Fury to Hogwarts soon.

After all, it's easy to startle a roommate with a bird at the start. He originally planned to call Fury after getting to know his roommate for a while.

As a result, he was lucky enough to be assigned a single dormitory, and he no longer had this scruple.

After playing with Fury for a while, after practicing the levitation charm ten times, I completed today's task. Alvin opened his panel.

Host: Alvin Gaunt

Age: 11 years old

Birthday: October 31st

Status: Freshman at Hogwarts

Bloodline: Witch Spirit (Awakening, increase strength until fully awakened)

Magic scale: 8.5 (Although there is no card drawn, it will increase naturally. The protagonist has ancient blood, and the growth rate is relatively fast.)

Magic Items: Guardian Necklace (can resist Auror-level attacks three times, professor-level twice, quasi-legendary-level once, cooldown 24 hours), Felix Felicis Potion*1, Inspiration Potion*3, Instant Blue Potion*3

Charms Talent: 5 (Outstanding)

Defense Against the Dark Arts: 5 (outstanding)

Spells: Levitation Charm, Shield Charm, Apparition, etc...

Black Magic: 9 (The Demon King Comes to Earth)

Gold: 1300

Looking at his panel, Alvin's magic power has surpassed that of many adult wizards, and he has mastered a lot of magic spells. Next, he only needs to save enough to draw and draw out some more character cards to improve his talents. His future is limitless.

After appreciating the strength that he had worked so hard to get, Alvin took a shower, then lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. Tomorrow is a brand new start.