
Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter AU A young man from our world wakes up as Harry Potter but with a big twist. He's not the famous 'Boy Who Lived'; that's his younger brother, Charles Potter. Armed with memories from his past life and all the Harry Potter stories he knows, he faces a magical world that's both familiar and full of surprises. This Harry is on a secret mission, using his knowledge to quietly change things from behind the scenes. It's a story about a hidden hero, making big moves, in a magical world full of adventures and challenges. Release Frequency - 1 Chapter/Day Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe. Support my work at - https://www.patreon.com/TalesByJaz

TalesByJaz · Livros e literatura
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240 Chs

Chapter 159: "The Missing Diary"

As the Sorting Ceremony began, Harry's eyes swept across the Great Hall, taking in the familiar faces he'd only known from books in another life. His gaze landed on Colin Creevey, a small, mousy-haired boy who was practically vibrating with excitement. Colin's old-fashioned camera hung around his neck, and he was snapping pictures left and right, his eyes wide with wonder at the enchanted ceiling and floating candles.

"First years, I swear they get smaller every year," Roger whispered, nudging Harry.

Harry nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. He wondered if Colin would become Charles's fan in this reality. Given how different Charles was from the Harry of the books, and considering the less-than-stellar reputation Charles had earned last year, Harry doubted it. Still, Colin's enthusiasm was infectious, reminding Harry of his own wonder when he first entered Hogwarts.

His attention was then drawn to a girl with long, straggly blonde hair and a dreamy expression. Luna Lovegood stood out even among the nervous first years, her silvery eyes taking in the Great Hall with a serene curiosity that seemed at odds with her peers' anxiety. She appeared to be humming softly to herself, completely unfazed by the grandeur around her.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Harry thought to himself, remembering the bullying Luna had endured in the Ravenclaw House of the original timeline. He made a silent vow to ensure she had happier school days this time around. Perhaps he could introduce her to some of his friends early on, creating a support network for the eccentric but brilliant witch.

As the line of first years shuffled forward with each name being called out loud, a flash of familiar red hair caught Harry's eye. Ginny Weasley, looking small and nervous, was fidgeting with the hem of her robes. Her freckled face was pale with anticipation as she waited for her turn to be sorted.

Without hesitation, Harry reached out with his Legilimency, gently probing her mind. He knew it was an invasion of privacy, but the stakes were too high. He had to know if she had Tom Riddle's diary.

To his surprise and growing concern, he found no trace of the Horcrux in Ginny's mind. There had been no confrontation with Lucius Malfoy, no diary slipped into her cauldron. This deviation from the expected timeline sent a chill down Harry's spine, his mind racing with the implications.

"Everything alright, Harry?" Reggy asked, noticing his frown. "You look worried."

Harry schooled his features into a neutral expression. "Just thinking about the year ahead," he said smoothly. "Lots to consider with Lockhart as our new professor."

As the Sorting continued, Harry's mind raced. The absence of the diary with Ginny was not good news. His foreknowledge, his greatest advantage, was becoming less reliable. The Horcrux could be anywhere – maybe still with Lucius Malfoy, maybe in the hands of another unsuspecting student, or worse, it was sold by Malfoy and was now who knows where.

The only thing that consoled Harry was the fact that with Dobby acting to restrict Charles from coming to Hogwarts, there was a high chance the Diary was inside Hogwarts and not outside. Only this way would Dobby act to save Charles from the coming danger. But this brought its own set of worries – if the diary was indeed at Hogwarts, who had it? And how will this new person act?

"I need to find it," Harry thought grimly. "Before things progress in ways I can't predict."

Halfway through the Sorting, a commotion at the staff table caught Harry's attention. Professor Snape and Lily Potter both stood abruptly, exchanging a significant look before hurrying out of the Great Hall. Harry didn't need his reasoning skills to guess what that meant – Charles and Ron had arrived, likely in spectacular and rule-breaking fashion.

"What do you reckon that's about?" Roger whispered, his eyes following the departing professors.

"Ten Galleons says it's about Harry's younger brother," Reggy replied with a smirk. "Bet he's made some unusual entrance. He was not in the Hogwarts Express, after all."

Another Ravenclaw student, a prefect named Penelope Clearwater, leaned in, her voice low. "No need to guess. Look at this paper. You'll know what it's about."

Reggy took the Evening Prophet which had the front page headline of "FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES." He then read out for everyone, his voice a mix of disbelief and amusement: "Two Muggles in London, convinced they saw an old car flying over the Post Office tower ... at noon in Norfolk, Mrs. Hetty Bayliss, while hanging out her washing ... Mr. Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to police."

Roger's eyes widened in shock. "It seems your brother is not one to live a quiet life, Harry. This is outrageous. They came to Hogwarts in a flying car. How did they even manage to find such a modified car?"

Harry sighed internally, feeling a mix of exasperation and concern. Charles, it seemed, had not gained much wisdom from being raised in the wizarding world. He had indeed chosen to fly the Weasleys' enchanted car to Hogwarts, risking exposure of the magical world when he could have simply waited for help. It was a reckless decision that spoke volumes about Charles and Ron's impulsiveness and lack of foresight.

As the Sorting concluded and the feast began, conversation at the Ravenclaw table and the others turned to speculation about the fate of Charles and Ron. The Great Hall buzzed with excited whispers and wild theories, the flying car incident overshadowing even the Sorting of new students.

Harry, however, found his thoughts drifting to another problem. His mind was preoccupied with the missing diary and the potential dangers it posed. As he mechanically filled his plate with roast chicken and potatoes, he couldn't shake the feeling that this year would bring challenges he wasn't fully prepared for.

When Dumbledore finally rose to make his start-of-term announcements, the Great Hall fell silent. The headmaster's eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles as he introduced Gilderoy Lockhart with a flourish. The fraudulent author stood with a dazzling smile, his lavender robes sparkling in the candlelight, eliciting cheers and sighs from his admirers.

Then came the introduction of Lily Potter as the new Muggle Studies professor. The announcement was met with enthusiastic applause, particularly from the Muggle-born students who saw Lily as a symbol of what they could achieve in the wizarding world. Harry felt a pang of sadness, knowing that most of these students were unaware that Lily's success was largely due to her marriage into the Potter family. The reality for most Muggleborns in wizarding Britain was far less bright.

As the students filed out of the Great Hall, heading for their dormitories, the corridors buzzed with rumors about Charles and Ron's flying car adventure. Wild speculations about their expulsion spread like wildfire, each retelling of the story more exaggerated than the last.

"They won't be expelled," Harry said quietly to his friends as they climbed the stairs to Ravenclaw Tower. "Dumbledore won't allow it. They'll lose some points, maybe get detention, but that's all."

Back in the dormitory, as his classmates settled in and chatted excitedly about the year ahead, Harry lay in his four-poster bed, his mind whirling with plans and contingencies. The diary Horcrux was out there somewhere, and he needed to find it to keep the events of this year under control. The thought of the Chamber of Secrets being opened, of students being petrified – or worse – weighed heavily on him.

"I can't rely on my knowledge of the future too much from now," Harry thought, staring at the blue and bronze hangings of his bed. "I need to be proactive, gather information, and stay alert. This year might be more dangerous than I anticipated."

With these weighty thoughts, Harry closed his eyes, willing sleep to come. The sounds of his dormmates' soft breathing and the gentle hooting of owls outside the window gradually lulled him towards slumber. As he drifted off, his last conscious thought was a determination to protect his fellow students, no matter what unexpected turns this year might take. Whatever challenges lay ahead, Harry Potter was ready to face them head-on.