
The Chamber of Secrets was Open

Arthur was waiting for the others to change while he was in the common room, he realized that the elders would not go to the party and looked laughing at him, Arthur had not understood the look of the elders so he just ignored, "Maybe only freshmen will go there" The boy was thinking.

Arthur wore casual clothes a black shirt with a Slytherin scarf and jeans, since it was a party he did not need to wear the school uniform, Arthur, Diego and Rodrigo were waiting right in front of the girls' dormitory, when 3 girls went out wearing clothes elegant, totally of the boys who were anyway, Arthur had to admit that all three were beautiful.

- Did you like the vision? - Anna asked looking at the reaction of the boys, Arthur had swallowed saliva, the girls laughed behind her.

- Let's go, then - said Arthur staunchly, realizing that he was staring unblinkingly at the three of them, Diego and Rodrigo were no exception, since they were almost drooling.

When the six of them arrived in the main hall, they noticed that no one was older at the party, it was decorated with living bats, Hagrid's enormous pumpkins had been cut out to make lanterns so large that three men could fit in, the hall had hundreds of ghosts flying, and several first- and second-year students shrunk in a corner, the worst was the food, which was spoiled with several mosquitoes on top.

- Well, party, we can leave - Anna said with a disgusted face, almost throwing up, it was unbearable.

- Come on, I'll stay another minute here, I'm going to die - Rodrigo said, his white face almost fainting. Arthur did not doubt his words.

When the six of them were leaving the main hall they met Harry, Ron and Hermione, the 3 stared at the 6 without saying a word, a tension was in the air and was not friendly.

- Good luck to you 3 in there - Arthur said with a smile on his face, Ron wanted to get revenge on Arthur as quickly as possible because of what happened to him, several Slytherin students kept calling him nicknames after his defeat, Hermione looked at Arthur and Bella without saying a word, whenever she looked at Arthur, imagined the two of them in the bathroom, she wanted to speak this to some teacher, but he knew it was wrong, since Harry just ignored both sides, he did not like Arthur so much for what he did with his friend, but he does not consider him an enemy like Draco Malfoy, the six passed by them, Arthur smiled to see Ron biting his angry mouth.

Since they had gotten ready for the party, they were not in such a hurry to return, so they were making jokes as they returned to the common room, but on the way Arthur heard.

- "... rip ... break ... kill ..."

It was the same icy, murderous voice he had heard in the library, he stopped almost stumbling on Gabriella, leaning against the stone wall, listening intently to the voice that came out of nowhere, looking sideways, narrowing his eyes to see in the hallway badly lit.

- Arthur, what are you ...? - Said Bella before being interrupted by Arthur, the boy concentrated as much as he could in the sound.

"Be quiet for a minute," Arthur said, walking down the corridors, the sound coming closer and closer.

"... so hungry ... so long ..."

The five of them thought Arthur was going crazy because of the smell of food, they tried to talk to him, but the boy always told them to stay quiet.

- "... kill ... time to kill ..."

- This way! Arthur shouted before running up the stairs in the lobby, the five confused after him.


Arthur stopped running when they reached a corridor, Gabriella yelled pointing to a spot on the wall, at which point Arthur saw Harry, Ron and Hermione on the other side of the hall looking at the same place as they.

- Look, there's something shining on the wall in front of you - said the frightened girl, they slowly approached, narrowing their eyes to look at the wall. Someone had painted words on the wall.

The secret chamber was opened, enemies of the heir, careful.

- What's that, hanging down there? - Ron asked pointing to the side of the wall, as they approached, Arthur and Harry were in front, while the others just behind, when they realized what it was they jumped back spreading water, for a few seconds they did not move.

Madame Norr-ra, the janitor's cat, was hanging by the tail on a torch holder.

- Let's get the hell out of here - Bella said in a frightened voice, the girl was afraid they would do the same thing to her.

- We should not try to help ...- Harry began, awkwardly, Arthur knew his heart was very good, but he did not want to get in trouble.

- We can not be found here, they'll think it was us who attacked the cat, if you want to stay then stay - Arthur said running up the stairs followed by the others, Harry thought wrong, but still followed the boy.

A noise like that of distant thunder informed them that the party was over, from each end of the hall where they were, they heard the noise of hundreds of feet coming up the stairs together with a loud conversation.

The conversation died suddenly when the boys in front saw the cat hanging, students who were pushing to see the macabre scene fell silent. Then someone shouted in the silence:

- Enemies of the heir, beware! You're going to be next, bad blood! - It was Malfoy. He had made way for the students, his eyes very cold, and he laughed at the still hanging cat.

- My cat! My cat! What happened to Madame N or-r-ra? Filtch shouted, running toward the cat.

- Whoever murdered my cat I'm going to kill him! - Screamed the man enraged with anger, he looked in all directions

- Argo! - Dumbledore shouted, followed by several teachers behind - Come with me, Argo.

In a place further away from the confusion, the nine students were sitting together thinking about what had happened.

- What will be the message that opened the secret chamber? - Rodrigo asked confused.

- Maybe it's your thing! When we arrived you were there! Maybe you're the one who put her in there? "Ron accused, going toward Arthur.

- And why would he do that, Ron?" - Harry asked holding the boy, Ron knew inside that it was not Arthur, but still felt bad for what happened.

- It was not him Ron, you're just nervous about him - Hermione said looking at Arthur, deep down she knew he was innocent.

- Anyway, remind me never to follow Arthur again if he's hearing voices - Anna said, Harry looked at Arthur astonished to hear the same thing as him.

- Did you hear that scary voice, too? - Harry asked, Arthur nodded.

The group spent a long time discussing the situation, but none of them had the answers, of course Arthur had but would not say anything, until they agreed to look for clues and talk later.