
Harry Potter and the Malfoy Girl

INTRO or TRAILER: •••One day I smiled. The next day I was filled with hatred. I buried you alive! will you forgive me? Will you forgive me? Can you forgive me?••• "Zarin I LOVE YOU", he said What did I say, "I... I don't know whether I love you, Harry. Sorry" Can a sinner like me love, Do I deserve the word LOVE, especially for you Harry? "Do you don't love me Zara??", He asked me in a trembling voice, his voice broke but he remained smiling, those green eyes which always calmed me were now filled with pain. I don't know what to say..., but I said, "You know the reason, Harry, no matter what we both can't be together. Maybe in the next life..." "F*** this life", he muttered and stormed off Astronomy Tower. Tears were just coming off my eyes as if nature was feeling my agony it started raining. And I started singing my song out to the rhythm rain made... 'Once a Devil fell in love with an angel and the angel also loved back but the only disturbing thing is she is a devil, he is an angel. So the angel decided to become a devil for her and the devil decided to become an angel for him, and they did shocking the Heavens and Hells. In every angel, there is a Devil hidden and In every Devil, there is a angel hidden' 'Life is a song. Your thoughts are the music. Now play beautiful music and sing a wonderful song.' 'Life is a song and it's up to you and your heart to write lyrics LIGHT FLASHES ( Scene changes ) "AVADA KEDAVRA", A distant voice said. "No...", Someone shouted. "Zara..." a voice said. "Harry...." another voice whispered. "It's not what you think it is, Harry." "Zarin... you," he said "I'm sorry I don't know how to explain, just forget me FORGET EVERYTHING." Saying that she raised her wand at Harry. "I'm sorry" with that she whispered a spell. LIGHT FLASHES ( Scene changes ) A girl was crying, "What's wrong?", a boy asked "It's because of that stupid prophecy I can't love him or live a happy life," she said. "Don't worry sis, everything will change once he defeats him.", he said reassuringly but deep inside he is also afraid of the outcome of this war. What is gonna happen in this war? "Harry Potter the Chosen One to defeat The Dark Lord but a Girl from the death eaters' side is to help him... The girl who is SHE... She has her secrets, pain, and suffering but being a death eater will she help him despite the fear of Life... Will they fall for each other?? How will Harry react if he comes to know that the girl he loved is a Death Eater?? ONE TO LIVE OR DIE WHILE ONE TO SACRIFICE... What does it mean??? " LET'S SEE IN THE STORY... ... Check Auxiliary Chapters... Being edited..✍ My English and grammar will be horrible but I will try to improve... The real story starts in the 4th year... 1st 3 years are just an intro... I don't own Harry Potter. My grammar isn't that good and this is my first book. I don't even own the pictures or the songs.

_HP_Elsa_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

7. “Meeting my twin sister for the first time. ”

Only their sister can feel her brother's silent pain and she will hold his hands until he becomes strong again.



A young slender boy with sleek white-blond hair, cold grey eyes, a pale complexion, and rather sharp, pointed features. He was described to have haughty good looks and was walking in a hall very anxiously. His name is Draco Malfoy

And a woman who appeared behind him was blonde too; tall and slim, she had a kind and nice-looking face. Her name was Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother.

NARCISSA: "What's wrong dear? You're looking very anxious."

DRACO:" Of course mom, I'm very nervous I'm gonna see Zara for the first time. "

he said in an overjoyed tone.

NARCISSA:" Oh. So that's why you are excited, you know what Draco I have not even seen Zara after her birth. We only communicate through letters. "

She said in a sad tone.

DRACO: "Why mom? What's wrong? That father sent Zara to live with her Aunt in Russia and even on her holidays, she stays at her Godfather's place. " He asked like a disappointed puppy.

NARCISSA:" It's not the time to talk about the sad past, and now hereafter Zara will stay here and attend Hogwarts with you. Alright and don't this talk in front of your dad, your father and Zara don't get along together. "

DRACO: "OK mom." He thought that his mom is hiding something and he will find what it is.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door,

Narcissa went to open the door and Draco stayed in the hall thinking that it was his father who came.


A young girl beamed at Narcissa


NARCISSA: "Snape, Zara comes in" Her eye was filled with tears when she saw her daughter smiling at her. " Draco comes down and sees who is here.

Draco came downstairs

DRACO: "What's wrong mom?"

He said in an annoyed tone while coming down he saw a young girl standing with his godfather Severus Snape. The girl looked at him, her gaze was soul piercing and she had sleek black hair with some White platinum hair like his mom her eye was dark blue which looked like an endless deep sea ocean and she had a mole on her cheeks. In the overall review, she looked gorgeous like a painting.

Snape:" Draco she is your sister Scarlett Zarina Malfoy. And Zara this is Draco Malfoy your twin brother, I think you already know that she will be living with you guys from now on. Since I have some work to be done and I'm leaving Narcissa, Zara."

Zara:" Hey bro, Hi mom. It has been a long time. "

NARCISSA: "Zara... "

Narcissa broke down in tears and hugged Zara and Draco smiled at Zara

DRACO: "Hey Sis, It has indeed been a long time."


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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