
Harry Potter and the Book of Sins

When a time traveler mistakenly believes he has traveled back to 1980s Britain, he endures childhood hardships and eventually succumbs to darkness, only to have his life reignited by a familiar yet unfamiliar letter of acceptance to school. However, as he delves deeper into the darkness, will he choose to stay away from the abyss or plunge into it without hesitation? "Wait for me, I'll be back soon." Beside a certain hospital bed on the fifth floor of St. Mungo's, he finally firmly holds her pale hand. This is a story of a cunning little trickster who can deceive even himself, struggling repeatedly between pain and tenderness.hich novel to translate ------------ If you like the translations, do support the work: Patreon.com/shanefreak

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30 Chs

Chapter 10 Little effort

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This Herbology class was one of the few classes in the current year that was shared by Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Although there might be changes in the next year, it was the perfect opportunity for Maca to get closer to the trio of Harry.

Speaking of Harry, the boy who survived many difficulties was currently engaged in a battle with Flobo Worms on the stems and leaves! Yes, those are the same worms that Michael Corner, the student with weak presence, swallowed when he was young. They particularly liked lettuce, but in general, they would eat any plant.

While Ron approached Maca to inquire about his encounter with Snape in Potions class, Maca was contemplating about these worms! These creatures could grow up to 10 inches long, not much shorter than Maca's wand. Who knows how Michael managed to swallow them when he was young!

"Did he bite them before eating?" Maca pondered and shuddered.

"...What do you mean by biting them before eating? Are you thinking about lunch?" Ron looked at Maca with confusion and then continued, "Never mind about lunch, tell me! How did you provoke Snape? We're starting his class tomorrow, and I've heard from older students that he always favors students from his own house. I wonder if it's true."

Only then did Maca come back to his senses and shook his head helplessly.

"Who told you that I provoked Professor Snape? That would be asking for trouble." He briefly explained the situation, but it caught Hermione's attention, and she joined the conversation.

"Hey! Did Professor Snape really say that?" Hermione said with excitement, "That's Arsenius Jigger's potion formula, it's authoritative! How can he casually claim it's incorrect?"

Then Hermione calmed herself down and looked apologetically at Maca.

"I'm sorry, I'm not saying it's wrong to question authority, but... " she hesitated for a moment, with a skeptical expression, "I mean, is that constant really an unnecessary constant?"

"It should be correct," Maca nodded and quietly explained to Hermione. She interjected a few times while listening, but she seemed to be convinced.

"What are they talking about?" Ron turned his head and asked Harry.

"They're probably discussing Potions class," Harry, who had finished dealing with the Flobo Worms, held one of them in his gloved right hand, struggling to escape the wicked claws preventing it from having a meal.

"So, are we going to learn those... I mean, the things they're talking about?" Ron hesitated, listened for a few more sentences from Maca and Hermione's hushed discussion, then turned back to Harry.

Harry shook his head. He knew he couldn't understand any of it. "I don't think so?"

Upon hearing this, Ron glanced at Maca and Hermione, who were still quietly discussing, and gave up, focusing on fertilizing the plants in front of him.

"It's rare to see the combination of Maca, who is always tidy, and Hermione, who is always messy," he muttered softly, unable to figure it out.

"And the lazy Maca, who always stays in bed, turns out to be an excellent student."

Maca had stayed in the shabby house for quite some time before the start of the school year. Ron believed he knew him well. Although he appeared smart and composed, deep down, he was lazy and a bedhead! It seemed that he wasn't the person Ron imagined at all. He had once thought that he had found a good companion who was similar to himself!

"...Maybe I can ask him for help with the homework I can't handle in the future?" Ron suddenly came up with this idea, thinking it was a great idea.

Following Herbology class, which was followed by many people, was the highly anticipated Flying class. Maca and the others were taking this course together with the Ravenclaws.

Naturally, Maca was also looking forward to this class that allowed people to freely fly in mid-air, but he was unsure if he would encounter any difficulties.

To be honest, he wasn't very good with directions in normal circumstances. If he flew up into the sky, would he really get lost?

The first Flying class took place near the main entrance of Hogwarts castle, where there was a slightly concave and level ground. The grass on the ground swayed gently in the breeze, giving a vibrant appearance.

Looking eastward, one could see the dark edge of the forest, with tall treetops swaying in the wind, making a rustling sound.

The Hufflepuffs were already standing on the field, watching the Ravenclaws approaching leisurely. Madam Hooch, the Flying instructor, was urging them loudly to walk faster.

"Alright, what are you all waiting for?" she shouted sternly, "Stand next to a broomstick each. Hurry up!"

Madam Hooch's short gray hair stood up like steel needles, unaffected by the wind. Her yellow eyes resembled those of an eagle strictly supervising young birds.

Maca chose a broomstick that looked pleasing from the neatly arranged brooms on the ground and stood quietly next to it, watching other students hurry to find their positions.

"Extend your right hand over the handle of the broomstick," Madam Hooch called out from the front, "and say, 'Up!'"

"Up!" In Madam Hooch's strict tone, everyone seemed to be influenced, and even their shouts became unusually neat.

The broom obediently jumped into Maca's hands, giving him a sense of unfamiliar yet refreshing feeling, which seemed quite nice.

But not everyone had such a smooth experience. Some brooms hopped in place, while others rolled on the ground. Ernie's broom even shot into the air, leaving his palms red.

It seemed that this had something to do with talent, as only a few people managed to have the broom land in their hands.

Next, Madam Hooch demonstrated how to mount the broom and not slide off. She walked through the line, correcting the students' grip and occasionally criticizing those who couldn't get it right.

"Alright, when I blow the whistle, kick off with both legs and leave the ground. Push hard," Madam Hooch said, "Hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and descend vertically. Listen for my whistle—three, two—"

"Oh!" Maca exclaimed as he watched the ground getting farther away. This feeling was truly unprecedented and fascinating.

Madam Hooch walked back and forth, observing everyone. Of course, many couldn't fly at all; it seemed that their brooms didn't listen to them. However, nothing extraordinary happened.

"Mr. McClain, you exceeded the height I mentioned," Madam Hooch shouted loudly to Maca, "Come down, be careful!"

Maca was taken aback and realized that he was indeed flying higher than everyone else. He quickly leaned forward slightly as Madam Hooch had instructed, and the broom obediently descended.

"Good job," Madam Hooch patted Maca's shoulder, "Safety is the first thing beginners should focus on. Gradual progress is the right way to go."

Maca nodded while thinking to himself, "Next week, you'll see Neville and Harry flying high! Well, at least in the literal sense. Whoosh—"

"Madam Hooch, I was wondering, if a beginner accidentally falls off the broom, what should they do to remedy it?" Maca suddenly changed his train of thought and asked.

He had some sympathy for Neville, the chubby boy who was always nervous. Perhaps if Madam Hooch was mentally prepared in advance, his arm wouldn't have been broken.

It must have been painful; otherwise, Maca wouldn't have such a vivid memory of that scene even now.

"You can use the Levitation Charm, don't worry," Madam Hooch replied, thinking that Maca was concerned about potential injuries. "If there's no time, Madam Pomfrey from the infirmary will take care of them. Her potions are always effective."

"Oh! Thank you for your answer," Maca pretended to be relieved and expressed his gratitude politely.

Of course, this was just a minor incident in their school life. For Maca, it was just something he did casually, and he quickly forgot about it.

"Ha! This feels amazing!"

With Madam Hooch's permission, Maca had the opportunity for a low-altitude flight. It took him quite a bit of effort to get this chance, and now he was enjoying it!

A strong wind blew against his face, whistling in his ears and making his robes rustle. In Maca's control, the broom darted left and right, resembling a shark sprinting in water.

Although this shark seemed a bit too close to the "ocean floor."

"Be careful! Slow down! Slow down! Quickly, do as I said!" Madam Hooch shouted from below, but Maca only heard the sound of the wind in his ears and couldn't hear her.

After a while, Maca, having had his fill, finally slowed down. He pulled the broom handle sharply, making a graceful arc in the air.

Before even landing, Maca noticed that Madam Hooch's expression wasn't quite right. He immediately understood what the problem was—his speed seemed too fast during the latter part of the flight.

These brooms, even if they were cheap practice ones, seemed to have some miscellaneous issues, but they were legitimate products, not children's toys.

"Sorry, Madam Hooch," Maca immediately apologized after landing and lowered his head, "I got carried away. I didn't expect the feeling of flying to be this great, and I didn't pay attention."

Madam Hooch stared at Maca for a while, then sighed, "I just said to progress gradually... But you did well. After studying the 'Quidditch Safety Guidelines,' perhaps I can let you fly more times."

"... I believe you will discover how making Quidditch your passion is such a right choice!"

That was Madam Hooch, strict, fair, responsible for everything and everyone, and most importantly—deeply passionate about Quidditch.


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