
Character and appearances

Since the original book and novel are very different especially the appearance, it can be quite confusing so I thought I will add a bit of information so people can understand a little bit about what the character's look like, so it will be a bit easier to visualize what you are reading. I will only add important characters and will keep updating as more character's are introduced.

Draco = Similar to his father with platinum blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. A bit different from both Book and movies, since I made him look more like his mother. So a cute kid with basic villain look. (You know, some people just look mean.)

Harry=Same as the movies but a skinnier.

Ron= Tall and lanky red with freckles in his face. (The book version.)

Hermione = Mix of both books and movies. (Basically Emma Watson with bushy hair and large front teeth.)

Pansy = Cute with round face and a bit pointed nose.

Daphne = Preety with blonde hair and a bit arrogant aura around her.

Theodore = As the novel say tall and lanky with a bit of rabbit face.

Other not described character's are the same as movies.