
Harry Potter and the Young Occamy's Path

Here he was, Natsu Orion Flamel in the Harry Potter world. What is he going to do? Is he going to completely stay out of it or is he going to carve his own path? Let's find out! P.S: Copyright of some characters in the book and the world is belong to J.K.Rowling. So now this shitty sentence out of way, enjoy! P.P.S:English is not my native language, so I'm going to ask you to overlook some of my mistakes and grammer, especially with tenses. I mean, what's up with those tenses, it's always so confusing, it never feels right ,arggh! Anyway, enjoy! :)

natsukun · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


There i was... Five year old boy with raven black hair and brilliant sky blue eyes, sitting on his bed and wondering how it all happened. Yesterday night i went to bed to sleep, next thing i know I'm in this five year old body with memories of this boy's life.

Apparently my name is Natsu Orion Flamel, my parents Olivia and Jack adopted me two years ago. Hmm, how odd! Both in this world and last, my name is Natsu, not that common name for someone who's from England. And yet again i'm an orphan, at least this time i'm adopted. And Jack and Olivia seem to really love me. I guess it's not that bad, i mean in my past life i've never had a goal to begin with, i just went to wherever the wind takes, i was 24 years old, just finished the college, i hadn't got the slightest idea what to with my life, only thing i enjoyed was the fantasy novels and fanfictions.

For those who are wondering why i'm not panicking or throwing a tantrum, i should explain that i've never had a parent or a really close friend, i've never had a goal or a purpose. In this life i have two loving parents and hey! i'm a child again , so you know that means, no responsibility! Yay!! And that's i'm not that panicked, and that's why i'm really okay with this situation.

You know, this is actually like those reincarnation novels, you know the ones that mc reincarnates in one of those fantasy novels. Ahh, if only i have in reincarnated in those, how great that would have been. But aren't I supposed to have a big meeting with truck-sama. I guess truck-sama speared me from the pain. But i wouldn't have said anything if it meant that i would be meeting with truck-sama. But alas, what can you do. It's sad, just sad. Sorry truck-sama, but i will meet you one day and you're going to meet with your number one fan, so don't worry. I wonder what should i do now?

"Natsu, breakfast!!" yelled Olivia from downstairs.

"I'm coming, ma!" yelled back Natsu.

Well, it looks like it became clear what i'm going to do, for now at least.

Here we go, new life!

So new Harry Potter fanfic for you guys! Before you any of you comment, I'll tell you this, it's my fanfic, and I'm going to do the way I want. MC's character can change sometimes, cause I'm going on a whim mostly and i'm going to do it with the way makes me happy, so sorry about that.

And English is not my native language, so I'm going to ask you to overlook some of my mistakes and grammer especially with tenses. I mean what's up with those tenses, it never feels right ,arggh! Anyway, enjoy! :)

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