

The spiders slowly scuttled back in wary, as a bright spot appeared on the cocoon of web. The spot kept brightening causing aragog to squint it's eyes. Suddenly it's eyes widened as it quickly scuttled back.


The web prison was burst open by a tornado of flames with a young wizard at its focal point. Rage seemed etched into his face, as his wand tip spit out raging flames, burning anything in its vicunity.

The spiders who were repelled by the bright lumos, was horrified by this sight, and ran back to retreat. But the boy did not seem to care, as his incendio, only brightened, burning down the entire sector of forest. He roared out, his output increasing by the second, turning the forest into a burning hell.

But soon this outburst started taking a toll on the boy. His flames started dimming, as he fell to one knee gasping. But he immediately recomposed, his anger burning the flames brighter. His scowl intensified, as the burden became too much for his minuscule reserves to bear.

The spiders sensed his weakness. They, though initially repulsed, slowly started to make way to the the flames. The boy realized, it will only be a matter if time before the spiders figure out that this was a first year spell. But his mind was being muddled, by heavy taxation, of the supercharged incendio, being used, at the near empty reserves.

The spiders started getting more and more confident and started breaching the flame barrier. The boy clenched his teeth, summoning up what little arcane he had left. But suddenly his eyes went agape with terror. The flames disappeared in an instant. The forest fell silent for a second. He fell to his knees clutching his heart.

He could vaguely see the spider army approaching him. But it was of no use. His reserves were over. He sat on the forest bed paralyzed. The spiders surrounded him from all directions. the boy finally resigned his efforts to escape. he speechlessly sat there, with wide eyes, looking at the moonlit forest bed.


A huge pop resounded as a black cloak classes figure materialized from thin air. The greasy haired figure took one look at the boy with disdain. Then he turned his attention to the acromantula army. He emotionlessly raised his wand to the sky. The boy's eyes widened as his entire body went numb from the tingling sensation of magic. An unbelievable volume of magic assembled at the wand tip of the newcomer. He uttered:


A gigantic spherical wave originated from his wand tip and instantaneously grew, Creating a crater the radius of 10 m, laying destruction in it's wake. Trees and spiders alike were blasted off leaving the crater smooth. The dark clad man lazily announced:"leave or die, insects."

The king of spiders hissed at him venomously but didn't make a move. Finally he cluttered his pincers announcing something to its children. The entire spider army melted into the shadows disappearing.

The boy looked at this interaction with his mouth agape. The dark clad figure turned around and greeted the boy with a scowl. His emotions suddenly turned neutral and he looked the boy dead in the eye. His eyes shined for a moment and suddenly a splitting headache attacked the boy. He passed out.


1 day later, infirmary

"agh! " the boy screamed quietly as he woke up. A splitting headache had immediately assaulted him causing him to clutch his head and lay back in the infirmary bed. Lights flared and sounds blared in and out. He could barely see or hear anything at all. He kept clutching his head in pain.

He finally sighed. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. His sense of sound finally came into focus. He immediately noticed some people shouting in the distance. He painfully turned his head to observe, but what he saw made him wonder if he was still passed out.

The four house heads stood at the infirmary door having a heated discussion.

He sharpened his ears to listen but regretted immediately.

"the boy nearly DIED last night and you are ASKING us to let him off with a couple of POINTS OFF and a DETENTION??!!" Minerva asked her voice bordering between anger and incredulity.:"do you realize what could have happened to him, were it not for filch seeing the fire and informing snape?"

"Minerva I understand your concerns. But you of all people should understand how... Impulsive youths can be. How many times has his father and his gang sneaked out of the castle to go on their adventures, I have lost count." Flitwick said calmly causing Minerva to frown.:"so can't we please give the boy a leeway-"

"a leeway!!" snape said sneering cutting Flitwick off.:"the boy sneaked out of the castle, burnt down a quarter of the forest and angered one of the school's oldest allying species. And you dare say, to give the boy a LEEWAY? He should be EXPELLED"

"snape don't you dare take part in this conversation." Flitwick retorted angrily:"you tried to use LEGILIMENCY on a first year CHILD and you DARE have the audacity to blame him? You are lucky he was already tired and passed out. Or else you would be answering to Dumbledore now!"

"DUMBLEDORE is a very busy man. He has to attend to the details concerning... 'that object'. He has more important matters than another dumb, suicidal, potter." said snape emotionlessly, angering Minerva. :"besides it was... necessary. We still don't know what his purpose was at the forbidden forest."

Flitwick shouted back angrily: "HE was practicing a SPELL. he is a FIRST YEAR for crying out loud. There was no nefarious purpose hidden underneath the underneath. Besides, you checked him! his pockets are empty, he didn't have a bag and we sweeped the forest. He is just a KID who was practicing a SPELL."

Snape begrudgingly grunted. Flitwick sighed:"professor sprout. What do YOU think? "

The hufflepuffs head who had stayed silent till then looked up uncomfortably.:"I don't really have much of an opinion. But.. Harry's a good kid. He performs well in classes, well disciplined. He probably just made a mistake. And CERTAINLY not one big enough to be EXPELLED. I say... Give him another chance!"

flitwick smiled:"that's two votes pro Harry! And one vote against." Flitwick scowled at snape and looked at minerva:"what do you say? "

Minerva looked at the three house heads looking expectantly at her and sighed:"50 points from ravenclaw and 4 weeks worth of detention with filch."

Flitwick smiled at his colleague and replied:"thank you Minerva."

He then looked right at me causing me to look away and chuckled:"now if you will excuse me I have one eavesdropping student to talk to!"