
Harry Potter and Great Old One

follow Achille story into the world of magic. This world is not as simple as it appears on the surface. Great dangers lurk in the darkness, waiting for the slightest breach to slip through. ------------------------------------------------------------ this world is more powerful than the original. . Feel free to criticize. no harem. no system. --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: All rights except my oc's belong to J.K Rowling

Snorr_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

chapter 8: a dog?

It had been a week since Emmy announced she was moving, and Achilles had just come back from her house for their last day together and said goodbye. Achilles was with his parents in front of their house at night when they noticed something strange. The environment was strangely silent, as if even the wind had stopped blowing. The silence was so thick that they could hear their own breaths echoing in the stillness.

Achilles looked around, feeling a chill run down his spine. He had never experienced anything like this before. Ellise look at him with concern, and Luc placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. They can all sense that something was off.

They stood there, trying to make sense of the eerie silence, they suddenly heard a faint the sound of cracking twig in the distance. The sound grew louder and louder until it was almost close, and they realized that it was coming from the forest.

Luc whispered for them to stay calm and watchful, and they all moved towards the edge of the forest to get a better look. In the darkness, they could barely make out the shapes of trees and bushes, but they could see something moving towards them.

The figure drew closer, eyes adjusted to the darkness, they could see the details of the beast in front of them. It was a massive black wolf. Standing at least three feet tall at the shoulder. Its fur was jet black, gleaming in the moonlight like polished obsidian. Every muscle in its body was visible, rippling with power as it stood there, staring at Achilles with intense, golden eyes that seemed to pierce his soul. Its teeth were long and sharp, and its breath was hot and steamy in the cold night air. It was a creature of power and grace, and its mere presence exuded an aura of danger and wildness that made Achilles's heart race.

He felt a bolt of fear run through him, but he also felt a strange sense of familiarity with the animal. He had never seen a creature like this before, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at its presence.

Achilles noticed that the black wolf was injured, with a deep gash on his hind leg that miraculously the blood does not flow on the ground. The fur around the wound was matted and dark with blood. Despite the injury, the wolf held his head high and his eyes glinted with intelligence and intensity. There was something about the wolf that commanded respect and awe, as if he was not just any ordinary animal.

Now that he has become calmer he can see a puppy in the mouth of the wolf. Its fur was a soft, sandy black but with burgundy red highlights, he knew it wasn't blood but his fur, and it look at him with curious, wide eyes. Achilles felt a pang of sympathy for the animal, and he realized that the wolf must have been protecting the little pup. he did not know why, but he had the feeling that the wolf would not hurt him. He slowly stepped forward, keeping his hands outstretched in a non-threatening gesture. The wolf didn't move, but its eyes followed Achilles' every move.

He stepped forward towards the wolf, his parents tried to pull him back, their instincts warning them of the danger. But Achilles was not afraid. He could sense that the wolf was not aggressive, and he felt a strange connection with the animal.

Luc: "Achilles, what are you doing? It's dangerous! Get back here!"

Ellise: "He's right, Achille. You don't know what that thing is capable of."

Achilles: "But he's not attacking us. Look, he's injured and he's holding a puppy in his mouth. We have to help him."

Luc: "We don't even know what kind of creature that is."

Achilles: "No! We can't just leave him here. He needs our help. Please, let me try."

Luc and Ellise exchanged a bewildered look, trying to make sense of the situation. They had never encountered anything like this before. Despite their initial fear, they too began to sense that the wolf wasn't going to harm them. It was almost as if there was a strange understanding between Achilles and the beast.

Luc turned to Ellise,

"Do you see what I see?"

Ellise nodded in agreement,

"I don't understand it, but there's something about that wolf that makes me believe it won't hurt us."

Achilles, who was now inches away from the wolf, was examining the creature more closely.

He could see that the wolf was badly injured. Its black fur was matted with blood, and there were deep cuts all over its body. Despite the wolf's fierce appearance, Achilles could sense its pain and vulnerability.

He knew that he couldn't leave the animal like this. Without a second thought, he reached out and gently stroked the wolf's head, feeling the soft fur under his fingertips. To his surprise, the wolf didn't react aggressively, but instead closed its eyes and let out a low, rumbling growl of contentment.

It suddenly lowered its head and gently placed the puppy on the ground at Achilles' feet. The puppy was small and furry, with bright blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim light. Achilles couldn't help but feel a surge of compassion for the little creature.

He knelt down and picked up the puppy, holding it close to his chest. It was warm and soft, and its little body trembled with fear. Achilles could feel the wolf's eyes on him, but he didn't feel threatened anymore.

Luc and Ellise watched in amazement as their son interacted with the animal. They had never seen anything like this before. They were proud of Achilles for his bravery, but they were also worried for his safety.

"Be careful, Achilles," Luc warned, his voice low and tense.

"We don't know what this creature is capable of."

But Achilles only smiled and looked up at his parents, a sense of wonder and excitement in his eyes. He had never felt so alive.

The wolf growled and turned towards the forest, Achilles could feel a surge of energy passing through him, almost as if the wolf's magic was transferring to him. He felt a rush of emotions that weren't his own, but those of the wolf - fear, anger, and pain. It was an intense experience, and Achilles wasn't sure how to react. He could feel his own magic stirring within him, almost in response to the wolf's.

The wolf's eyes locked onto Achilles', and there was a moment of intense connection between them. Achilles could feel the wolf's consciousness reaching out to him, almost as if it was trying to communicate something. It was a strange sensation, and Achilles nodded, and understanding the wolf's message

The wolf communicated its feelings and intentions to Achilles, he also sensed a burst of magic emanating from the wolf. The forest floor beneath the wolf's paws seemed to shimmer and ripple, as if the wolf had just erased its tracks with a wave of magic.

Achilles was astonished. He had never seen anything like it before. It was one thing to know that magic existed, but to see it in action by other was another matter entirely.

The wolf turned its head once more towards the forest, then back at Achilles, before taking a few steps back and disappearing into the darkness.

Achilles and his parents watched in awe as the giant black wolf disappeared into the forest, leaving them alone with the puppy. They were still processing what had just happened, trying to make sense of the impossible.

Achilles couldn't shake the feeling of the wolf's magic coursing through him. He knew that he had to learn more about his own magical abilities and how to control them. The encounter with the wolf had only strengthened his resolve to explore this new world that had been revealed to him.

"We have to protect this puppy," Achilles said firmly, looking at his parents.

"The wolf entrusted us with its safety."

Luc and Ellise nodded, still speechless, and Achilles held the puppy close, feeling a deep sense of responsibility wash over him.

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