
Harry Potter and Adventures of Ashborn

This is Harry potter fanfic harry Potter does not belong to me this is an AU English is not my native language well if I forgot anything then I will add in the future

Krom_Krumps · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Train Ride 2 ( Bonus chapter)

Harry Potter pov

Today was the most exciting day of my life, I was on my of becoming a wizard, I never knew I was something magical. it was just some weeks ago when I found out that my parents were wizards and they died while protecting me from Voldemort. I was sad and also proud of them, but I was also angry that my uncle and aunt lied about how they died in a car crash.

talking about my uncle and aunt, I am really happy that I don't have to live with them anymore, it was torture.

finding platform number 9 1/2 was hard but there was this red-haired lady who helped me

when I reached the platform I was marvelled about the site, the train itself looked magical it was like even the air was magical like I was in a different world altogether

everyone student was wearing robes and saying goodbye to their family

it made me a little sad but not for long, I will be sure to make many friends

I then walked inside the train with my trunk and Hedwig's cage looking for an empty compartment and I found one, in the end, I went in and sat down looking outside when someone knocked on the door and peeked inside

was he with that nice redhead lady I reckoned

"Can I sit here all the compartments are already full"

"yeah why not come in "

"ahh sure "

I helped him set his luggage and sat down

"I am Ronald Weasley you can call me, Ron, "he said

"oh I am Harry, Harry Potter"

"what you are, The Harry Potter, you killed Voldemort when you were a baby"

"Did I"

"and you are very famous as well, there are so many books about you "

"Really? am I famous "

"yeah didn't you know "

"no, I didn't "

"so do you have that you know, the .. the mark"


I showed him the scar on my forehead

and he was fascinated by it and then from the half-opened door which Ron did not close properly, someone knocked and looked inside

"Can I sit here "


I looked at them while asking this

"yes come in," Harry said

while the redhead just nodded

I went inside, closed the door and sat down with Harry looking at him or more specifically his scar

"hmm does that hurt "

"oh it doesn't "

so how was your with Dumbledore

"Dumbledore, I did not live with him, I was living with my aunt and uncle "

I was stunned, mom and dad had written that he was staying with Dumbledore then how did he and now looking at him closely he looked samller than a usual 11 years old and looked malnourished.

does that mean .... he lied huh but why

"don't worry brother now that I am here, you are with me "

I said looking at him

"what does it mean by brother ??"

he asked looking surprised and the redhead also looked surprised

"well you are Harry Potter right "

"yeaaaaah "

"so... you know you were almost adopted by my parents but Dumbledore said that he would take care of you "

he was showing many emotions on his face, astonishment, shock, and sadness."l

"then why did you not look for me "

"hmm, a good question but the thing is since last year I didn't even know about you, there was a letter that said about it and also my parents have been missing for 7 years now."


"but don't worry, I will take care of you like a good big brother "

"Ohh yeah I am Arthur Ashborn, and nice to meet you "

oooooh the redhead had his face open

"what," I said looking at me him

he closed his mouth and said " no it's just your house is famous you know"

"how famous exactly," Harry asked

"well you know the Ashborns are rich and they are a very old family even more old than Hogwarts and they had many famous and powerful magicians in their family "


Harry had an enlightened look while I was a little smug

"I am Ronald Weasley by the way "

"Weasley huh "

"what you don't like it," he asked harshly

"no, it's not that it's just your family is also one of the sacred 28 you know"

"Ohh like that huh "

and we started talking among us

I got bored after a while and started reading a book

a while later the door of our compartment opened and someone came inside and said

"so it's true Harry Potter is attending Hogwarts this year. these are Crabb and Goyle and I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy "

Ronald snickered hearing his name

"What are you laughing about, I don't even need to ask your name, red-haired, hand-me-down robes, you must be a Weasley"

he said and turned to Harry

"you must know some families are better than others and you don't wanna make friends with the wrong sorts, now do you, Potter"

Draco said while taking his hands out for a handshake

but harry rejected him and said

"I think I can identify the wrong sorts myself "

Draco just looked astonished and angry, well he must be, not shaking hands is not polite you know

"now now Harry don't be like that shaking hands in the wizarding community is one the basic eloquence"

I said taking his and shaking it with Malfoy's

"And now you cousin would you like to sit with us and have a nice chat with me "

"no, it's good "

he said and went out

"Woah "Ronald looked at me like I was his superhero

"you talked with a Malfoy like that "

"yeah I did "

"And what was that about cousins "

"well our mothers are sisters you know, so a cousin "


and with some chats here and there time passed and now we were talking about magical creatures

"I have an owl Hagrid got me one her name is Hedwig "

he said pointing at the white owl sitting on his shoulders

"Woah an owl, I have a rat here, he was Percy's but mother got him an owl now that he is perfect, so this rat is with me now."

he said while taking out his mouse and it had a finger missing and it was looking at Harry intently, is that normal ??

'papa mouse not like '

Zoe said from my head while raven was surprisingly sleeping, huh that's rare

"well would you guys like to see magic Fred thought me a spell "

"yeah sure, " I said

just then our compartment's door opened abruptly and someone came in

well that's rude

"Have you seen a toad Neville lost his "

"no, we did not" I replied

"Ohh are you doing magic let's see....."


author pov

well so Loona had the most votes till now and Hermione is right behind

so if you wanna vote then please do you guys have time till the 2nd-year arc

Don't forget to comment

and try to drop a stone while you are at it

and.....good day

over and out