
2 weeks

Almost two weeks had passed since Eleanor had woken from her thousand-year slumber.

She could now speak English fluently and had started learning to write it.

They too had been going through the history of the world.

It amazed Eleanor and she kept asking questions about how things worked.

Dumbledore could explain almost every wizard artifact but when it came to muggle inventions, his knowledge fell short and she knew he wasn't lying because a short check through the memories she had received proved him right.

Because of her Vampiric features, Dumbledore said she wouldn't be accepted by society. So they started training her metamorphmagus abilities to disguise her. There were only a few things she changed though, which were her canines and her nails.

During this time they also found out that her nails were extremely sharp and hard, so much so that they could cut through solid stone.

During the day she always had so much to do that she didn't have time to dwell on the past, but every night she cried herself to sleep and her dreams were filled with the scream of her mother and the cackle of a man whose face she couldn't see.

Feeling like it was her fault her mother had died, all Eleanor could think about was how she shouldn't have allowed her mother to leave without her. The guilt she felt tore her apart from the inside.

Every time she woke up, the same sight greeted her, her own long nails stuck a few inches deep into her skin with long gauges behind them. You could see every muscle through the crevices decorating her body. This was because there was no blood, being a vampire and all had stopped her heart from beating. Luckily for her, her metamorphmagus ability could remedy that.

Through the constant self-harm she inflicted upon herself, her self healing ability which she gained through the vampire blood, increased exponentially.

Otherwise, life was going nicely, or as nicely as it can go for a vampire princess from another era.

She had been allowed to roam the castle, only with supervision of course. During that time she had also had a reunion, with her non-biological sister.

Rewatching the memories brought a smile to her face.

Eleanor was walking down a long stone corridor, that looked very similar to the last one she walked down. Today she was guided by a woman called Professor Babbling, she had long brown hair that reached the small of her back. With black wizards robes and no hat. Turning to one of the portraits, she looked at the name tag for a second and then asked "Sir Henry?"

As the knight in the portrait turned to her, a large smile bloomed on his face.

"Ah, young lady, how may I be of service this fine day?" suddenly he squinted his eyes looking straight at her, for a second he didn't do anything, but suddenly he dropped to one knee "you highness, please forgive me I did not know that you were of royal blood."

Waving her hand, Eleanor went slightly pink in the face "No, no, no you must not apologize. But, em could you please answer a question I have?"

"But of course your highness, what may I do for you?" he asked, still looking at his boots.

"Do you know, where I can find Helena Ravenclaw?" her eyes still fixated on the man in front of her.

"But of course, she usually stays in the small courtyard," he said climbing on the horse standing next to him. "Allow me your highness and I shall escort you to her."

Only a few minutes later they arrived at the courtyard Sir Henry mentioned, during the way there the old knight kept up a lively conversation, but he also told her that Helena, or as they called her now the grey lady, was known for her sad persona.

Saying her farewells to Sir Henry, she asked Professor Babbling to wait at the entrance and so she entered.

The whole yard felt dark and dreary even though it was the middle of the day.

Walking out towards the fountain in the middle, she called out " Hello? Helena? Helena?"

Then a female voice echoed out from behind Eleanor "Who goes there?".

Turning around, she saw a tall lady with black hair in a flowing gown and a stab wound in her abdomen. She was just floating there, in one of the corners of the yard.

When Eleanor saw her, tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Helena?" it barely came out as a whisper, but it was clearly heard by the ghost.

Helena's eyes widened "Eleanor, h-how." she stuttered over her words.

Eleanor's legs grew week, as she dropped to her knees still gazing up at her now-dead sister.

"Eleanor" Helena shouted as she rushed forward trying to hug her, but passing straight through her brought her back to reality, she would never be able to hug her sister again. Swooping back in front of her, she glided down as to look Eleanor in her eyes.

"I-I'm so glad you're alive, w-what happened to you, mother wouldn't tell anything. I-I'm j-just so so glad you here and alive." she stuttered out in-between sobs.

"Oh, Helena I'm so sorry I left you. I didn't want to but mother, she was so worried and made a stupid decision. I was put to sleep just before, before m-mother and f-father died and woke up a few days ago.

I'm so scared, everybody's gone I-I feel so alone. You won't leave me, will you, please I-I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't do this please Helena." Eleanor dissolved into tears.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet sister I won't leave you. I'll always be here if you need me. I promise you this on my soul. I just wish I could hold you one last time." Helena said as tears streamed from her eyes. "Tell me what happened to you?"

"Well you see," and so Eleanor told her what had happened to her. It took some time to retell the tale. So after about half an hour, she was done "and now I'm learning English and history from him."

"I'm so sorry, I should have known, I should have been there for you" Helena grit her teeth "Why? You didn't need to turn into, this." a sudden look of realization hit her, as her eyes widened. "Did they know? Of course they did? Why didn't they tell me?"

"Helena" a soft voice reached the ghost's ears. Looking up she saw a soft smile on Eleanor's face. "Don't worry about me, you will only drown yourself in in dark thoughts of the past. Look to the future, I understand how lonely you must have felt and I am sorry for leaving you." pausing for a moment Eleanor looked down at Helena's abdomen. Rage filled her as she saw the bloody wound in her sister's gut "Who did his to you?"

Taking a deep breath Helena exhaled "They are no longer among the living".

"That was not my question," Eleanor said gritting her teeth.

"He is now known as the bloody baron, but you will know him as Charles Ertwick, my betrothed. He," she paused for a second " had quite the short temper. I never forgave him. Until now, because if I hadn't become a ghost, you would be all alone in this world. I believe he truly loved me, because after he killed me he couldn't bear the guilt and pain he felt losing me, by his own hands no less so he killed himself with the same knife he used on me and as a last way to show me how much he loved me he became a ghost, like me." she chuckled slightly "As to never find salvation, to be here while at the same time not being able to interact with anything. It is a most terrible fate."

The two of them talked till it was getting dark and Eleanor had to go back to Dumbledores office.

There was another memory she liked quite a bit. It was one late evening when Eleanor and Professor Mcgonigal were traveling back to Dumbledore's office. Walking down one of the corridors they ran into five second-year Gryffindors there were three boys and two girls in their group.

Eleanor quickly hid behind Professor McGonagall's robes when she saw them. The stern Professor razed an eyebrow at this but didn't say anything.

As soon as the students saw Professor McGonigal they stopped in their tracks.

"Good evening Professor," said a boy with ginger hair and freckles.

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley, I've wanted to introduce you to someone for some time. As a member of the most ancient and noble house of Weasley, it is better to form positive relations with other noble houses especially during your time at Hogwarts and therefore I would like you, to introduce yourself to someone." Taking a deep breath Professor McGonagall continued "My Lady could you come out here for a moment, I would like to introduce you to someone."

From behind the Professor, Eleanor scoured forward.

As soon a the boys in the group saw her they were star-struck she was cute. Remembering the proper etiquette his father had taught him the ginger boy bowed "It is pleasure meeting you, my Lady, I am Charles Weasley second in line to the most ancient and noble house of Weasley."

Curtsying Eleanor said in a beautiful voice "It is pleasure meeting you as well my Lord I am Eleanor Black heiress to the most ancient and noble house of Black."

Eleanor and Dumbledore had a lengthy conversation about her heritage, through which they found out that she was not only heiress to the Pendragon house but also to house Black and Slytherin.

Usually, this was not possible, but on his deathbed, her father used his Title of King and made her the direct heiress of all family lines she was part of. The family magic of the three houses she was now heiress of recognized him as King and made it so that when she accepted being heiress and later Lady of said houses it would automatically recognize her and only her. No other whether male nor female could counter her claim. So wanting to protect her true identity, they used one of her other surnames namely Black.

When Charlie heard her family name he scowled, he knew who the Blacks were and who they supported in the last war his father had told him all about it.

Seeing the expression on his face Eleanor shrunk back, for her this was one of the few times she had ever talked to someone of her own age and all the times she had were with family members. "Mr. Weasley I would ask you to refrain from looking at her in that way. Just because she is a Black does not mean that she supports pureblood supremacy." Professor McGonagall said sternly.

The scowl instantly vanished from his face as he heard what she said, internally he chastised himself for being so narrow-minded. The Professor was strictly against pureblood supremacy so if the girl was one Professor McGonagall wouldn't have treated her so kindly. What he found strange though is how respectful she was to this girl. He had noticed that she didn't treat the heirs differently than the other kids, so why her.

Putting it to the back of his mind, Charlie Weasley turned his gaze back onto the girl the more he looked at her the more attracted to her he was. Giving himself a mental slap on the wrist, he reminded himself of how young she was. Looking at her eyes he noticed that one looked like a diamond while the other looked like a ruby they were fascinating. His thoughts were interrupted by a cough from Professor McGonagall. Just noticing that he was staring he quickly looked away blushing.

"Well we better be going, Lady Eleanor if you would join me." nodding Eleanor strode after Professor McGonagall.

"My Lady, Please wait" Charlie called after them. Eleanor turned and looked him straight in the eyes.


Taking a deep breath he asked, "Would you like to join us for dinner or if you are not free then some time this week?"

She stayed silent for a couple of seconds till she answered "I shall see if I have the time for it."

Turning back she walked down the long corridor.