

Harry/Kara/Faora/Diana/Karen/Multi. Massive harem By megamatt09

Ser_borgur · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Summer Before Year One

Harry was pleasantly surprised with how quickly that he got out of the Dursleys. Which was a good thing for sure, as with each passing year, it was getting harder and harder to stomach them. Even if their encounters were almost limited, Harry still found it rather hard to fathom that he shared the same oxygen as them. Still he did wonder where they were going.

McGonagall managed to collect her thoughts and also hold back the rant that she was about ready to spit out. She warned Dumbledore that something like this was very likely to happen but he decided that in his infinite wisdom not to listen to her. It was only a small miracle that the blood protections around the home, they worked somehow. The Transfiguration teacher wondered what Lily did to make them work. She figured that they were not based off of the love that the Dursleys had because there was none.

"Diagon Alley is the first stop on our list, touch this and it will take you there," Minerva stated, thankfully when she got the letter, she was able to call in a favor from Amelia Bones in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. "This is what we call a Portkey, it is a magical device that will transport you from one location to another in a matter of seconds. It is used for those of us who do not Apparate, which is the preferred magical form of travel."

Harry kept that in mind.

"So essentially Apparation is much like teleportation," Harry stated whilst he looked at McGonagall. "So essentially magical users punch a hole through time and space and travel in between atomic particles to land at a location. Or do they essentially fly at hyper speed and end up in a location in a way that offers an illusion of appearing and disappearing at will."

Minerva took a moment to mull that over her head. It was an oddly scientific explanation for what the mechanics of apparation were but fairly accurate all things considered.

"I believe that some amount of concentration is also required," Harry stated after another thought. "Otherwise, you will be ripped apart in the space which you are traveled."

"That would be correct, we refer to it as splinching," Minerva stated whilst she nodded her head. "That's a nasty business, that is why people are not recommended to apparate until their magic has fully developed at seventeen years of age. Of course some do mature quicker than others but a rigorous training process is required."

Harry figured at much, he had an inkling that splinching was not something that he thought he wanted to go through. He walked with Minerva towards the pub in the middle of London.

Minerva took a moment to count her lucky stars that the pub was not crowded; it would be much easier to get their business done. She needed to send a letter to someone as it pertained by Mr. Potter's living arrangements during the summer but she figured that could wait for the moment. A trip to Gringotts was first on the list and she snatched Mr. Potter's key from Dumbledore's desk drawer in the morning. There was no reason for him to hold onto it any longer after all.

Thankfully, Harry's scar was not recognized and Minerva thought that was quite fortunate. He would not have had that famous identifying mark if Hagrid had not gotten drunk and told a crowded pub about the scar.

Harry had many questions but he decided on just the one. "How long is a Hogwarts education?"

He wondered how much this would fit into the plans he had. He suspected that since he had these powers, he would train them up but he doubted that a hidden magical school would do him much good for his ambitions in the real world.

Minerva responded to this inquiry in a crisp voice. "Seven years is the traditional education."

"Seven years, mmm?" Harry asked, not quite sure if he wanted to spend that much time on an education at a secluded place, he decided to ask another question. "Is there any type of honors program?"

Minerva was floored but she knew that there were a few precedents for an accelerated Hogwarts education. "We offer an alternative where you can take a year within a four month window, but I must warn you that this process is rigorous. You will need to do three times the work than the normal student. We do not allow you to take more than two years during one school year even if you take that path and examinations are only given during the Christmas holidays and at the end of the school year."

"So I could be done with my first year by Christmas and be done with my second year by the end of the school year," Harry offered and Minerva nodded her head in affirmation.

"Yes, but it only gets tougher from there, with your fifth through seven years being the most grueling," Minerva remarked as she thought about it. "During your fifth year, you sit your Ordinary Wizarding Level exams, which will determine the advanced classes you will take. During your seventh year, you take your Nastily Exhausing Wizarding Tests which is a key step in determining your employment although that is far from the only qualification."

'OWLs, and NEWTs….do they realize how that makes these people sound?' Harry thought but he kept his face stoic even if he was bursting to shake his head. 'No sense of self awareness, at all.'

Minerva sighed when she thought about the number of Muggle Born students that excelled in their NEWTs and were locked into their jobs. Some half blood students as well but only a few rose above the crop. Lily Evans was one of the few due to the fact that she smartly made the right connections through Horace Slughorn and got a job as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries fairly soon after she finished her NEWTs.

Harry took a moment to look at the list that he read it.

"Your parents left you a small fortune that should be allowed for you to go through your through your Hogwarts years," Minerva stated whilst she looked at Harry before she added. "And you will receive a second vault for achieving your Ordinary Wizarding Level exams and a third vault that you will have when you obtain your Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test exams. It is a Potter Family tradition"

Harry thought that it was an incentive to stay in school and he listened intently when McGonagall explained to him the various monetary systems of the world and how they compared to the Muggle World. He soaked in the information, boring, but practical.

"And I will return to your key now," McGonagall stated before she handed Harry his key and Harry took it. "I know that you will hold onto it."

"I will," Harry answered, he had money of his own in the past but it was very rare. Most of it was scrapped together by doing chores around the neighborhood.

"I wish to inquire about my vaults and what the contents are in them," Harry stated as he looked at the goblin at the desk. "Do you have any method of verification for my identity?"

Harry could tell that he was in the midst of a proud race of warriors that refused to back down no matter what. There was a part of Harry that really respected that. His eyes locked on the goblins, not backing down from their stare and they did not back down from them. There was an intense battle of iron wills with neither backing down.

"We do have this method, use this knife to cut your finger," the goblin answered as he held the knife and Harry cut his finger, allowing the blood to drip down. "It's magically reinforced to cut through the toughest skin."

Harry found his skin heal over after his blood splashed down on a piece of paper. It splattered and spilled on the paper, before it glowed before him. It hummed a little bit, before he flipped his finger over, looking at it. His finger was nicked a little bit but it healed almost immediately.

"Well Mr. Potter, you are who you say you are but I trust you've read the sign and understood the consequences of you lying," the goblin stated through beady eyes, many humans throughout the centuries did not realize that by passing those doors, they entered into a legally binding contract with the goblins that would have harsh consequences. "You will be escorted to a conference room; there are sensitive matters that we will be discussing."

Minerva knew that it was not her place to pry. "I must contact someone; I will meet you back here in thirty minutes, Mr. Potter. I trust that will be sufficient time."

"It will be," the goblin responded as his eyes looked at him.

Harry held himself up tall and proud as the goblins walked towards him. The goblins knew of their role to protect Harry Potter because given that he had the potential to be one of the most important clients that they ever encountered, so they were protecting their money.

Harry saw two goblins sitting in the conference room. One of them was a goblin who looked like the others. He had the same leathery skin and the same nasty eyes and expression. He inclined his head with a nod.

The second party was a female goblin; she had long dark hair that covered her greenish skin. She had violet eyes and a thick set of lips, with a curved body that was covered in robes. She was taller than the normal goblin although she was much shorter than the normal human.

"Lord Ragnok and his daughter Princess Sersi, of the goblin nation," the lead guard stated before the pair bowed.

"It is an honor," Harry answered before he extended a hand forward and Ragnok nodded.

"The pleasure is all mine, Potters have trusted Gringotts with their gold and it was their investments that allowed us in part to help fund this bank," Ragnok stated as he kept his eyes on the youngest Potter. "They were correct to put their faith in the right place. I have personally been put in charge of the Potter Family accounts but the death of my oldest brother has placed me next in line for the throne of the goblin nation."

Harry inclined his head.

"It has allowed my oldest daughter to move up to the role of account manager of the Potter Family Holdings," Ragnok stated before his eyes turned towards his daughter. "I will still be working with her but after the four year grace period is up, she will be moved over to the full time account manager."

"It would be an honor to work with you, Harry Potter," Sersi stated, trying to keep her emotions professional and stoic. Like most teenagers, she was quite taken with Harry Potter and she was barely older than sixteen or seventeen by human terms. The fact he looked like he did made it a struggle to keep her hormones in check. Yet she remained professional. "I hope that I will serve you well as your account manager."

"It will be an honor to be served by the daughter of one of the most prominent goblins," Harry stated, whilst he knew very little about goblins, it would be prudent to learn.

"Your business holdings, Mr. Potter," Sersi stated as she slid him several folders for his consumption. "Including information about the companies that your mother invested in, both in the Wizarding World and the Muggle World. Also the Potter family has had their share of investments in both worlds."

Harry took a look at everything and flipped through what he read before him. He noticed several companies that he invested in and they were all doing rather well, something he endeavored to keep doing.

"All of the money has been funneled into a vault which you will be able to access upon the completion of your Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests," Ragnok stated as he looked back at Harry, carefully gauging his reaction. "If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask."

"What is this Castle Peverell?" Harry asked them.

Sersi, anxious to show her merit, chimed in. "It is one of the oldest dwellings in Great Britain, and legend has it that it has popped up one day out of nowhere, with architecture that has not been seen by anyone of magic or mundane."

"So since I own it, I will be able to enter it, correct?" Harry asked but Sersi turned towards him, biting her lip nervously.

Ragnok answered for his daughter. "It's not that simple, the castle is locked until you hit the age of fourteen years old. All of your other properties will be able to be accessed until that."

Harry had six or seven properties, a few in this country and a couple in the United States, including a fairly large house in Kansas, which was something that he wanted to look into more closely.

"No more questions at this time," Harry stated, he had to have a chance to look over these documents later.

Sersi handed Harry a mirror. "If you have any more questions, you can use this mirror to contact me. Say my name and I'll be there."

Harry kept that in mind and they went over a few more minor details as he mentally plotted. There was so much to take in and to do.


"So, I'm famous, if what the goblins hinted to me is true," Harry remarked to McGonagall after they met up once again. "The question is...what am I famous for?"

McGonagall wished that she had not been put in the role. "Your fame is for something that you may not remember. For years, there was a powerful dark wizard, his name was V-V-voldemort. But most called him He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who for they could not speak his name."

"Seems foolishness to be afraid of the name when they should have feared the person behind the name," Harry stated as he looked at her through slightly narrowed eyes. "Then again, they could have potentially increased the fear by fearing the name."

"Perhaps," Minerva agreed, the more she thought about it, the more she thought that statement had some merit. Of course, such behavior was conditioned due to being around him. "But regardless, he murdered many. Some of his followers, they were worse for they followed him without question but they did not need much prodding to get the blood on his hands."

Harry figured that happened, it sounded like a cult leader.

"So the story goes that when he arrived at your house, he killed your father and then your mother but something caused his body to be destroyed when he tried to kill you," Minerva stated as she paused and took a moment to consider Harry, closing her eyes. Lily and James were two of her favorite students and later dear friends, so she took their deaths rather hard. "There are many theories as to how you survived, some of them quite far fetched. The clearest one was that your mother performed some kind of charm, using her death as a sacrifice. It protected you. The backlash of the killing curse caused the house to explode and cave in. Your father's body was recovered but your mother's...well we found it, mangled some time later."

Minerva again remembered how hard it was to deal with the deaths of the Potters.

"I will explain more to you about this at a later time if you wish to know but you are famous for the fact you lived, hence the moniker, the Boy-Who-Lived," Minerva stated as she looked at Harry.

Harry could not resist, it was too easy. "So You-Know-Who, He-Must-Not-Be-Named, the Boy-Who-Lived, this world surely does love its hyphens."

"One could say that," Minerva agreed, not quite thinking about it that way but now that Harry mentioned it, she could not very well unthink it.

Harry went through his shopping in no time, he picked up his books, along with a few extra things, his school supplies, and all of his clothes. He decided not to bore himself by recalling the details, he did spend a fair bit of gold but it was a worthy investment. He did not want to enter that world ignorant after all.

Given his earliest impressions, there was far than enough ignorance in that world to go around without him contributing to the epidemic.

"There is two final stops that must be made," McGonagall stated as she turned towards Harry and focused on him. "The first stop is to get a pet. While I am partial to cats, I will not deny that an owl is the practical of the three pets. Toads are considered to be useful in their own way if you look at it from a certain perspective but they went out of fashion except for older witches and wizard."

Harry nodded, he did wonder what the practical uses of a toad would be. The younger crowd would most certainly not look at toads. It did not take long before the pet was purchased; she was a snowy owl with brown eyes. Whilst Harry was not certain of a name, he would figure that out later.

Now there was one more important thing on his list.

"Your wand awaits, Mr. Potter," Minerva stated whilst she waited for him to speak.

"So a wand is essential for performing all magic," Harry stated, trying to fish for the explanation about the nature of wands.

"A wand makes it easier to focus untrained magic but most if not all elect to hang onto their wand after they conclude their magical education," Minerva explained whilst she wondered what Harry was driving at. He did ask a lot of interesting questions that most first years would not ask, being overwhelmed by magic and its majesty.

"So they grow used to a wand because that is what they have been trained with for seven years?" Harry asked.

"Yes, one could say that and knowing how to perform magic without a wand could be a useful tool but not one that many people have the time nor the patience to practice," McGonagall stated, the truth was she knew a decent amount of magic without her wand but not as much as she would liked. She made the error of trying to learn after the wand usage was ingrained into her mind for seven years, so she had to untrain herself, which was an extremely long and laborious process. After seven years, it seemed odd to try to perform magic without a wand.

Harry thought that it would be worth his time to learn his spells with and without the wand .He was not sure if he liked a flimsy piece of wood being the only defense between him and a potential powerful enemy. There was something about that struck him as potentially troublesome.

He walked into a dusty shop that must have been here since the Alley was set up and potentially not cleaned as well. Harry felt a small watering in his eyes.

"Harry Potter," the old man breathed, with Harry wondering if he had been here about as long as the dust settled. "I must say it has been a long time, but I've been expecting you."

'No, not foreboding in the slightest," Harry thought to himself but he remained quiet and stoic.

"I do recall when your mother was in here buying her very first wand," the old man stated whilst he surveyed Harry. "It was...yes I do recall, Ten and a fourth inches, made of willow, excellent for charms work."

The old man, Ollivander Harry guessed, given the name on the sign, paused for what he suspected was dramatic effect.

"Your father on the other hand, he preferred a wand that was eleven inches long, made out of mahogany and it moved towards Transfiguration. But we all have our specialties and it's the wand the wand that chooses the wizard."

"It seems to me that you think that wands are sentient," Harry offered crisply, not sure if he was too fond of having some object that chose him. It almost indicated possession and Harry would be ruled by no one.

"Some have believed that wands have a mind of its own , yes," Ollivander agreed with a swift nod of his head before his attention shifted. "Minerva McGonagall, I recall you as well, it seems as if it was yesterday. Your wand was Nine and a half inches long, made of Fir, with a Dragon Heartstring core. Ideal for powerful magic, especially Transfiguration, it still treats you well."

"Quite," Minerva stated as the tape measure floated on its own accord, measuring Harry.

"Which is your wand arm, Mr. Potter?" the old man inquired.

"I'm Ambidextrous," Harry responded in a flat voice and the old man smiled.

The wand fitting process began and it was a long time. Harry tested wand after wand with what seemed like hours on end. Some of the wands blew up in his hands. Ollivander's excitement grew as more and more wands were burned through.

"A powerful and tricky customer," Ollivander remarked as he gazed over him. If there was something that he liked, it was a challenge. "Let's try this one, eleven inches long, made of holly, with a Phoenix core feather. Yes, this might do the trick."

Harry had the most stirring feeling that Ollivander figured out this wand was the one long before he walked into the shop. The old man had a flair for all things dramatic, that's what Harry figured from how he acted so far.

Yet he grabbed the wand between his fingers and felt a warmth spread to his fingertips. He blinked a little bit, when he shot sparks from it and nodded.

"Yes, I thought that this would be the one," Ollivander stated as he blinked and turned his head. "But that's curious, much curious."

Harry was not going to let this go.

"What, may I ask, is curious?"

"The Phoenix that gave its feather, well it gave you one more and the brother wand...well it gave you that scar."

Harry paused for some time before he turned towards Ollivander and stared at him with widened eyes. He tried to figure out how to process what he heard but it was a statement which there was only one logical answer.

"I see," Harry stated calmly, letting out his breath and McGonagall did not say anything, which made things a lot easier.

To be honest, he was not feeling the entire wand thing, because he hated being dependent on anything, especially a flimsy piece of wood that could be broken. While he grudgingly admitted that this one was more closely matched then the others, he still wasn't feeling it.

"Yes, He-Who-Must-Named did great things. Awful yes, but great."

Harry thought that someone with such notoriety would be capable of greatness, although the type of greatness that was twisted. Now the young wizard vowed to learn as much he could about this enemy. The way everyone talked about him, it was like he was dead, but yet his specter loomed over everyone like a beacon.

Harry wordlessly paid for his wand, the seven Galleons. Given what he calculated about the monetary conversions, wands were not cheap. Which was a rather interesting price given how essential. He suspected Ollivander was wealthy with the number of wands he sold per year.

"Come Mr. Potter, the day grows short and we need to discuss your living arrangements for the rest of the summer," Minerva stated as she looked at Harry and he turned to her. "Given what occurred, it may not be prudent for you to return to the Dursleys."

"Hopefully never," Harry offered as he looked at the woman, who offered a sad sigh.

"Circumstances dictate so but it is a legal mess that I will allow our guest the happy pleasure of explaining," Minerva stated before she led Harry back towards the Leaky Cauldron, his purchases packed up, along with his new owl and wand.

Andromeda Tonks waited at the Leaky Cauldron, she knew that in a short time, Minerva would return with Harry Potter. She was surprised to get a Floo Call, she was on a rare vacation and when she was asked to keep an eye on Harry, she jumped at the chance. The last time she saw him, he was really young, barely even a year old if truth be told. That was before Lily and James went into hiding to protect themselves from Lord Voldemort.

Andromeda was named Harry's godmother, although thanks to the law passed on the Ministry books, if there were any relatives alive of an orphan, then they would get sent to those relatives, and said relatives would have to be in the country of Britain. Knowing how potentially spiteful Petunia was, Andromeda tried to use every connection she could at the Ministry to make an exception but Lucius Malfoy threw his weight around. He wanted to make Harry ignorant of his heritage so he could sneak in and get a hold of the Black Family fortunes later on.

It was a long last several years. It all started about a year before the fall of Voldemort, when Andromeda's husband, Ted, died at the hands of Death Eaters. He was a rookie Auror, very much in over his head. Yet, he wanted to be a hero, even though he could not be much of one. Her daughter was left orphaned at six years old. And now she wanted to become an Auror to honor her father.

"Andromeda, sorry we've run a bit late, Harry took a bit longer to get his wand."

Andromeda snapped her eyes around and saw Harry standing beside Minerva, and giving her an appraising look.

"It's quite alright, Minerva," Andromeda responded before she jumped to her feet. "Harry, you might not remember me, but my name is Andromeda Tonks, I was appointed as godmother by your parents."

"And why didn't you take me in?" Harry asked, deciding that there was something that he needed to know. He was not going to yell and scream, because making accusations to someone before knowing all of the facts was not something that he or any other sensible person would do. There was always a potential to have a reason.

"Fair enough question," Andromeda stated as she looked at Harry before explaining it to him. "The Ministry has a law where all orphans are sent to their closest relations. Your relations happen to be the Dursleys. I tried to get custody but I ran into red tape and the Ministry stonewalling me at every turn. And I'm pretty good at what I do."

Harry waited for more information and Andromeda gave it to him.

"I'm what one might consider to be a lawyer or a solicitor in the Muggle world, although the official term is Magical Law Councilor," Andromeda responded before she offered a brief hint of a smile towards Harry. "Although the term lawyer would roll off the tongue much more clearly."

"Of course," Harry responded as she watched him.

"I also hold the Potter seat in the Wizengamot, your mother made arrangements to make sure it was in the hands of someone trustworthy, your father didn't much care for that type of business so he left the decisions regarding the Potter family seat in the hands of Lily," Andromeda explained as she watched Harry. "She made a will that explained that you would be provided for, but it had been contested by many people in the Ministry given a Muggleborn made it. And they wished to keep you at the Dursleys to keep you ignorant of your heritage and rights, so they could take advantage of you and claim your assets."

"Of course they would," Harry responded, he was beginning to piece together that the magical world was a fairly political place.

Andromeda remained silent. "And Dumbledore, while not maliciously working against you, did nothing to help the case at the Dursleys and all of the red tape that had been laid out by the previous minister, not to mention several prominent purebloods who wished to keep you segregated, fearing that they would lose their status."

"Why wouldn't Dumbledore help?" Harry asked, a questioning expression filling his eyes.

"Dumbledore is the type that doesn't like to upset the status quo, plus he felt that you needed to go to your relatives, because your mother invoked an ancient magic that will protect you," Andromeda stated, looking rather thoughtful. "The ancient magic, from what I've been able to determine, will protect you at any costs. And if those inside the dwelling do anything against you, they will reflect their inner personalities more and more."

'That does explain why Dudley has been turning into a pig more and more by each passing year,' Harry thought to himself in amusement but that was beside the point.

"My daughter is out for a few days, she's going on holidays with her friends before her NEWT year, but she'll be coming back in the next few days," Andromeda added when she looked towards Harry. "It doesn't matter; we have plenty of rooms in the house. As your godmother, I have many things that I'll need to teach you because of my duties but that will wait until you get settled in."

"It has been a long day, and I will see you at Hogwarts, Mr. Potter," Minerva responded, knowing by now she was missed. Although given Fudge seemed to lack the ability to tie his own shoelaces without supervision, Dumbledore might be tied up for a fairly long time.

"Of course, Professor McGonagall, have a safe journey," Harry responded to her.

"You as well, Mr. Potter," Minerva responded when she watched Harry go forward into the Floo with Andromeda.Harry settled down after a long night's sleep and bath, although he had a lot to think about. As what he did when he slept, he drafted a letter, and he figured that given that he had a new pen pal, he would write a letter to.

He saw his new owl, Hedwig as he dubbed her. She hooted, eating the mouse she had caught on her first hunting spree. The name Hedwig had meaning for two reasons.

The first reason was that Hedwig was the name of a military officer in a war novel that Harry read when he was younger. This Hedwig was female and fierce, although judging by his owl, that was a fitting moniker. And other was a name where he picked up in the History of Magic, of a fierce magic user who commanded the Ministry of Magic during one of its greatest periods.

He thought that the name would do his owl well but he had a letter to draft, that much was for certain.

Dear Pamela,

I'm sure you're shocked about the owl but don't worry, she won't bite. Unless you provoke her, but I don't think you will.

So I'm sure you're wondering, what's with the owl? Well as it turns out, my advanced mental maturation may have been explained by something that I overlooked. I have magical gifts. Technically I'm not supposed to tell much about them but given that the laws may be different in America, I figured I'd clue you in on this fact. Plus, I'm sure the Ministry has better things to do than intercept other people's mail.

At least I hope they do. Although what I've been able to learn about them, not the most favorable.

This school, it has a class on magical plants, so I'm sure you want to hear details about that.

I hope you're well, just letting you know that I haven't forgotten.


Harry Potter.

"I'd recommend you read these three books on magical traditions and laws," Andromeda stated with a firm glance directed towards arry. "If nothing else, you will understand what your rights are so you do not get suckered in by those who will wish to take advantage of you."

"Understand," Harry responded as he looked over the three thick tomes before him. Of course, to him, that was light bedtime reading.

"I will also teach you the basics of Potions making, this is taught to all purebloods," Andromeda responded. "Slughorn offered a rudimentary class for the Muggle raised on the basics but this class was discontinued after he retired. Snape prefers to teach in in his way."

"Surely the basics would be something that would be required and encouraged," Harry responded as he faced her.

"I would agree but Snape doesn't and it's his class," Andromeda responded in a sour voice but she shook off those thoughts. "He will bombard some first year with questions every year that are common knowledge to pureblood raised but not to the Muggle raised. Given the fact that he shared a distaste for your father, those questions will be visited upon you."

"Why did Snape dislike my father?" Harry asked, wanting to know this fact. The more he knew about Snape, the least he liked about him and he barely knew the man himself.

Andromeda decided for the truth. "Snape was friends with your mother but it deviated to a stalker like obsession after a time. She chose James over him and that started the vendetta, not that there was much prodding. I do not claim that your father was an innocent party in the situation but Snape is not some tragic martyr that needs a hug. We believe that he cursed your mother out of spite, to ruin any chances of having children with James but fortunately as you see, we were mistaken."

Harry turned his head a little bit and thought about that. A desire to tear Snape on ribbons on sheer principle and make him suffer slowly was rather enticing.

"Snape is dangerous and he will delve into your thoughts so that is why I will be teaching you Occlumency to keep him at bay," Andromeda continued before she held the book in front of Harry. "It is your right as the last surviving member of an old pureblood line to know."

The Potters were an old line, the oldest, having practically helped found the Ministry with the Blacks, the Boneses, the Gaunts, and several others. There were other lines like the Malfoys that moved in quickly once they immigrated over from France and integrated in.

"First, you only need to create a false barrier, where it will give your enemy the illusion that you are thinking thoughts for them to pull," Andromeda explained to him. "The worst thing you can do when you try and block an enemy is clear your mind. You need to create false thoughts, which misdirect your enemy. Useless fluff that your enemy will sift through until they give up and exert an attack that will leave their mind open. A strong mind can keep up many thought processes at once."

Andromeda explained this and Harry prepared for his first of many lessons.

The real lesson would come after his eleventh birthday as Harry found out.

Harry's eleventh birthday passed into the ether and he noticed the changes that he was going through. There was something happening with his body, and he knew that Andromeda would have some answers. He waited for her to show up in the library with her promising him said answers about what he was going through although he did have a shrewd suspicion given the books that were read.

Andromeda pushed open the swinging doors, entering the library and she walked up towards Harry with a purpose. The young wizard took a good long look at her. Her silky black hair fell down past her shoulders. Her dark eyes were deep and meaningful with a certain amount of passion etched into them. Harry saw the black robes that she wore, going around her curved body. He started noticing women in a sexual manner a while back but it really hit him hard. Her robes flipped slowly, to see a hint of her legs, long and sensual, with stockings on them, with high heel boots on her feet.

She turned around for a moment and Harry caught a look at her curved ass, his eyes flooded over with desire, when he felt an uncomfortable constriction in his pants. Andromeda set down across from him, putting a hand on his thigh.

"Harry, when you arrived here a few days ago, I told you we had much to talk about," Andromeda stated when she looked at her godson who felt her soft hand on his bare leg. He twitched a little bit more at her touch.

"I was hoping that you'd know...why I seem much more mature than most boys around my age," Harry stated when he tried to keep the blood flowing normal even though he thought he was losing this particular battle a little bit.

Andromeda smiled as she saw the bulge in her pants.

"There are many differences between magic users and non-magic users, other than the obvious," Andromeda stated when she took a moment to look at Harry, taking him in. "We mature in a different way than our Muggle counterparts."

"How so?" Harry asked, curiosity brimming to him.

Andromeda offered Harry a bright smile, before she brushed her hand against him a little bit more. "Well nine out of ten magic users, an eleven year old can pass as a fourteen or fifteen year old in the Muggle World. That is when they go through the first boost of their magic, where they start to feel certain urges. If they suffer a back up, they could suffer some permanent form of physical or even mental damage. It is the responsibility of the godmother, aunt, or mother to work these urges out of them within three days of their eleventh birthday."

The forty five year old woman paused before she focused on Harry. The truth was ever since her husband died almost twelve years ago, she did not even think about having a sexual encounter with another man. This was part of the reason that Minerva wrote to her, so she could take in Harry for the summer and to help him with this build up.

Most of the times the mother did it, unless of course she was either not alive or unwilling to even entertain the thought; Narcissa being one of the cases that was unwilling. She had Draco's godmother do it, with a copious amount of gold shoved in Violet Parkinson's vault in exchange for doing this unfortunate evil.

"These urges are of a sexual nature, but they are perfectly natural," Andromeda stated as she locked her eyes on Harry. "It is not forbidden to sleep with blood relations either. It is necessary, for sometimes a mother, a godmother, an aunt, or even an older sister will need to help the budding young wizard work through their first period of maturity."

Harry saw her and felt his raging boner when he imagined ripping off her robes and having his way with her. Screaming his name when he plowed in her, these thoughts made him rather pleased.

"Wizards have had collectives of many witches, which is needed and encouraged, as there are seventy five percent witches in our world and twenty five percent wizards," Andromeda stated as she moved her hand on a little bit on Harry's leg towards his thigh. "It may be slightly different...but those numbers are important. The second maturity, comes at the age of fourteen where you would be what a seventeen or eighteen year old might look like in the Muggle world. And that's when you can bond with people, I'll explain that more when we're done. Then at seventeen, you become of age, and then the aging process will be slowed to either a half, a third, or a fourth as quickly, depending on your power."

Harry nodded, understanding it, when Andromeda ran moved her hands up to his face.

"But enough information, I think that more action is required," Andromeda stated in a husky voice as she ran her hand up and down his legs, she felt that since he was in the moment, his magic was calling out for her. That meant he was a powerful wizard, if he could project like that. "I will guide you with what you do if I..."

Harry pulled Andromeda up to her feet; he was surprisingly strong and wrapped his arms around her. His lips found hers in a searing and passionate kiss. Andromeda felt his lips meet hers and her hands roamed his body. His hands were all over her legs, her breasts, her buttocks, you named it, and Harry hand his hands all over it.

Andromeda found herself pushed against the wall and Harry's lips kissed her hard on the mouth, working on the inside of her with his tongue. His mind instinctively worked on her mouth and he felt his hands all over her smooth skin, it really caused him to tingle with excitement.

Harry pulled away, before the two of them across the hall and reached Andromeda's bedroom.

"I'm ready for a more practical lesson," Harry stated and Andromeda pounced on him at these words, wrapping her arms and legs around him, and kissing him madly. She worked his shirt over his head and sent his hair spinning into disarray when she pushed him back on the bed.

Andromeda took a while to admire his muscles, a lot of purebloods, they did not work out but not Harry. She ran her hands down his body, teasing his stomach with her fingers, moving down him, before she pulled his shorts off.

"You're gifted," Andromeda stated in a breathy voice when she squeezed his package.

"I think you have far too many clothes on for this to work," Harry stated with a mischievious in an eye and Andromeda backed off.

She slowly swayed her body, untying her robes, before she slipped her robes off of her body. She exposed more and more lovely flesh, until she dropped the robes to the ground. Harry watched her with desire, her mature body stood before him. She wore a black lacy bra that barely contained mature breasts; she had a smooth and taut stomach, and lacy panties that had a damp spot on it. They curved around her sexy ass, and her legs were covered with stockings. She kicked her high heel shoes off, to see her lovely legs.

"I think I better take care of this, master," Andromeda stated in a breathy voice.

Harry did not know where the term "master" came from but he felt his cock twitch because of it.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Andromeda tugged his boxer shorts down to reveal his throbbing phallus. She watched it bounce out and she caught it it in her hand, slowly caressing it up and down. She saw he was about seven to eight inches, although he would be much larger when he hit his physical maturity.

It was not the size that mattered it was what someone did with it, although Andromeda made damn sure to make sure that Harry would do something great with his size.

"Do you like what I'm doing master?" Andromeda asked whilst she stroked his cock up and down.

"Yes, I like it a lot," Harry breathed as she pumped his cock with her hand.

She smiled, before she stroked him and slowly kneeled before him. "Just wait, because if you liked that, you're going to love this."

Andromeda dove down between Harry's legs and gave his nutsac a little lick, dragging her tongue against it. That caused Harry to twitch in pleasure, he never thought he could feel anything better than this.

"Damn it, keep doing that," Harry stated after she licked him around his balls, and he reached forward, and instinctively snapped her bra off her.

Andromeda's luscious breasts bounced out, firm and round as many women much younger than her. Her nipples stood out, erect and ready. She continued to caress and lick at his cock.

Harry felt these sensations and decided to grope her breasts, exploring them in his hands. This caused a slight moan to erupt from her mouth when she rolled back. He explored them with great confident, running his hands over them, rolling his palms over her nipples.

Andromeda licked her tongue up and down his cock, feeling every throb, every twitch, and it grew more in her hand. She must have it down her throat and have him spewing his first load down her throat.

"Damn," Harry breathed after Andromeda stuck his cock in her mouth, her tight mouth wrapped around his member. Her lips placed around him as she bobbed up and down on him, rocking back and forth on his cock went deep into her throat.

'She's so good, so hot,' Harry breathed to himself, when he grabbed her hair in his hands and pushed her down, so her lips pressed against the base of his cock as she took the entire piece of meat down her throat. He felt his sexual awakening increase when Andromeda rocked back and forth, going down on him like a pro.

Andromeda kept her tempo steady, she wanted this first time that Harry received oral sex to be a memorable one. She could not wait to see what else he had to offer and with the fury he explored her breasts, she could not believe it.

She pumped his cock into her mouth for many more minutes, looking up at him.

Harry felt his balls size up at the sensation of her mouth wrapped around his flesh pole, along with Andromeda's hand squeezing and cupping his balls in her hand. She went down on him, making lewd popping sounds with her mouth. The woman rocked back and forth, taking him deep into her throat, and his cock sank down her throat, with her muscles working him over.

His balls tightened and he sprayed a hot load of his cum down Andromeda's throat when she worked him over. He pumped into her mouth over and over again.

"Harry...pleasure me, please," Andromeda stated, when she slid back on the bed without warning and Harry peeled her panties off of her legs.

Harry looked at her smooth sex appraising, with juicy lips that beckoned out for his cock. He could hardly hold himself back, he must be inside that pinnacle of womanhood now but he could tell that he had to taste her first.

Andromeda breathed heavily when his hands were on her thighs, and then his right hand moved up, teasing her. She felt a coursing pleasure move through her body and her heart beat more heavily.

His mouth found her and sucked on her clit, which caused her to throw her head back and moan. He stimulated her in such a way that she never thought possible, but the fun began, when he licked and sucked on her. His tongue buried itself deep in her core.

Harry tasted the lemony taste inside Andromeda and heard the moans of pleasure. He continued to work her over with his tongue, paying close attention to what spots made her moan the loudest. These tastes made him rock hard once again; actually he got hard mere seconds after Andromeda was done giving him her blowjob.

Andromeda's pussy clenched when Harry worked her over, driving his tongue in and out of her, his moist organ scrapping against her.

"Oh, so wet," Andromeda breathed whilst she played with her breast, squeezing the flesh and playing with her erect nipple.

Harry did not slow down, not even for a second, rather he dove in and out of her, licking her insides. The dark haired witch grabbed Harry's hair and pushed him in further. In no time flat, he devoured her womanhood, using his tongue to cut a nice and steady pace through her. He picked up the pace and worked her over, heavily moving inside her.

She soaked his face when her thighs closed together and Andromeda's body gave a shuddering orgasm. The woman felt herself rocked from head to toe when she shuddered again and again.

"Time for more," Harry stated, as he pulled Andromeda onto his lap, teasing her opening once more.

She smiled, knowing what was next. The woman straddled his hips, her legs tightly around him. He cupped her ass in his hands, before she rose up.

"Oh Morgana," Andromeda breathed heavily whilst she impaled down on his thick rod, feeling it stretch her. It had been too long and toys did not cut it. They did not push her to her boundaries as much as this hunk of manhood did.

"Yes, so good," Harry grunted as she rose up and sank down on him, riding him. The tight walls caressed his manhood quite nicely, as she worked up a bit of a tempo riding him. "You're so tight, so wet."

"This pussy belongs to you, master," Andromeda stated in a lustful moan; she pushed herself up and sank back down, and continued her bouncing. She breathed in and out, when Harry thrust into her, hitting her and causing her to throw her head back with a scream.

Harry found himself in heaven when his member was enveloped in this warm tightness, wrapped around him, and squeezed around his cock. She rocked up and down, back and forth, and really picked up a steady and heavy pace. She rode him, gyrating her hips around him. His thick phallus jammed into her hot box when she rode him until she reduced herself to a screaming wreck.

"Yes," Andromeda panted, feeling another orgasm wash through her body when Harry rocked her with his cock. She got far more than she could ever hope from this lesson and she loved it. "More, pound me!"

Harry pounded her already, thrusting his cock into her, and causing her to bend back, so she nearly spilled backwards over the bed. He used the leverage to cut a path, slamming his thick member into her pussy, driving it into her sopping wet core with each pass into her. Each thrust buried deeper into her. Andromeda wrapped her hands around him and sank her nails into his back.

"Oh, yes, so good," Harry breathed as he cupped his hands around her. "So good, you're my favorite teacher."

"I'm...ah sure," Andromeda panted as his cock slid in and out of her, when she felt another earth shattering orgasm rock her body. She was not sure how much she could take and Harry gained a lot of momentum, pounding into her, reducing her to essentially jelly.

Harry smiled, thinking about how much he was going to fuck this woman into submission. He knew that Andromeda Tonks was a powerful, strong, and smart woman. And now she was screaming and clawing at him, scratching his back, a slave to his cock. A slave to the next motion of his cock, burying into her moist center, when he plunged deeper into her, working his tool into her juicy pussy lips.

Harry pulled out of her and Andromeda whined at the lost but not for long, when she found herself on her hands and knees.

She tingled with anticipation, when Harry's very hard rock lined up with her pussy and slammed into her. The woman clutched the bedsheets when he pushed in and out of her, thrusting into her, rapidly hammering her with a force she never experienced. His hands maneuvering their way over her body until they cupped her breasts only added to the atmosphere.

Outside of the room, Nymphadora Tonks returned from a summer outing with her friends, after the last year. She heard the screams coming from her mother's bedroom and was concerned. She then stopped and saw the erotic sight before her.

Andromeda was on the bed on her hands and knees, with a huge cock buried between her, and screaming for more. Tonks stopped and stared, she saw the green eyes, the messy hair, and the lightning bolt scar through the crack between the door, and it took the seventeen year old witch a few minutes to regain her bearings as she took in all she saw.

'Oh sweet Morgana, my mother is getting plowed by Harry Fucking Potter,' Tonks thought, but suddenly she felt a heat growing in her own body, between her legs. She pulled off the robes she wore, only dressed in a tight white shirt that wrapped around her ample breasts and a tight pair of shorts ,with sandals.

She felt herself get hot and sweaty, when she watched the action. Her mother shrieked out loud as she was being drilled doggy style.

Tonks paused and remembered, it was Harry's eleventh birthday around this time. She knew her mother was trying to get a hold of him and it was obvious that she did her godmotherly duty to him. Although, Nym would have volunteered to do it if her mother had asked her nicely but the time had long since passed; now she would have to wait her turn.

The seventeen year old witch panted when she watched Harry continue to plow into her mother like there was no tomorrow. His balls slapped across Andromeda's ass, when he ran his hands over her, caressing every inch of her body.

A chair was pulled over from the library, and Tonks pulled down her shorts, before sticking a pair of fingers inside her sopping wet cunt. She pumped into it and diddled herself as she watched the erotic scene before her.

'Oh damn, I wish that was his cock in me,' Tonks thought, she felt desperately horny and since her seventeenth birthday recently passed, she felt her own changes and some relief that was needed. Granted she played with her cousins Lucretia and Vega on her recent holiday but nothing beat having a real male cock slammed into her.

And since most of the guys in her year were jerks or inadequate, that left Tonks very few options, closing her eyes as thought about a real man could to do to her.

Andromeda gave a shrieking orgasm from the other room and Tonks looked up, a smile crossing her face. It seemed as if Harry shagged her dear mother into a stupor.

And he was still hard, so Tonks decided that it would be prudent to give him a hand or perhaps another part of her body.

Harry saw that Andromeda passed out from the intense love making. She was slumped on the bed, drooling a little bit, he could still hear her heartbeat and was still breathing. He still had a problem of needing to finish.

Suddenly a figure rushed into the room. She had bubblegum pink hair and that was not just on her head. A pair of burning violet eyes looked at him with lust. The girl in question was tall; she had D cup breasts, a hot ass, and long luscious legs, with a pair of lips to match. She threw herself at Harry, pouncing him, and kissing him madly, legs wrapped around him as she rubbed her bare pussy against his throbbing cock.

Tonks tasted her mother on Harry's mouth; she'd recognize that taste anywhere. She rubbed her hands on Harry's body, and pulled back.

"Oh you must be Nymphadora," Harry stated as she looked at him, through narrowed eyes.

"Call me Tonks," she stated as she looked back at Harry, cupping his hard erection in her hand, when her sopping wet twat lined up with him. "And I'll call you master."

Tonks lowered herself down on Harry's cock, her center wrapping around him.

"Nice to meet you...ah Harry," Tonks moaned whilst his cock slid into her with ease. She could make herself extremely tight with her powers no matter what, and she did with pleasure.

"Shit, you're tight," Harry breathed; he felt her hot ass in his hands and also moved around to cup her magnificent breasts.

"Yeah, fuck this pussy," Tonks panted whilst she rocked back and forth on him, gyrating her hips and pushing up and down on her, riding him like her life depended on it.

Tonks felt her eyes flood over; she felt this prime piece of meat bury inside her, rubbing against her cunt lips and pushing her apart. She panted heavily when she felt everything, he thrust fast into her, and she rocked back on him, pushing his cock with her inner muscles, determined to have him cum.

Harry ran his hands over her, hearing her moaning loudly when she rode him, but he was still very hard in her, when he thrust up into her. His balls slapped against her tight ass, when she rocked against him back and forth, making sure his cock went into her nice and deeply.

"Oh, fuck, ah, yeah, fuck," Tonks panted as she ground against him, feeling the greatest orgasm in her life and Harry bent forward and sucked on her tits. She used her powers to make them bigger for his benefit and it increased her pleasure as well to feel his mouth work her over.

Harry watched her big tits bounce up and down when she continued to ride him very hard.

Andromeda woke up to the sounds of her daughter and Harry fucking like rabbits.

"Nymphadora, so nice for you to return home," Andromeda stated, when she turned around, spreading her legs.

"Hi Mum, oh yes Harry!" Tonks screamed as she rocked herself up and down on him, using her pussy muscles on him. "Cum, I need it."

"I'm not sure if you're ready for it," Harry stated, in response she bit down on his shoulder, when she rode him, bouncing up and down on him.

"Yes, please master, cum for your slave," Tonks panted heavily, when she continued to ride this thick cock of this powerful wizard.

It touched every single part inside of her and made her fill up with joy.

She had another orgasm where she saw stars and then soon after Harry finally exploded. Tonks screamed when his cock thrust into her, spurting his juicy cum into her, splattering into her insides. She screamed out loud.

All witches worth their salt were on a potion and if not, well it was put in the pumpkin juice at Hogwarts. They could take a conception potion to nullify it, although Hogwarts offered little support for that.

"What a rush," Tonks breathed as she slid back and rested her head on her mother's breasts but she eyed Harry who got harder. "Oh you're not done yet."

Andromeda laid back and put her daughter's mouth on her sopping wet cunt. Tonks dove in between the juicy lips and began to taste her mother.

Harry knew what to do and he grabbed her hips, before pushing into her. His cock slammed into Tonks from behind and slowly began to ride her doggy style.

"Still tight, make it tighter, I know you can," Harry breathed and Tonks used her powers to squeeze her pussy tightly but Harry's thick cock tore into her.

Tonks panted when he slammed into her, and she tasted her mother's pussy, indulging herself in the juices rolling down Andromeda's thighs. Harry picked up a nice and steady pace as he explored the inside of her pussy with his thick tool.

'Yeah, oh, fuck,' Tonks thought as she felt his cock push inside her, feeling him strike her g-spot. 'So fucking good.'

Harry picked up the pace, when he speared into her even more, whilst Tonks munched on her mother's cunt.

"That's a good spot dear, really plow her, give her no mercy," Andromeda suggested and Harry did just that. Seeing her godson have his way with her daughter made Andromeda hot and bothered, and she could hardly wait to see what else he had to offer with his swift motions.

Harry kicked things up a little bit, the time burned away when he continued to fuck this nice pussy around him.

Andromeda gave a shrieking orgasm when her daughter worked her over with her warm mouth and she bucked her hips forward.

The three lovers continued their motions for a while yet, the time continued to wind by and Harry's thrusts got deeper into her.

"I think my daughter is reaching her edge," Andromeda stated whilst she looked at Harry, before she sucked her own juices off of her fingers, moaning.

This did Harry in, he had been going at it for almost two and a half hours straight with these two and he could tell that they had their limits. He willed himself to finish, sending the heavy stream of cum into the pussy of Tonks, splattering her insides with his cum.

Tonks saw stars, when she had her final orgasm and collapsed in between her mother's legs.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Harry rested back, he was sated for the moment. He had Andromeda Tonks on one side and her daughter on the other side. There would be many more instances where they could have fun; there was still less than a month before they went back to Hogwarts.

"Nymphadora, dear, I'm sure you know that Harry's needs may need to be taken care of when he's at Hogwarts," Andromeda stated as she ran her hands through Harry's hair. "Why don't you be a dear and make sure that's taken care of?"

"Yes, Mum," Tonks stated in an obedient voice, when she snuggled her face into Harry's chest, his arm wrapped around him.Harry sat across from Andromeda nearly a month later, a few days before he was going to start his first year at Hogwarts. He spent the past month going through learning several of his first year spells and potions, along with a good chunk of the second year course work. He had high expectations for Potions , Defense, Charms, and Transfiguration, so he hoped that they would be matched as he took those classes.

He trained in Occlumency as well, slowly building up his defenses. At first, his methods were not that subtle, which Andromeda carefully worked with him towards. The key to blocking a person out of one's mind is to make sure that they did not know that they were being blocked out of one's mind. That was a careful tightrope that needed to be walked and Harry carefully kept on the cusp of everything. Andromeda smiled in an appraising manner when she looked at Harry.

"You are at second level, going on third, which is adequate enough," Andromeda stated before she tried to explain this to Harry. "Most Occlumens are second level, but with a little more practice, you should master third. Fourth level is the cream of the crop. You should be able to block out all mental intrusion but only three confirmed in living memory were able to achieve that level."

"Who were they?" Harry asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Sure enough, Andromeda indulged him of that answer. "Snape, Dumbledore, and Voldemort."

Harry suspected as much for the last two, although he wondered about this Snape. Tonks remarked that she had to work extra hard to get her way into the NEWT level Potions class, because Snape was harsh. He expected a lot out of his students and tended to use his position to lord over them. The expecting a lot out of his students, that part Harry did not mind that much. It was the fact that he used his position as a well to bully his students, that he would have many problems with when he met up with Snape.

"Keep up with the meditation after meals and before bed," Andromeda responded to Harry who nodded.

Harry thought that the summer that was, he spent a lot of time reading the books that Andromeda acquired in the library. She claimed that it was not the most extensive library in the world but Harry appreciated all of the knowledge that he could get and had read every single word in them. That brought a smile to his face when he was able to acquire as much knowledge as he could. Given that he planned to take the fast track out of Hogwarts, he had three and a half years to breeze through their library.

Nym, as he called her during their most intimate moments because calling her Tonks seemed so impersonal, told him horror stories about OWL year. She seemed rather shocked that Harry was willing to go through that hell in a reduced time. Although he did have the summer before his third year to really crack down and study.

Harry unfortunately came to the conclusion that the protections his mother invoked did work but Andromeda worked out that he would only have to return to the Dursleys until his birthday. And there would be concessions to make sure his stay there was something he could stomach. And it would only be until his fourteenth birthday, so only three more years. That's what she determined when Harry requested she run a test on a sample of his blood.

The summer was quite fun and Harry found that he really enjoyed sex, although he suspected he might. He did get a few urges here and there but Nym and Andi helped him work those out.

And a couple of scant dreams here and there, one of them involving a snake faced man going up in flames. He determined that was what Voldemort looked like from the most accurate reports that he could dig up. The only things that were known about him were that he led a group called the Death Eaters and he killed many during his reign of terror which lasted close to fifteen years. Although there were hints of him much before but there was no biographical information about what his real name might be. Because Harry doubted that he was born with that name.

He could not find anything, no birthdays, parents, not even a dental record. Harry wondered if that was by design.

"That will be all for today," Andromeda stated and Harry agreed with a nod, he had to get ready for Hogwarts.

Surely it would not be the worst thing in the world. Harry crossed his fingers and hoped for the best.

"Ready for your first year at Hogwarts?"

Harry turned around and saw Nym standing there in the doorway, a smile crossing her face as she watched Harry.

"Yeah, Nym, I'm ready for it," Harry stated whilst he looked back at the soon to be seventh year Hufflepuff. "The question is, is Hogwarts ready for me?"

"I don't think anyone could be ready for you," Tonks responded when she focused her gaze on the best male lover she had. Although it was amazing how many of the wizards in her age group were inadequate. Even though most of her information was second hand, but if someone did not perform up to par, then other witches were only too happy to spread the word and ruin their chances of ever getting laid.

So, witches can be quite spiteful.

The Hogwarts rumor mill buzzed rather loudly to this degree.

Harry smiled, before he snaked his arms around her body, and she shivered as she felt herself press against his muscles.

"I think that you might be ready for me," Harry breathed heavily in her ear and Tonks shivered a little bit; she felt a bit of dampness manifest between her legs.

"I was born ready for you," she stated, her voice dripping with pure seduction, before Harry pushed her against the wall and found her lips with a hungry kiss. She returned the kiss, her legs locking around his body. He quickly pulled away and planted his lips against her mouth, while he ground his length against her.

"Harry," Nym begged as he ran his hands through her short hair, which was now brown. "Take me, take me now."

Harry knew that this was a common thing all summer and she found herself devoid of her skirt, followed by her panties.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry parted the legs of the Metamorphmagus, revealing her dripping wet sex and he scrapped his fingers across her lips, heightening her arousal.

"So wet, were you thinking about me before this?" Harry asked her with a smile crossing his face, when he teased her slit.

Nymphadora Tonks shivered; she thought that she was going to die if she did not get this cock in her soon. They had sex several times this summer and all of their encounters were explosive.

"Yes, I have been, please Harry," Tonks stated when Harry had his pants down and he rubbed the head of his throbbing hard dick at her center.

"Please what?" Harry asked whilst Tonks shuddered and she found her hands pinned against the wall with a sticking charm.

"Fuck me," Tonks begged him and Harry obliged her by sticking his throbbing tool into her wet opening, before he began to pump in and out her of her.

Harry felt her pussy tighten around him nice and hot, with his cock spearing into her, when he picked up his thrusting. Tonks wrapped a sexy pair of legs around him, when he placed his hands around her ass and got the leverage. He plowed into the babe that was against the wall, with her moaning heavily and lustfully, when he picked up the pace, thrusting and pushing into her.

Tonks lost herself to the sensations of this thick piece of meat jamming into her cunt, she rocked her hips forward to meet his incoming thrusts. It burned her up to feet this cock in her, driving and pushing into her wet area.

"Oh Harry, oh Harry," Tonks breathed heavily, when she clenched and spilled her fluids out, lubricating his tip, to allow him to slid into her with ease.

Harry pulled off the tank top that Nym wore before he relieved her of her bra. Her perky breasts bounced out and Harry placed his hands on them, before he squeezed them. This got a squeal out of her, and he played with them again.

"Feels so good to get your tits played with, doesn't it?" Harry asked as his lover bit down on his shoulder, before he speared into her center.

Tonks felt herself size up and she squeezed his cock with her cunt in a determined manner when he continued to thrust into her. She would not be denied her reward, she wanted his cum splattering on her insides, and she would have it. She arched her hips to meet his strokes, when they matched her motions.

Harry pulled out, and spun Tonks around, before pressing her against the wall, with her ass arching out.

"Please, oh yes, Harry," Tonks breathed as he teased her opening from behind, before he slid into her and then banged her from behind while she was pressed against the wall, her breasts smashed against the wall.

Nymphadora Tonks thought she was going to be sore in the morning but there were potions that they invented for that purpose. The soon to be seventh year clenched around Harry when he drilled her hole, the pleasure filled up her body when she heated up. He reached around, groping a breast a little bit, and she felt herself heat up.

"Oh, I think you might make me cum," Harry panted whilst he continued to drill into her with his meat, ramming into her with passion and desire. His prick drilled into her..

"Yes, please, cum for me," Tonks encouraged him, squeezing her cunt around him, before he continued to rock her body with orgasm after orgasm. She flickered her eyes shut but she was determined not to be denied her reward. Even if she was reduced to a drooling mess, it was worth it.

The warm delight enveloped his cock, and Harry speared her from behind, giving several more mighty thrusts. He then spilled his cum into her.

Tonks felt the pleasure flow through her body and her toes curl when Harry thrust into her with thrust after thrust, splattering into her center. She sighed when she felt the sweet pleasure of him spilling his cum into her.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

"Just let me catch my breath," Tonks breathed before Harry kissed her and she slid down to the ground, her legs still spread from the activity.

Harry knew she would find him when he was game. He thought he would work on that blasting spell once again, he figured that if he concentrated, he could pick up a lot more power.

As he found out, magic could only be tracked when a person was in a Muggle area. Pureblood parents were expected to keep their children in line and enforce the underage magic restriction. Harry thought it was kind of silly for the Ministry to expect that the parents would not give their children license to practice all summer. Andromeda explained to him that there were a lot of bragging rights involved with performing powerful magic and all of the pureblood families thought themselves to be superior to each other.

Any pureblood family with their salt and any with any sense would do what they could to give their children the winning edge. It was decisions like this that made Harry not too fond of the Ministry right now. Then again, from what he was able to wheedle out of Andromeda, they were a bunch of blind sheep who followed the most powerful person without question.

He figured that Hogwarts was a means to an end for him, a means to kill time, while he figured out what his grander purpose was in life. He would learn some magic on his own terms, and focused his spell at the target as he pondered what he was going to do.

He blasted the target to smithereens and smiled in an appraising manner. That was good but he could be better, much better. It was time for him to do so again, and he got out another target, this time trying for a slicing spell.

This was supposed to slice through ropes although Harry suspected that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would figure out that by aiming at the right artery, it could be fatal. Or alternatively, blasting a rope holding a heavy object over an unsuspecting opponent and it would crush them.

It was amazing that the Killing Curse and two others were considered unforgivable, because Harry realized that magic could offer some nasty ways to die. If anything, the Killing Curse should be encouraged, because it was mostly humane and relatively quick and painless.

As much as Andromeda wanted to get it down to a fine science, it was always hard to get to King's Cross Station in a timely manner. And every year, it was getting worse and more hectic. It was a wonder the Muggles did not know about the entire thing, the entire trip to Hogwarts at a Muggle station was doom waiting to happen. She remained cool and collected.

"Packed full of Muggles of course!"

Harry frowned when he turned to Andromeda. "And we're announcing about Muggles because..."

She saw who had stated that and was not surprised. "That's Molly Weasley, I'm not surprised. Her sense has been sketchy at best."

Harry saw the approaching brood walking up.

"That's a lot of children," Harry whistled as he looked at the brood of red heads.

"The two oldest are out of Hogwarts, they got jobs overseas," Andromeda stated, stopping herself before she decided to state her own personal opinion why she thought Bill and Charlie Weasley took jobs to get as far away from their mother as possible.

Harry could tell something about the distaste in his godmother's voice.

"What did she do?" Harry asked as he eyed Andromeda in an appraising manner.

"She...she slipped her husband a very mild love potion," Andromeda stated as she turned around. "Granted, it was only a slight dosage to get his attention, but still, the fact that she had to do so really speaks of her. She did have quite a reputation around Hogwarts as well but this is rumor and hearsay."

"That was before all of the children," Harry stated, she was….well she looked rather well-fed.

'And here I thought there was going to be a total eclipse of the sun,' Harry stated as he looked at the girth of Molly Weasley.

"I will tell you to remain on your guard around them," Andromeda responded when she watched Harry carefully and he nodded. "Molly tends to think that she has the right to parent everyone and tell them what to do. Then again, she was always bossy and overbearing at Hogwarts but motherhood has gone to her head."

Molly was a prefect when Andromeda started and Andromeda could tell that young Percival took after his mother and not in a good way. He was proud of that prefect badge and he puffed his chest out like a proud poppingjay.

"He seems a little bit too proud to be a prefect," Harry answered, eyes narrowed as he surveyed Percy.

"Given that the prefects do the menial labor that the Head Boy and Girl, along with the Professors don't want to do, I agree," Andromeda remarked in a whisper. "Nymphadora is on the train already, I suggest you make it on there."

Harry took a few steps forward, before he slipped past the crowd and avoided the gaggle of red hair.

Ginny Weasley stood in the shadows, her arms folded and a cross expression on her face. She wanted to go to Hogwarts, but her mother told her that she was too young. Which was technically true, although it was the tone of how her mother said it, in the sense that she believed that Ginny was three as opposed to ten.

She was at least as smart as the twins and she was definitely far smarter than Ron. Then again, a pet rock was far smarter than Ron and had better hygiene and manners as well.

Molly on the other hand, kept an eye out for Harry Potter. The poor boy must be lost and all alone, without a mother to guide him. She felt that any child that did not have any parents was incomplete somehow and needed to be fed lots of food.

"What's the platform again?" Molly asked.

Ginny rolled her eyes, surely her mother could not be that dense, although she figured that it might be for Ron's benefit. "Nine and Three Quarters, Mum...now can I go?"

"Ginny, I told you, you're still too young."

Ginny wanted to bang her head against something. Which might put her at at least Ron's intelligence level. Ron slumped forward, poor posture, smudged nose, and for some reason he made second hand robes look ten times worse just by the way he conducted himself.

He went on and on about how he was going to be such great pals with Harry Potter, to the point where it drove Ginny completely bonkers. He had his entire seven years planned out. Ginny had no idea if Harry Potter was going to even be sorted into Gryffindor and when she stated this to Ron, he laughed it off.

Regardless, she watched her brothers leave. Her time would come next year. In the meantime, she was going to be alone with her mother for pretty much the next ten months.

'Only twelve more months Ginny, suck it up,' she thought to herself, with her body shuddering. Twelve months for her mother to try and brainwash her into the ideal housewife, i.e. boring as watching paint dry and grass growing all rolled into one.

Harry found himself a compartment on the train. If he remembered correctly, Nym would be swinging by sometime soon, after she checked in with her friends. She had a cousin that would be a seventh year at Hogwarts and another cousin that was in her fourth year at a school called Durmstrang.

"Um excuse me."

Harry's eyes spun around when he saw the tall red head boy with freckles, and a smudged nose. One of the Weasleys, Harry recalled which made him be on edge a little bit but he supposed he best be cordial, at least for the second.

"Can I sit here, everywhere else is full?" he asked.

Somehow Harry doubted that but he politely nodded never the less. "Free country, knock yourself out."

The boy looked at him with confusion. "Why would I want to knock myself out?"

'Oh boy, we're dealing with a real mind here,' Harry thought to himself in a biting manner. It was no secret that Harry never really got along with the members of his own gender, especially those around his age.

"Just take a seat," Harry stated, he could tell that this young man was not going to be at the better end of the gene pool. He looked to be the youngest of the Weasleys, at least the boys. Then again there were so many of them, it was hard to tell.

"So, hi, my name is Ron Weasley," the redhead stated and Harry looked back towards him.

"Good luck with that," Harry responded when his eyes fixed on Ron's.

"Um yeah, but who are you?" Ron asked in a voice that hinted demanding.

"Harry Potter," Harry stated in a bland and bored voice as if he was discussing the weather and this statement got the reaction that Harry feared. Ron was about ready to fall out of his seat.

"Are you really?" Ron asked when he spun around and looked at Harry.

"Yes, I am," Harry responded as he looked at Ron carefully, wondering if he slid out on his head when he was born.

"Do you have..."

Ron pulled his bangs back and pointed towards his forehead, and Harry could not resist, it was too easy.

"Yes, I have a forehead, most people are born with one, but thanks for asking."

"No, I mean...I mean do you have the...the scar?" Ron asked when he tried to peer around.

Harry was saved by answering this question, this rude and insensitive question, when a chubby and round faced boy entered the compartment.

"Have any of you seen a toad?" he asked as he watched Harry, with wide eyes.

"No, I haven't," Harry responded crisply, feeling a tad bit of sympathy for this kid. He was going to get teased for his time at this school for having a pet that was out of fashion. "Are you certain he was with you when he was on the train?"

"Yes, but he keeps hopping away," the boy stated when he looked at Harry.

"That might be a sign," Harry responded to the boy, crossing his arms and watching him carefully. "Keep looking, you might find him."

The boy was barley gone before Ron chimed in.

"If I brought a toad, I might have to die in shame."

'The toad might die of shame being near you,' Harry thought to Ron, shaking his head carefully.

"So what's your Quidditch team?" Ron asked to Harry.

"Don't know," Harry responded and that was Ron's cue to go on about Quidditch. Harry just let him go, he was used to tuning out idiots by now, so he let Ron ramble on and on.

Another party showed up, which was a timely intervention. She was a girl with dark hair, slightly bushy, and brown eyes, wearing a black shirt and skirt. She looked at Harry, as if she was caught off guard by him but managed to rebound quickly.

"Have any of you seen a toad?" the girl stated whilst she looked at Harry. "A boy named Neville lost one."

"No, I haven't," Harry stated and Ron shook his head as well.

"My name is Hermione Granger," the girl stated, curious to who this dark haired boy was. He was one of those people who could stand out in a crowd.

"Ron Weasley," Ron stated when he stood up high but he nearly tripped on his untied shoelaces.

"Harry Potter," Harry responded and Hermione looked at him, a smile.

"Are you ready? I've read about you..."

"I've read about me as well, funny how not one word of is true," Harry responded when he looked at Hermione. The brown haired witch looked surprised and actually confused.


"I know you read these books about me and I can tell you're the type that hold a lot of stock by books," Harry responded, looking Hermione dead in the eye. "Books are only a portion of what we should know, less than ten percent of what we should know. The rest of it is experience. Something that can't be put down in any book whatsoever, because it's too obtuse, too complicated to explain."

Hermione thought about this and that made sense. She had to think it over, her head was buzzing. She was happy that someone challenged her with a logical explanation, other than calling a nerd or a geek or a book worm or anything like that. This impressed her.

"Yeah...well nice to meet you," Hermione responded as he looked at Harry. "I'll help Neville, I'll see you at Hogwarts."

"Can you believe that?" Ron asked Harry; Hermione was barely out of an earshot, and he chuckled. "I don't know what house I'll be in, but I hope I'm not with her."

'Oh I'd imagine the feelings mutual,' Harry thought, but he shook his head, he knew that everyone expected him to go to Gryffindor because of who he was. He actually thought about it and wondered if shaking up those expectations would be the best idea to begin with. Because if he did something that was unexpected, all eyes would be on him and it would make his time be a bit more cramped.

He was expected to excel because of who his parents were, so that wasn't going to cause anyone to bat an eyelash.

Harry found himself spared of Ron for a little bit more when another party showed up. He was blonde haired, with blue eyes, and a sneer that gave the impression that he thought he was superior to everyone else, even though he was fairly inferior all things considered.

"So they're saying on the train that Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts," the blonde ponce stated, and it was then where Harry noticed two goons standing behind him.

"I've heard that rumor too," Harry stated in a bored voice he saw the goons, their only function seemed to be to stand there and look tall and menacing. They were the type that needed constant instruction to breath.

"It's you, isn't it?" the blond stated when he stared him down. "You're Harry Potter."

"So last time I've checked," Harry responded, keeping carefully on his guard. This little twat seemed to be the type that he wanted to keep a close idea on, because he could lash out when one least expected it.

"Oh this is Crabbe and Goyle," the boy commented as an afterthought before he turned and faced Harry. "And the name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"Licensed to kill?" Harry asked but that comment was overlooked by Ron's snickering. He sounded like a pig, potentially about to be suffocated.

"Think my name's funny, do you?" Draco asked, turning his attention to Ron. "There's no need to ask who you are. The Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they could afford."

Ron went red in the ears. "Take that back, Malfoy."

"Why don't you make me, Weasel?"

Harry watched this with mild interest, he did not know if a fight between these two would be entertaining or not. He was ready to find out as they were about to do something.

Outside of the corridor, a tall blonde girl with dazzling blue eyes, wearing a black blouse and a black skirt, with socks and black shoes entered. She wore a badge that stated "Head Girl" and she frowned. Her name was Lucretia Malfoy, she was the older daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

Lucius, disappointed that she was a daughter and not a son, had little to nothing to do with Lucretia's upbringing. He simply told her to do her best to uphold the Malfoy name and honor. And honestly, she did do that, given the fact that she became prefect, Head Girl, and she was the top in her year, especially in Potions.

And funnily enough, since Lucius had a direct influence in Draco's upbringing, he was doing more to tear down the Malfoy family reputation than anyone in generations. Lucretia wondered if there would even be a reputation worth upholding when Draco was done at Hogwarts. She wondered about her father sometimes, not that she had anything to do with him.

"Draco, buzz off," Lucretia stated, giving her younger brother a stern gaze. He opened his mouth to protest but his sister's fingers merely flexing on her wand was enough to cause Draco to turn to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Come on, let's go."

Lucretia realized that her brother was likely to do something stupid to offend Harry Potter. She recognized those green eyes and decided to smooth things over the best she could.

"I'm sorry about that, my brother can be a bit on the idiotic side," Lucretia responded.

"I should be apologizing to you, considering you're related to him," Harry responded but Ron finally found his voice.

"Harry, she's a Malfoy, why are you..."

"Quiet," Harry stated sternly and Ron's mouth snapped shut.

Lucretia bent down and placed her hand on Harry's leg, before she whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry about Draco barging in here. I'm not sure what happened with him. Bad conception potion is the most likely candidate but I'm sure that if I think about it there are other reasons. He's always been a bit slow, not Weasley slow but a different kind of slow."

Harry smiled at her but Lucretia shifted towards him. He saw the white blouse stretch over her ample chest, unbuttoned slightly to show a little bit of cleavage. She saw Harry looking but she did not mind as much as some of the sixth or seventh year Slytherins. They looked to be part troll some of them, not the cream of the crop.

"Anyway, my family insulted yours, so I'd like to make it up to you," Lucretia stated when she looked at Harry, eying his crotch, almost hungrily. If what Dora said was true, then she was in for a fun time, and she needed to get her fun whilst she could.

Harry got the message loud and clear. "Ron, go."


"Weasley, leave or I'll throw you in Detention for the rest of the year," Lucretia stated firmly while she gave Ron her most dangerous glare and he scrambled towards the exit as fast as his legs could carry him.

She locked the door behind him to make sure there were no more interruptions. The blonde turned to Harry, before she stood before him.

"I think it's time to show you why I'm the Head Girl," Lucretia stated and at those words, she started to unbutton Harry's pants and he lifted his hips to give her better access.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Lucretia pulled down Harry's boxers, to reveal his think appendage, and she eyed in appraisingly, before she rubbed him up and down with her soft hand, messaging him carefully. The blonde beauty rubbed his cock, the seventh year caressed him and he arched his hips up. She continued stroking him.

"Oh yes," Harry stated when he felt her tender grip on him and Lucretia rubbed him a little bit more, clasping her hand around him and grabbing him around the clock, before rubbing him tenderly.

"Do you like that Harry?" Lucretia asked as she smiled and moistened her lips.

"Love it, but show me why you're the Head Girl?" Harry asked and she bent down, licking the underside of his cock. Her wet tongue trailed down his cock, working on him. The blonde Slytherin ran her beautiful tongue down him, leaving saliva down it, before she popped his cock into her mouth, between her lips and sealed his thick tool in her mouth.

Lucretia felt his cock go in her mouth and she began to bob up and down on it, feeling it hit the back of her throat. It felt so wonderful feeling such a prime piece of meat going into her. Harry grabbed her hair and ran his hands through it. She sped up her motions, feeling the throbbing tool between her lips and it pumped into her mouth.

Harry felt her hot mouth wrapped around him and she went down on him, taking him deep into the back of her throat, her nose touching his pelvic muscles when she went down on him. She rocked back and forth, his cock brushing the back of her throat and she continued to pick up the pace. The blonde drove her mouth down onto him, making loud slurping sounds when she attacked his cock. He grunted as she worked him even more with her mouth, enveloping his mouth in pure heaven.

"Oh yeah, baby, you suck a good cock," Harry breathed, eyes clouded over with lust; Lucretia was on her knees and blowing him, his cock shoved in the back of her throat, when he bobbed onto it. "A good head girl, yes."

Lucretia continued to pick up her pace, and she felt the wetness pool between her legs. She needed his cock between her thighs in the worst way. She needed to be fucked until she could barely walked but now, she would settle for his cock down her throat, when she drove her mouth down onto him. She took more and more of his thick meat down her throat, closing her throat against him and continued to rock back, inhaling him down her throat.

"Yeah, yeah, fuck yeah," Harry breathed as she blew him, and she felt wet, pulling her panties back to shove her fingers up her juicy cunt.

She continued to suck Harry's cock before she brought her fingers up and offered them for Harry to taste.

"Delicious," Harry stated after he licked and sucked on her fingers. She looked up at him, before massaging his balls, trying to get the cum out of him.

With an explosion, Harry blasted his load down her throat. He pumped down her throat, sending the flood of cum into her mouth. She swallowed it, throwing her head back and allowing the contents of his balls to drain down her throat. It tasted divine.

"I'm just getting warmed up, Mr. Potter," Lucretia stated as she looked at him, cupping his balls in her hands. "How would you like the Head Girl to give you a warm welcome to Hogwarts?"

She rubbed his cock, before she did a charm to all her clothes to remove themselves from her body. She stood before him in the buff. Her blonde hair framed her face in a seductive manner, her luscious and round breasts stood out before him, with pink and erect nipples that poked out, inviting Harry to suck on them. The triangle of blonde hair between her legs was added with the swollen and aroused lips. She turned around and bent over to show her hot ass and long shapely legs.

"Ready?" Lucretia asked and Harry put a pair of hands on her hips and nodded, before he aimed his cock towards her entrance. He jammed it into her, causing her to scream in pleasure when Harry began to spear into her from behind. "YES!"

Harry reached over and grabbed her breasts, lighting rolling his hands over it. She was bent over while Harry plowed into her cunt from behind, working into her with increasing motions. Her moist and hot walls wrapped around his cock, when she rubbed him, pushing back onto his lap and rubbed against him. He breathed heavily when he felt her center against him.

"Yeah, so tight," Harry grunted as he picked up the pace and plowed into Lucretia, before he gave her an orgasm that rocked her completely.

Lucretia breathed heavily, no cock would even come near her again, not that many did before that. This was a prime cut of meat that jammed between her thighs. She rocked back, feeling the strength of his manhood burying itself into her. His cock drove her to another orgasm.

Harry pulled out and spun her around. She spread her legs and straddled his hips, before she pulled her hips back slightly and speared herself down onto his member. Her eyes widened when it shoved into her, filling her up completely. She bounced up and down on his leg, with Harry grabbing her breasts and played with her.

"Yes, yes," Lucretia breathed as she felt her lover's cock spear into her deeply.

"Yeah, love it," Harry stated when he arched himself upwards, feeling the inside of her, when it squeezed him carefully.

She grabbed him and her lips met his with a searing kiss, which he returned. The two of them continued to exchange the passionate motions, when the blonde rode his fleshy pole with fury. She rocked up and down against him, grinding her hips against him. Harry gripped her ass and pinched it, which caused her to moan into his mouth. Her juices pooled onto his cock, lubricating him from his tip.

Lucretia knew that he could fill her up and in return, she gave him the passion, squeezing his cock with her tight muscles. She barely even been filled up, this was like losing her virginity all over again. She speared herself down onto him, rubbing herself down onto his cock muscles, pushing him together.

"Oh yes Harry, never stop fucking me, beat me with that...ah yeah."

Harry and Lucretia kissed each other, running their hands over each other's bodies, when they continued their passionate love making. She rocked down onto him, feeling her heart beating. His hands were everywhere, on her breasts, on her ass, all over her body, there was no question about it, they continued to move around her, rubbing her and the sparks of intimacy flew through the air.

Harry felt his cock squeezed with her tightness and his balls sized up when he pushed up into her, causing her moans to get louder. She could get quite vocal when she orgasmed, and he noticed that she squealed loudly when he played with her nipples and ass.

"Who does your pussy belong to?" Harry grunted as he speared into her, with faster thrusts yet.

"It belongs to you, oh yeah, cumming," Lucretia stated when she felt herself rocked by an earth shaking orgasm, she could hardly believe it.

Harry pushed up into her, he was getting close to his peak, and they had been going at it for over an hour nonstop. He decided that if he did not want to screw her into a coma on the train, he would give her a treat.

"Here it comes," Harry breathed as he grabbed her hips and forced him down on the beautiful blonde, before he gave several more powerful thrusts, his hips going into her.

His cum exploded into her pussy, splattering his creamy juices between her thighs, and into her hot center. He splattered her with his burning hot seed, with Lucretia milking and squeezing him until the two of them came with an explosion, rocking each other with their passion and their lust. Both of them saw stars.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Lucretia curled up in Harry's lap, with his arms around her, and a goofy grin on her face. She wanted to continue her rounds as Head Girl, she really did but she did not want to move.

"Take a breath, there's still another hour before we get to Hogwarts, lover," Lucretia stated, as she smacked her lips, licking them, stroking his abs and cooing lovingly.

Harry ran his hands through her silky blonde hair, and kissed the back of her neck.

From outside of the compartment, Hermione Granger watched the entire scene, her mouth agap, when she saw what happened. The Head Girl was getting it on with a first year, and she could not tear herself away. She watched the entire scene, and despite the fact that she thought it was so wrong, she could not tear herself away from the situation. No matter what, she could not help herself from watching.

Hermione wondered what was wrong with her; she knew that she was much too young for these feelings of arousal. Yet, she felt damp between her legs and she turned away, before she was seen, even if she was tempted to stay around for an encore.