
Harry Potter and The Alchemist list

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HKQuickSword · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


In the evening, during mealtime, Charlie sat next to Albert, eating and talking to him about the rules of the Quidditch game. He also suggested that if Albert had time, he should read "Quidditch through the ages".

"How long is the longest game at Hogwarts?" Albert asked curiously. If the Quidditch game was only finished after catching the Snitch, what would happen if the snitch went missing?

"It's said to have been three days." Cha ideally said, "In the end, there was no Golden Snitch, so the game ended early and the side with the most points won the game."

While they were chatting about Quidditch, a sudden voice interrupted their conversation.

"Albert, Professor McGonagall asked me to give this to you." Angelina handed Albert a folded parchment.

"Thank you, Angelina." Albert took the parchment and opened it.

"At 7 pm on Thursday, the sixth floor of the castle, classroom 21, keep in mind Gamp's basic law of transfiguration.

"What's this?" Fred, who was eating a potato with a peel, dropped his fork and moved his head.

"Professor McGonagall's notice, the time and place of the next Transfiguration Club meeting." Albert didn't intend to hide it, and passed the parchment to Fred directly.

The twins and Lee immediately rushed to read the contents of the parchment.

"Transfiguration Club, what is that?" Charlie stopped talking suddenly and looked at Albert suspiciously.

"A club formed by Professor McGonagall," Albert explained.

"Keep in mind Gamp's..., what does Gamp's basic law of transfiguration?" George asked a little puzzled.

"It's probably the password to enter the classroom." Albert thought for a while and said.

"Sorry Charlie, if the Quidditch training clashes with the activity schedule of the Transfiguration Club, I'm afraid I will put the Transfiguration Club first."

"Oh, I almost forgot. This is in the afternoon, right." Lee suddenly put things together. The twins next to each other looked at each other too, they also understood what Albert's words meant.

All four of them could see that Charlie wanted to train Albert as a chaser or seeker, but it was over before it even started.

Few people knew that Albert had no plans to join the Quidditch team at all. For him, flying on a broomstick was a kind of enjoyment. Quidditch games might be interesting, but Albert didn't want to conduct strict Quidditch training, let alone become a Quidditch player.

As for joining a Quidditch team after graduation, he never thought of it.

Charlie felt a little stunned. What about Albert being Gryffindor's secret weapon?

Charlie slipped away silently.

"Charlie wants to win another Quidditch trophy for Gryffindor before he leaves." Fred looked at Charlie's departure and shook his head.

After the meal, the four returned to Gryffindor's common room, where people were everywhere. The multitude of noises made Albert feel that his head was about to explode.

It was just the beginning of the year, and the Gryffindors had not yet eased from the summer vacation. However, after they start getting a lot of homework, they would not have the mind and energy to play around there.

"Let's go to the great hall." Albert thought for a while, and figured it would be better to take the book to the great hall to read, and, if he was finished or bored, take time to practice magic.

The great hall was much less crowded, and Albert found himself a quiet place.

After Shanna, who was sitting at the entrance of the great hall, noticed Albert, she walked to his side and began to practice the Lumos spell.

When Albert saw her trying several times, but failing in using the lighting spell, he reminded her, "You should have confidence in yourself and focus. When you cast a spell, imagine that your wand will glow. "

Shanna's face flushed slightly and she tried it, but she still failed.

"Your mentality is wrong. This will affect your success rate for casting spells. If you keep thinking that you are not good enough, your chance of failure will increase by at least three levels." Albert pointed to the small box next to him, "Would you like to have some? Don't worry, these are chocolate beans."

"How do you know?" Shanna ate a few chocolate beans and couldn't help but ask, "I mean how do you know these are helpful for successful spellcasting?"

"Would you believe me if I said I guessed?" Albert asked with a smile.


"Well, it's a conclusion drawn from my multiple failures in transfiguration." Albert did not lie. Half of what he said was true. "The emotions of the wizards will affect their spells."

"I'll try again." Shanna felt that the chocolate beans in her mouth were a little sweet. She took a deep breath, and after a few more attempts, she finally succeeded in lighting up her wand and her face was full of smiles.

However, the light on Shanna's wand soon went out again.

"You need to concentrate, and you need a lot of practice. You will succeed with practice." Albert comforted.

"I thought you would go to the library." Lee sat down next to Albert. He looked suspiciously at Shanna who was practising the Lumos spell, and asked, "Am I bothering you?"

"Where are the twins?"

"I don't know." Seeing Shanna practising the Lumos spell, Lee also took out his wand to practice. His Lumos spell was still not good enough.

"What's the mistake I'm doing?"

"Probably your attention is not focused enough!"

Lee was a little depressed but still began to concentrate on practising. Although there was still time for the next charms class, there was no harm in mastering the charm early on.

At about eight o'clock, Lee's Lumos charm was stable.

Of course, that was the situation whn he focused his attention on the wand. Although Shanna's progress was slower, the effect was still good.

It turned out that as long as one practiced hard, most spells were not too difficult to master.

"Where have you been?"

At about eight-thirty, the twins finally appeared in the great hall, neither of them looking pretty.

"Filch just took away most of our dung bombs," Fred said through gritted teeth.

"What's the matter?" Albert looked at the two suspiciously and asked, "Did you get caught while throwing a dung bomb?"

"The thing is like this..." George, who was fairly calm in his head, told the general story again.

The two of them were pranked by Peeves, so they went back to the dormitory to get a big dung bomb to get rid of Peeves, but before they were about to take action, they ware caught by Filch and he confiscated most of the dung bombs.

Filch said that they were prohibited items, so he confiscated the big dung bomb they were preparing to deal with Peeves.

The twins' noses were almost crooked.

Albert felt speechless for a while after listening to the two of them.